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Afghan athlete Nilofar Bayat: "Women in Afghanistan have no future, like 20 years ago"


'Hour 25' interviews Afghan athlete Nilofar Bayat, captain of the country's wheelchair basketball team

Nilofar Bayat has been in a wheelchair for more than 20 years.

She was an Afghan girl when a Taliban missile hit her.

But in recent years nothing and no one has stopped her desire to prosper and grow as a woman.

Bayat has gone to university, has worked and is a true sports star in his country.

Not for nothing is the captain of the Afghanistan wheelchair basketball team.

Up to now.

The Afghan athlete has been interviewed this Monday in 'Hour 25' after the day of chaos and uncertainty that has been experienced in the capital of Afghanistan. 

Nilofar, are you in Afghanistan now?

How are you? What is your situation?

Yes, I am still in Afghanistan and the situation is not good.

The Taliban have taken the city and are now in control of the entire country.

We're all home now ... Nothing is clear.

We are without a president in Afghanistan and every second or every minute a war can start.

Is your family in Afghanistan?

You are with them?

Yes, yes, I am living with my family here in Kabul.

Are you afraid of the Taliban?

Of course!

I am afraid because until 20 years ago they ruled Afghanistan.

And that's when they wounded me and I was left in wheelchairs.

They are the worst memories of my life.

I know, and everyone knows, that the Taliban will never accept women into society.

They will not allow it and they will not give us the rights that we have.

They don't let us go to school, work or play sports.

Nor do they give us the right to behave as we want, they do not allow women to wear the clothes we want, work or go shopping.

Yes, I'm scared ... You can't trust what they say.

At any time they can break their promises.

What do you think about your country?

We have lost everything. Everything we had worked for and achieved in these 20 years. And it is clear to everyone that there is no future for women in Afghanistan because the Taliban will follow all the rules that they followed before: they will not let women leave the home and be part of society. They will destroy everything that we have made and built in Afghanistan during these 20 years.

It is very hard to rebuild all the provinces again, it is very difficult to rebuild the houses of the people they have destroyed.

Here in Kabul there are many people who have come from other provinces and now they have nowhere to live and have nothing to eat.

Many are now on the streets and it is not easy to quickly and easily rebuild all that they have destroyed.

They have destroyed everything.

Of course they have destroyed everything we had achieved and for what we had fought so hard: that I was able to study at the university, that I was able to work or that I was able to play sports.

What was your life like so far in Afghanistan and how do you think it will be from now on?

Until now I did sports, I went to the office ... I had many plans for my future and for my life and I worked hard to make them come true.

There was basketball ... I always thought about it to improve.

He had a very busy and safe life.

I had many things to be proud of, to live for and to be happy with.

And now I am worried about all the achievements that I am going to lose.

Is not easy.

It is not easy at all to lose something in a day so quickly.

Someone comes along and destroys all your hopes.

It breaks your heart.

Now life for me and for women in Afghanistan is ... we have no future.

There is no light for the future.

It's going to be dark just like 20 years ago, where we didn't want to go back

Nilofar, what message would you send to the international community?

What would you say to the people who listen to you?

I want the international community not to leave our country alone. Don't let these people come and destroy our country and destroy people's hopes. We are also human and we want a better future. And I want you to help our people and our country.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2021-08-17

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