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Afghanistan: the government would have proposed to the Taliban to share power against the end of the fighting


The government, supported by the United States, seems unable to stop the advance of the insurgents for a week.

The pressure was getting too much.

On the third and final day of peace talks in Qatar, the Afghan government offered the Taliban a power-sharing deal in exchange for ending violence in the country, a source in the Afghan government said Thursday.

“Yes, the government has submitted a proposal to Qatar as a mediator.

The proposal allows the Taliban to share power in exchange for stopping violence in the country, ”said the source participating in the talks in Doha, shortly after the Al Jazeera channel reported.

Diplomats and envoys from the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, China, Pakistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the United Nations, participate in the discussions initiated last September by Abdullah Abdullah, the president of the High Council for National Reconciliation.

10 regional capitals under the yoke of the Taliban

It remains to be seen whether the Taliban will accept the outstretched hand, they who have controlled ten regional capitals since Thursday morning and who have demonstrated, for a week, the weakness of the national security forces' counter-offensive.

Last month, the Taliban announced that they would release their peace plan in August. But the publication is slow. In recent times, the intermittent talks in Doha showed that the insurgents seemed certain of their victory, more than of their willingness to share. “The Taliban's statements in Doha do not resemble their actions in Badakhshan, Ghazni, Helmand and Kandahar,” said the charge d'affaires of the United States Embassy in Kabul, Ross Wilson, on Twitter. “Attempts to monopolize power through violence, fear and war will only lead to international isolation,” he warned.

The Taliban's statements in Doha do not resemble their actions in Badakhshan, Ghazni, Helmand & Kandahar.

Attempts to monopolize power through violence, fear, & war will only lead to international isolation.

- Chargé d'Affaires Ross Wilson (@USAmbKabul) August 12, 2021

Germany has announced that it will no longer provide financial support to Afghanistan if the Taliban seize power and introduce Sharia law, its foreign minister said.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-08-12

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