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Remarks by Mélenchon on Merah: a relative of victims denounces "a spit on the grave of his family"


Samuel Sandler lost a son and two grandsons under the bullets of Mohamed Merah in 2012. His lawyer threatens the leader of the Insoumis

An ultimatum.

Me Patrick Klugman, lawyer of a family decimated by Mohammed Merah, asked this Monday morning on France Info to Jean-Luc Mélenchon to “withdraw (the) remarks” which since Sunday raise the controversy.

The lawyer then explained on BFMTV that his client Samuel Sandler had taken this exit from the leader of rebellious France "like spitting on the grave of his family".

Samuel Sandler took Jean-Luc Mélenchon's words "like spit on his family's grave," says his lawyer

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) June 7, 2021

“You will see that in the last week of the presidential campaign, we will have a serious incident or a murder.

It was Merah in 2012, it was the attack last week on the Champs Elysées (in 2017), before we had Papy Voise whom no one has ever heard of after.

All that is written in advance, ”said Sunday at noon the leader of rebellious France on France Inter and France Info.

This way of explaining the past and predicting the future has a name: #complotism.

It is a detestable goodwill that is based on a simplistic and opportunistic way of thinking, which every responsible citizen must denounce.

#Melenchon #falseflag #Merah

- Licra (@_LICRA_) June 6, 2021

His relatives may have argued that Mélenchon questioned the political instrumentalisation of these events, they did not manage to calm the indignation.

"We cannot qualify an attack in this way, we cannot leave these words as they are on the part of a first-rate political leader," argued Me Klugman on France Info. “It is about seeing a political leader subscribe to conspiratorial theses which we know are wreaking havoc among young people, in already damaged consciences. If we leave these words unanswered, we let an attack pass for something else, that is to say a decision that would have been calculated, ”he criticized. His client, Samuel Sandler, "reacted extremely badly". He lost his son Jonathan, 30, and his two grandsons, Arié and Gabriel, 5 and 3, shot dead on March 19, 2012 by Mohammed Merah in front of the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), and since then fights for their memory.

Latifa Ibn Ziaten: these words "should not even be made"

By their ambiguity, "by their scope and their author", the words of Mélenchon, which are "of extraordinary gravity", estimated the lawyer and "if Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not withdraw them, we will denounce the prosecutor's office because of the dissemination of false news, because we fall within this legislative framework.

And I hope that the public prosecutor will be diligent enough so that, if necessary, Jean-Luc Mélenchon responds for his words before a court ”.

A few hours earlier, Latifa Ibn Ziaten also reacted: “I am the mother of Imad, a soldier who died standing in the face of obscurantism in March 2012. Respect is a minimum for the honor of my son, other victims and bereaved families ", recalled on Twitter this tireless preacher of peace, judging that the words" should not even be made ".

The words of Jean-Luc Melenchon are inadmissible and should not even be kept.

I am the mother of Imad, a soldier who died standing in the face of obscurantism in March 2012. Respect is a minimum for the honor of my son, other victims and bereaved families.

- Latifa Ibn Ziaten (@LatifaIbnZ) June 6, 2021

“On secularism, we have a very clear line.

We do not say like Mr. Mélenchon that the attacks would be the work of conspirators and that there would be a form of manipulation, ”argued, on RMC and BFMTV Marlène Schiappa.

The Minister in charge of Citizenship denounced remarks "shameful", which "lack respect to the families of the victims".

Likewise, still on BFM, the husband of Xavier Jugelé, this policeman killed on the Champs-Elysées in April 2017, denounced "inflammatory and thoughtless" remarks, which are not those of a head of state.

"Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not a conspirator"

“It's not the first time that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is overflowing.

At the very least, he must apologize to the victims.

It contributes to the degradation of political speech, ”reproached France Info Cédric O, the Secretary of State in charge of the digital transition.

"I am telling you that what he said is that the assassins choose their moment", defended Clémentine Autain, head of the rebellious France list in Ile-de-France for the regional ones.

"Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not a conspirator, it is the assassins that he targets in these moments, he is not saying that we must minimize what happened", he said. -she ardently asserted on CNews.

Clémentine Autain: "Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not a conspirator", in #LaMatinale

- CNEWS (@CNEWS) June 7, 2021

On Facebook, last night, the person denounced "a distressing buzz". "From a one hour show on France Inter and France Info, it is neither work accidents, nor feminicides, nor subsidies to religions, nor Biden, nor anything that emerges: just a good set-up from of a sentence, ”he accused. And to estimate that “when Le Pen recovers the emotion of a crime to make its propaganda, it is brilliant; when someone warns against this type of manipulation, it is because he is complicit with the murderers ”.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-06-08

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