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Frankenstein in the Holy Land


Israel teaches a lesson in civilized and pactist politics just days after the Gaza war and ethnic unrest between Arabs and Jews

Naftali Bennett, left, and Yair Lapid, on June 3 DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press

Unfortunately, the ingenious inventor of

the Frankenstein government

is no longer among us

, an excellent idea to describe the dangerousness of a political construction armed with heterogeneous and often incompatible members taken from different bodies.

If Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba's idea had surpassed its popularity in Spain and had expanded internationally, it is likely that Benjamin Netanyahu would also have adopted it as a dialectical weapon to stay in government.

And rightly so.

The distance between several of the eight political formations that have signed a Government agreement in Israel this past Wednesday, 20 minutes before the deadline to call new elections, the fifth in two years, is greater than there may be. between any formation of the Spanish Parliament or of the regional Parliaments, including the Catalan one.

Three right-wing and ultras, two centrists, two left and even an Islamist Arab have preferred to put down their infinite differences and grudges to kick Netanyahu, 15 years in power, 12 of them in a row, and now on trial for corruption.

More information

  • Netanyahu tries to sabotage the formation of the new alternative government

In the cabinet that is being prepared there will be everything: supporters of a single state with equal rights for Arabs and Jews, and supporters of a Palestinian state; promoters of the illegal occupations in Jerusalem and the West Bank and defenders of the return and recovery of property of all Palestinians in the diaspora; Islamist fundamentalists and friends of the Jewish theocracy. But all obstacles will be parked to favor a government that deals with the pacification of the spirits after the war in Gaza and the recovery of the post-pandemic economy.

The negotiation of the agreement has already paid off.

Naftali Bennett, the ultra-nationalist leader, has said of Mansur Abbas, the Islamist leader, that he is "a decent person" and "a brave leader."

There can be no political consensus or pacts without respect and appreciation between people.

If it is constituted, this will be a Government without red lines, built with votes and not with vetoes.

It will be the fruit of a strange paradox.

Israel now imparts this lesson in practical and civilized politics just 15 days after terrorizing the world with an exchange of deadly rockets and missiles between Hamas and its military, as well as the outbreak of ethnic clashes between Israeli Jews and Arabs.

I suspect that Rubalcaba would be openly in favor of Frankenstein on this occasion.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2021-06-06

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