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Covid-19: an Alsatian MP targeted by a complaint from a group of doctors


Martine Wonner is accused by the FakeMed collective of regularly relaying false information around the coronavirus.


Madame @MartineWonner, we will give you an appointment in the disciplinary chamber of first instance


Tuesday, June 1, the collective of doctors FakeMed directly addressed the deputy of Bas-Rhin Martine Wonner (ex-LREM, member of the Freedom and Territories group at the National Assembly) against whom he lodged a complaint the following day with the Order of Physicians.

FakeMed accuses the elected official of feeding medical disinformation by relaying false allegations on Covid-19.

Martine Wonner, psychiatrist, has notably taken a public position against messenger RNA vaccines, the wearing of masks and anti-Covid treatments.

Read also: The Covid, gateway to all false beliefs in health

Elected in 2017, Martine Wonner was excluded in 2020 from the LREM group after opposing confinement. The elected official brought serious accusations against caregivers during a rally in Marseille on May 22. Surrounded by hundreds of supporters, the deputy assured that "the

elderly were completed, murdered, alone, with rivotril

", a drug used in palliative care, during the first wave. "

And this is totally unforgivable, and this is called a" crime against humanity "



she added.

The FakeMed collective reacted strongly to his statements on Twitter.

We fight every day against false health information, when a colleague repeatedly flouts the rules of the code of ethics.

Let’s not let this happen any longer.

“Asked by

Le Figaro

, Cyril Vidal, president of this collective, explained the reasons for their indignation.

When you are a caregiver and registered with the Council of the Order, it is unacceptable to make comments that are not based on any reliable health data.

Martine Wonner speaks as a doctor which gives her speech some credit.

She also uses her place as a parliamentarian to afford a platform by speaking before the Assembly.


"Scientifically unfounded" remarks

Since the onset of the health crisis, Martine Wonner has "

repeatedly flouted the code of ethics

", maintains the president of the FakeMed collective.

According to him, his scientific remarks are unfounded: "

What is shocking, for example, is the provision to the general public and health professionals of a" protocol ", supposed to prevent Covid-19 through substances, such as essential oils or hydroxychloroquine.

However, their effectiveness is not proven against the disease.

The Order of Physicians had also warned in February 2021 against this scientifically unfounded protocol, which the MP has promoted on several occasions.

Read also: Martine Wonner, a shrink on all fronts

Founder of another medical collective called "

Let the doctors prescribe



Martine Wonner advises on her site other treatments, such as sophrology, zinc, vitamin C and D, homeopathy, ivermectin, in order to fight against the virus.

"The only vaccine that works is that of the Chinese"

In April 2021, in Brittany, the elected representative attacked messenger RNA vaccines, during a gathering without a mask in Quimperlé (Finistère).

She called these vaccines "

a species of genetically modified junk

", launching that "

the only vaccine that works is that of the Chinese, because it is a normal vaccine, with attenuated virus

", in videos broadcast on social networks.

Previously, in October 2020, Martine Wonner also said during a speech to the Assembly that “

the mask is absolutely useless.

She cited the American Center for Disease Control as a source.


The CDC, which is the equivalent of our Scientific Council and the High Authority for Health together, has just taken measures to explain that the virus circulates by hand-handling, and that it has never been proven to be air,

”she argued.

This information was denied by the American authority.

To read also: Within LREM, the solitary fight of the deputy Martine Wonner

For the president of the FakeMed collective, “

the Order of Physicians must absolutely react to these practitioners who disseminate false medical information. The Covid pandemic was accompanied by an equally worrying infodemic. Martine Wonner should be called to order, but also all the caregivers who drift away, so that the medical world is not further discredited.


Contacted by

Le Figaro

, Martine Wonner did not respond to our requests. In a statement, his lawyer, Maître Carlo Alberto Brusa, denounced “

attacks and threats of particular gravity.

"He considers that" it

does not appear in any way that the deputy Martine Wonner made remarks against the medical staff and caregivers.


Questioned by



, Me Carlo Alberto Brusa considers that the complaint of the FakeMed collective is not admissible. “

Martine Wonner is the subject of defamatory, abusive and even slanderous attacks. This denigration of which she is the object is scandalous. I will defend Mrs. Wonner in the strongest way, with liability

claims, warns the lawyer.

These doctors who criticize it, set themselves up as givers of lessons, princes of truth, kings of the dictatorship of the single thought, will be sent back to their dear studies

”. Present during Madame Wonner's speech in Marseille, Me Carlo Alberto Brusa assures us that his client has not accused caregivers of "

crime against Humanity."

For her lawyer, Martine Wonner always speaks as a member of the Republic, while bringing her credible knowledge as a doctor.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-06-08

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