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Villeurbanne: a child dies after ingesting drugs


The parents of the 11-year-old boy have been taken into police custody. Saturday, June 5, an 11-year-old boy died in hospital, where he had been taken the day before after ingesting narcotics, according to our colleagues from Progress . It seems that the child used hard drugs in a squat located in Villeurbanne and bringing together nationals from the East. He was taken to hospital on Friday morning in critical condition. Read also: Rennes: the gates of a school cover

Saturday, June 5, an 11-year-old boy died in hospital, where he had been taken the day before after ingesting narcotics, according to our colleagues from



It seems that the child used hard drugs in a squat located in Villeurbanne and bringing together nationals from the East.

He was taken to hospital on Friday morning in critical condition.

Read also: Rennes: the gates of a school covered with tarpaulins to prevent children from being confronted with drug trafficking

The Lyon public prosecutor's office informed


that an investigation had been opened in this case for "drug trafficking and administration of harmful substances resulting in death without intention of giving it". As part of these investigations, carried out by the departmental security, the parents of the deceased child were placed in police custody.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-06-07

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