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July 1 | British Hong Kong residents set off fireworks in a demonstration outside the Economic and Trade Office in London


The assassination of police in Hong Kong occurred on July 1 this year. An online video showed that in the United Kingdom on the same day, a group of demonstrators gathered at the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London and lit fireworks and smoke bombs in front of the gate. One of the young people wanted

Social News

Written by: Wei Jingquan

2021-07-05 00:57

Last update date: 2021-07-05 01:00

The assassination of police in Hong Kong occurred on July 1 this year. An online video showed that in the United Kingdom on the same day, a group of demonstrators gathered at the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London to light fireworks and smoke bombs in front of the gate. A lit firework was placed on the door of the office, and the London police officers present stepped forward to stop it and took the youth away. It is said that no arrest was made.

The Hong Kong government has not notified the incident for several days.

"Hong Kong 01" is making enquiries with the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau and the London Economic and Trade Office on the incident.

In the British and Hong Kong people organized 7.1 local demonstrations

On July 1st, British time, local Hong Kong people launched demonstrations and rallies in many places, including a "24-Year Rally for the CCP Destroying Hong Kong", which was organized by many British and Hong Kong residents, and called on London, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester and many other cities rallies. Among them, attendees at the London rally include former Hong Kong All-Chief Chairman Luo Guancong, and the founder of the speculation team Liu Zudi, as well as a video speech by the former Hong Kong Governor Patten.

Other organizations called for a rally outside the Chinese Embassy in London. The attendees included Benedict Rogers, the founder of Hong Kong Watch, and Zheng Wenjie, a former staff member of the British Consulate General in Hong Kong.

Police officers in London prevented a demonstrator from putting fireworks on the door of the Economic and Trade Office.

(Screenshot of online video)

Youth suspected of putting fireworks on the door of the Economic and Trade Office, London police began to stop

According to online footage, demonstrators gathered outside the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London at 18 Bedford Square. Some people lit fireworks and smoke bombs outside the door and placed them on the steps of the entrance, releasing yellow and black smoke. There was a fire, and there were police officers on guard at the time, but they did not stop. One of the officers even "righted" the falling firework.

The clip shows that a demonstrator wearing a jacket with the PolyU logo took up a lit firework and walked to the door. Suspected that he tried to put the firework on the door of the Economic and Trade Office, the police officers stopped him and took him farther. Location, it is unknown whether any further actions will be taken afterwards.

Allegedly, the London police did not arrest.

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-07-04

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