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Investigation opened after the attack on a Catholic procession last weekend


An investigation was opened Monday after a Catholic procession in tribute to the clergymen killed during the Commune was attacked on ...

An investigation was opened Monday after a Catholic procession in tribute to the clergymen killed during the Commune was taken to task last weekend, the Paris prosecutor's office said Friday, June 4.

This investigation was opened in particular for "

voluntary violence

", according to the prosecution, confirming information from



To read also: Monsignor Aupetit: the indignation of the Archbishop of Paris after the aggression of Catholics in the middle of the street

This violence occurred against a Catholic procession organized on Saturday, May 29 by the diocese of Paris in the east of the capital in homage to the ecclesiastics executed 150 years ago during the Paris Commune, Stéphane Mayor explained to AFP. , pastor of the parish of Notre-Dame des Otages who took part in it. "

A group threw insults at us 'down with Versaillais', uttered death threats and then threw projectiles,

" he said, deploring two wounded.

The Archbishop of Paris Michel Aupetit and Stéphane Mayor "

filed a complaint against X on Friday with the public prosecutor of Paris

" for "the

offense of obstructing freedom of expression and demonstration

" and "

offense against freedom of worship,

”the diocese of Paris told AFP. According to Mgr Aupetit, it is about "


" whose "

blind violence (...) is absolutely unacceptable in a state of law

", he lamented in a forum in Le Figaro this week.

According to a police source, "

it was a small group which had just dispersed at the end of the Communards



", on the wall of the Federates in the Père Lachaise cemetery. From the same source, “

the police quickly intervened to put an end to this attack. A protester was hospitalized in relative urgency

”. A version disputed by the archbishop, according to which the safety of this procession was "

not the priority

" of the prefecture that day, with only two police officers on the spot. This initiative wanted to be "


" and not militant "he had also assured, just like other demonstrations planned the preceding days.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-06-04

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