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Jorge Lanata returned and denounced a controversial purchase by the State of a Juan Grabois cooperative


The journalist revealed that the Ministry of Social Development bought potatoes for five times more expensive. He allocated $ 18,300,000 pesos when he could spend $ 3,000,000.

06/06/2021 10:36 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 06/06/2021 10:42 PM

On the return of Periodismo Para Todos - which this year celebrates ten years of its first edition - the journalist Jorge Lanata denounced more overpricing in the Ministry of Social Development in the purchase of food and irregularities in the delivery of PAMI subsidies to retirement centers that they would be local supporters of La Cámpora.

Lanata took advantage of his monologue to warn about

the striking irregularities in the ministry led by Daniel Arroyo In fact and the area of ​​the elderly that Luana Volnovich manages.

The Social Development area had already been involved in overpricing when the pandemic started and although there were resignations, layoffs and promises of greater controls, the mismanagement would continue, Lanata warned.

In the report, Lanata denounced that

Arroyo bought potatoes from a cooperative linked to Juan Grabois

with values ​​5 times more expensive than those obtained in the Central Market.

Through a direct contract,

he paid 18,300,000 pesos to the Unión de Productores Familiares cooperative that belongs to the Rural MTE

managed by Juan Grabois.

It was for the acquisition of 30.00 bags of 5 kilos of potatoes.

The organization quoted them at 610 pesos, about 122 per kilo.

According to official documents, the product should be "brushed potato in its natural state" which is known in greengrocers as black potato. 

The value that the cooperative bid is five times higher

than potatoes selling Central Wholesale Market.

According to

the official website of the Market it costs 20 pesos per kilo of potato.

And in the same Market they put as a suggested price for greengrocers, shops and supermarkets a value per kilo of 48 pesos that is even lower than that offered by the cooperative linked to Grabois.

"It's a choreo," a Central Market stall holder told PPT.

If prices had paid the amount allocated by

the Central Social Development would have been 3,000,000 pesos, about 15,000,000 least said Manu Jove, one of the chroniclers of Lanata who made the report.

The acquisition, according to official documents, was made through direct contracting, which avoids comparing prices with other bidders as if it were a tender. 

The cooperative is the same one that was involved in the seizure of the field by the former Minister of Agriculture during the macrismo, Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

Always as reported by PPT, the former minister's sister, Dolores, gave the land that generated the taking of the family farm in Entre Ríos to the cooperative that sold potatoes with alleged surcharges to Social Development.

The Ministry told the program that

the bags were actually seven kilos, which would reduce the value to 87 pesos per kilo of potato.

Even with this supposed drop in price, the value is much higher than that obtained in the Central Market and in most greengrocers and supermarkets.

On the PAMI he

denounced that the organism that Volnovich leads gave 100,000 pesos

to nine retirement centers (a total of 900,000 pesos) with the excuse of extra help due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The agreement was signed on February 1, according to official documents shown by Cecilia Boufflet, a PPT journalist.


the retirement centers are no longer such; some would even function as Basic Units of La Cámpora, according to PPT.

As they showed, the Center for retirees and pensioners "I come to propose a dream to you" on 4277 Sanabria Street is closed.

Today there is a private address.

Another case is that of the "Eduardo Galeano" retirement center on 2743 Benjamin Victoria street where there is now a La Cámpora store.

The same occurs in another center for pensioners located on Boedo street 1868 called "Milagros al Sur" where a local of the group that Maximo Kirchner leads operates. 

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-06-08

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