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Afghanistan: Government Proposes Joint Management to Taliban Israel today


In light of the Taliban's continued advance over areas across Afghanistan, the government in Kabul is proposing a joint administration of the country in exchange for a ceasefire.

The AFP news agency quotes a "senior Afghan government official" taking part in negotiations in Qatar who claims that the Taliban has been offered a joint management plan against a ceasefire agreement in the wake of the US withdrawal from the country. 

The incident takes place around an international effort in Doha with representatives of China, the US, Russia and Pakistan. The round of talks is expected to last three days and includes envoys from the Afghan government and the Taliban.  

The Taliban flag hangs on the gate of the police headquarters of the province of Gazani,

On Thursday it was also reported that the fighters had taken control of the strategic town of Gazani which is located along the main road leading to the capital.

The county governor fled in exchange for a safe passage and transfer of control but was later arrested by authorities for "surrender without fighting."

As mentioned, the Taliban is increasing its grip and the general fall is now seen as an inevitable scenario, even officials in the Biden India administration have made this fact and warned on Wednesday that Kabul could fall within 90 days.

However, the U.S. president insisted that "Afghan leaders must work together, they must fight their own war, fight for their nation," Biden said Tuesday in a statement interpreted as a White House abandonment of Afghanistan.

In the last day, the organization's fighters seized three more capitals and a military base in the northeast of the country.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-08-12

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