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The foreign domestic helper was diagnosed with blood drawn from the United States and air transported to Hong Kong's Boli Laboratory for antibody testing. The authorities urgently changed the need for local sampling


The foreign domestic helper with the mutant virus walked into the community. She took blood in the United States and sent the sample back to Hong Kong. The antibody was detected. The quarantine period was reduced to seven days. The Food and Health Bureau yesterday (14) said that it would not accept samples taken outside Hong Kong. blood

The foreign domestic helper with the mutant virus walked into the community. She took blood in the United States and sent the sample back to Hong Kong. The antibody was detected. The quarantine period was reduced to seven days. The Food and Health Bureau yesterday (14) said that it would not accept samples taken outside Hong Kong. Blood sample.

It is understood that the laboratory involved is the Baili Medical Laboratory. The Department of Health confirmed the news and revised the "refill" guidelines to specify that samples must be collected in Hong Kong, and testing should be carried out by an accredited medical laboratory.

Some people in the industry said that the laboratory may not know the source of the sample. It may be a Hong Kong doctor who is contacted by an overseas laboratory and then referred to a local laboratory by the doctor. They also think that the government's earlier guidelines are unclear and cause confusion.

The foreign domestic helper with the mutant virus walked into the community. She took blood in the United States and sent the sample back to Hong Kong to detect antibodies. The quarantine period was reduced to seven days.

(Profile picture)

Industry insiders: Or refer to Baili for testing by a doctor familiar with Hong Kong

The controversy stems from the 38-year-old maid (No. 12032) who took blood overseas and sent it back to Hong Kong for testing by a testing agency. This worries that the blood sample has a "top bag" loophole to reduce the quarantine period.

An industry insider who did not wish to be named disclosed that the Baili Medical Laboratory was the maid and received blood samples drawn from the maid in the United States for antibody testing.

However, the source also said that the laboratory may not know the source of the sample. "The overseas laboratory may send a doctor familiar with Hong Kong and refer it to a local laboratory. Therefore, the laboratory may not know that the sample is overseas."

▼A local medical institution approved by the government to do COVID-19 antibody testing▼

Baili charges 500 yuan, the original guidance of the Department of Health is unclear and is exploited

The person pointed out that Hong Kong will send samples overseas from time to time for testing, mainly for medical purposes, but the current antibody test can reduce quarantine days and has been raised to the policy level. The authorities believe that "you can't rely on a letter", so it is tightened. To the requirements of "Hong Kong Samples and Hong Kong Testing", the incident was not clearly stated before, and it is believed that similar situations will not occur again.

Boli provides antibody testing services. People can go to the company to collect blood samples, and the test results will be sent via email and SMS the next working day. The charge is about 500 yuan.

The Center for Health Protection stated that the foreign domestic helper returned to Hong Kong from the United States with his employer and his daughter. The person who lives with him has been listed as a close contact. Established medical laboratory testing.

The Food and Health Bureau stated yesterday that it is unacceptable to use overseas blood samples to reduce the quarantine period.

The number of quarantine days that have been vaccinated and antibody is reduced by two thirds

The government divides overseas areas into high, medium, and low risks. If people arriving in Hong Kong from medium-risk areas receive the new crown vaccine and have antibodies tested in Hong Kong, the quarantine period will be greatly reduced from the original 21 days to 7 days, that is, a three-point reduction Second, after leaving the hotel, you only need to monitor yourself for 7 more days and perform multiple tests, which is equivalent to "released in prison" earlier.

The United States, where more than one hundred thousand people have been diagnosed in recent days, is only classified as a medium-risk area. This controversy stems from the 38-year-old maid (No. 12032) who returned to Hong Kong from the United States on August 1. She had already been vaccinated earlier. , And even took blood in the United States and sent the sample back to Hong Kong for an antibody test and tested positive. They only need to be isolated for 7 days, after which they can move freely in the community.

However, on the 12th day after arriving in Hong Kong, the foreign domestic helper was tested for the new coronavirus on time, but it was found that the infection was even more with the L452R variant virus. It is reported that the sample has a CT value of 16.5, which means that the amount of the virus is very high and contagious.

The incident revealed that his blood samples were taken in the United States and sent back to Hong Kong for testing.

▼Boarding, quarantine and inspection arrangements for ABCD risk area before 8.9▼

▼From 8.9 boarding, quarantine and inspection arrangements in high, middle and low risk areas▼

New crown pneumonia丨Stanley foreign domestic helpers panic caused by the pandemic to avoid visiting supermarkets: they should be quarantined on the 28th. Stanley foreign domestic helpers who were infected with the virus and their family members went to the American clubs in the district to ban members from entering the surveillance period. The foreign domestic helpers were diagnosed in the United States. Send blood to Hong Kong for antibody test


Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-08-15

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