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Party in Olivos: the prosecutor incorporated the videos of the birthday and the political meeting of the Frente de Todos into the cause


Ramiro González also inquires about the circulation permits of the guests to the toast, and sent the complaint about the alleged adulteration of the income forms to a raffle.

Lucia Salinas

08/19/2021 4:24 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 08/19/2021 4:24 PM

With the deadline for the Government to deliver the

required information more than ten days ago,

the prosecutor

Ramiro González

signed a new opinion through which he ordered

the videos

of Fabiola Yañez's birthday as the one of the toast at the end of

the file to be included in the file.

year in the Quinta de Olivos.

Likewise, he requested that the Ministry of Public Innovation report on the database of the Cuidar application, to find out if

those attending the celebration had processed a circulation permit.

To date, those present on Yañez's birthday and at a year-end toast celebrated in Olivos with some fifty government legislators are under investigation, as stated in the extension of the initial complaint.

Regarding these meetings, the government must provide specific information: who authorized them to enter, what reason they declared when they arrived, if they were exempted from circulating when the DNU signed by President Alberto Fernández was in force.

At the center of the controversy was the birthday of the first lady, in which the head of state also participated.

When the photograph of the event that eleven people attended in full restriction to hold social meetings, the prosecutor González asked that explanations be provided about the event: the justifications, if they are included in the exceptions that then governed, who authorized them to circulate and enter the fifth of Olivos.

In addition, he asked that they indicate the

date, time, character or position, the declared reason for the admission and if an authorization had been provided who carried it out

This Thursday, the prosecutor promoted new test measures.

In the first place, he ordered to download and incorporate into the file the videos, both those of the first lady's birthday, as well as those that circulated about the end-of-the-year toast in the presidential fifth.

In the opinion, to which



, the representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office, also ordered that the Ministry of Public Innovation -which depends on the Head of Cabinet-, report on the database of the Caring application, to know if those attending the celebration had processed a driving license.

Among other things, the prosecutor recalled that

Casa Militar has not yet delivered the required documentation

and requested that all the Necessity and Urgency Decrees signed throughout 2020 be sent in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The President of the Nation described the birthday celebration as a mistake, and at first attributed the responsibility to his partner, the honoree that July 14.

The event, which the official news agency


published at that time

 was only going to be virtual, garnered a barrage of criticism and even a draft impeachment against the Head of State for having violated his own DNU.

Days later, Alberto Fernández assumed responsibility for the meeting and reiterated that it was an error that will not be repeated.

Despite public apologies, the court case advances.

The prosecution seeks to determine if the behaviors reported "could constitute the crimes provided for in articles 205 and 248 of the Penal Code, which establishes the typicity of the actions of the official who does not execute the laws whose fulfillment is incumbent upon him."

These crimes were those contemplated in the DNU signed by President Alberto Fernández

and which governed the entire country, with a quarantine that prevented open businesses, displacement of people who were not considered essential, all kinds of social gatherings, among the most resonant.

After an extension of the whistleblower Fundación Apolo, this week added to the investigation the crime of

ideological falsification

due to alleged differences in the data recorded by Casa Militar in the income and expenses of the Quinta de Olivos. In October 2020 they had required the forms, and when comparing the documentation with the one delivered this year and that circulated on social networks, they identified

numerical differences and unrecorded data.

But regarding this last complaint, the prosecutor considered that it

should be investigated in a separate file.

Last Friday, the prosecutor González ordered Casa Militar to deliver the requested lists on August 5, and that in the event of failure to respond to said request, the entire non-extendable period of 5 days be sent.

In that order had required, "records revenues and expenditures" of

Sofia Pachi,

your partner Taiwanese

Chien Chia Hong

, of the barber

Emmanuel Lopez,


Fernando enshrines, Ariel Alonso Zapata, Lautaro Romero and also Florencia Peña, 

corresponding to the year 2020. "You must indicate the date, time, character or position, the declared reason for the admission and if authorization is required who carried it out," the prosecutor requested.

Source: clarin

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