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For Freising's JoHo high school graduates, there were a million dreams and a "sniff!"


There was praise from the mayor, the headmistress and the senior high school coordinator for the JoHo graduates on Friday. Praise and much more.

There was praise from the mayor, the headmistress and the senior high school coordinator for the JoHo graduates on Friday.

Praise and much more.


- “What's going on?

You will miss school. ”Parents' council chairman Doreen Leithold was certain of that when the JoHo high school graduates showed up in the gym on Friday afternoon to receive their school leaving certificates.

At the end of the student speech there was even a loud “sniff!” Into a handkerchief.

But there were also some not-so-laudable events.

It began with “A Million Dreams” by the teachers' choir - corona-compliant to see and hear as a video recording. The mayor's greeting followed: Tobias Eschenbacher congratulated - on the Abitur and the celebration: "You have done something great there." Working independently, showing solidarity, being willing to compromise - “a special year”. And while the virtual exchange may have been “really nice” at the beginning, in the long run you have probably seen that meetings live are nicer. “You have a million dreams to choose from. Pick one! "

Leithold's motto for her speech: “Today is a good day to be happy.” After months in a state of emergency and after a “weird Abitur”, the 2021 class now has every opportunity. Leithold recalled that “life takes place in life”. Now it is up to the youth how they want to shape their future, how important their climate, nature, values ​​or even democracy are.

High school coordinator Henning Arndt was greeted with jubilation: He was proud because no one with a cap on his head and everyone had come to this meeting on time. Some, said Arndt witty, had "taken it easy", others had seen their Abitur swim away with "only" 13 points. And Corona? A third was “hiding in the system”, a third got along well, and a third even benefited from it. And then Arndt addressed the trip to Berlin from which a video about night activities had been leaked to the teachers and the school management. The result: 40 pupils were banned from taking part in the study trip the following year. Luck in misfortune - and Arndt couldn't help but smile: "Then Corona came and the study trip was canceled entirely."

It was precisely this trip to Berlin that Gabriel Fakir addressed in his graduation speech - but only briefly. After all, there was that meeting of high school students on the skate park that was broken up by the police - including lots of "parking tickets". And then Fakir was at Corona: The difficult time was made easier by “exciting readings” like Goethe's “Faust”, he scoffed. Sometimes the virtual lessons started five minutes before the end of the class due to technical problems. Some also took a “nap” - officially complaining about a broken microphone. And then the Abitur 2021 - canceled and forbidden. Nevertheless, a “sniff!” In the end - mainly because of the upper school coordinators. After the speech by headmistress Susanna Räde with some good advice, the longed-for certificates were finally given.And at the very end another song with a symbolic title: “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns n'Roses, played by the Abiband.

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-07-16

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