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Freddy Guevara: arrest the Venezuelan opponent


The opposition Freddy Guevara was arrested in Venezuela, accused of terrorism and an attack against the constitutional order, among other crimes.

Guaidó denounces attempted arrest in Venezuela 4:15

(CNN Spanish) -

The Venezuelan opponent Freddy Guevara was arrested this Monday by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), accused of "crimes of terrorism, attack against the constitutional order, conspiracy to commit a crime and treason". according to a statement from the Public Ministry of Venezuela.

Without indicating what evidence exists, the Prosecutor's Office says that Guevara is linked "to extremist and paramilitary groups associated with the Colombian government."

The text adds that two prosecutors have been assigned to the case.

Earlier, Guevara broadcast live on his social networks from a car where he indicated that they were about to stop him.

Capture of the video that the Venezuelan opponent Freddy Guevara broadcast live on his social networks.

The opponent said: "To the international community, make it very clear, well, that if we do not understand that with this type of regimes it is necessary to act with great forcefulness, this type of thing will continue to happen."

He added that he hoped it would be short.

CNN is trying to communicate with the press team of Guevara and opposition leader Juan Guaidó to obtain a reaction to the arrest.


It is not known at the moment where Guevara is being held.

CNN approached Helicoide, one of the SEBIN headquarters, but a National Police commissioner indicated that Guevara was not at the site.

Freddy Guevara's Twitter account revealed that his lawyers and his family "are taking the necessary steps to find out his whereabouts."

Before Guevara's arrest was confirmed by the Prosecutor's Office, Guaidó had denounced the siege of his own home and reported on Guevara's arrest.

Since then, the reactions of rejection to the fact began.

International calls for the release of Freddy Guevara

US Acting Undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Julie Chung condemned Guevara's arrest.

"We urge the international community to join us in condemning these acts and demanding the release of all those detained for political reasons," he wrote on Twitter.

Colombia also described the detention as arbitrary and demanded "guarantees for his life and immediate freedom."

On the other hand, José Miguel Vivanco, director for the Americas at Human Rights Watch, referred to the issue on his social media.

"I condemn the arbitrary detention of the opposition leader Freddy Guevara and the acts of intimidation against Juan Guaidó. Thus there are no credible elections. Maduro must immediately release Guevara if he expects the European Union delegation in Caracas to take them seriously," he said.

26 dead in Caracas after violent clashes 2:47

The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, accused Guevara and Guaidó on Saturday of being linked to acts of violence committed by criminal gangs in the southwest of the capital, which were the target of a security operation since Thursday.

CNN tries to get Guevara's position on the matter through his lawyers.

Guaidó responded to these accusations through his Twitter account, and assured that "what the regime intends to do with the case of Cota 905 is a repeated novel, one more show in which they are going to blame the democratic alternative."

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2021-07-13

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