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Due to the pandemic, the Government is building a bunker with limited capacity and no place for militants


The idea of ​​the Casa Rosada is to minimize the number of leaders and collaborators. The President's agenda in the final stretch of the campaign.

Ignacio Ortelli

09/03/2021 18:35

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 09/03/2021 18:59

Although the health situation is much more encouraging than that dark scenario at the beginning of the year in which the suspension of the PASO was evaluated, the Government understands that there is no margin to relax from power.

For this reason, facing the day of the election,

draw up a bunker with limited capacity

, only with front-line leaders and without militancy.

In Complex C, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Chacarita, with a capacity for about 5,000 people, the scene on Sunday, September 12, will be very different from that of 2019, when Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner led the massive celebrations after the victory against Mauricio Macri. On that occasion it was packed and there were twice the number of people in the surroundings of the cultural space. But the coronavirus was not even a possibility. 

Now, with the management marked by the fight against the pandemic and questioned by different acts of officials - with the President as the first exponent - who breached the quarantine,

the Casa Rosada lowered the line to limit the capacity


Not only to restrict militancy, but also to limit the number of leaders that will surround the President, the vice, and the pre-candidates for deputies of the Province of Buenos Aires and the City.

For example, the local referents and candidates have already been notified that the idea will be to replicate

the format with district minibunkers

, which will be connected via zoom to give it a colorful framework.

“We are not going to be able to make a bunker with militants.

The pandemic did not end and you cannot take risks ”, they resign themselves in the ruling party, especially in the face of the possibility of a victory.

Is that, faced with a victorious scenario, the Government knows that all eyes will be on those details.

After Olivosgate, and in the face of the latent threat that the Delta variant will generate a regrowth, for the campaign strategists of the Frente de Todos

the challenge is to avoid reproaches for overflows in the celebrations

"Imagine what the media can say if on top of winning we do not guarantee social distancing and there is militancy and hype," a leader of the small table ironizes before Clarín.

The reduced capacity also includes an indication to the first lines:

only "indispensable" collaborators

will have space in Chacarita.

The limit has to do, fundamentally, with the communication teams that accompany each minister.

There are some that outnumber those of the Presidency of the Nation, and they have

already starred in real disputes

in access to events in the Conurbano.

“It cannot be that each one comes with an entourage: presses, photographers, cameras, social networks, secretaries.

We all have to give in a little ”, they review from the campaign.

There will also be limits on media accreditations.

These prevention measures do not imply that there will be no celebration. In fact, specialists have been working in Complex C for months so that

an eventual postcard from Alberto F. and Cristina serves as the first step for a relaunch

of management. In this task come together, under the umbrella of the Chief of Staff -and campaign-,

Santiago Cafiero

, two referent campers in the communication area, such as

Hernán Reibel


Santiago "Patucho" Alvarez

, and technical specialists, such as the off-road consultant

Juan Courel


For his part, after a week in which he managed to move from the agenda to the controversy over the birthday celebration of the first lady Fabiola Yañez, in the final stretch of the campaign, the President seeks to take steps that

reinforce the idea of ​​unity of the FDT and that the end of the pandemic is near

and that there are already signs of an economic reactivation.

On Monday, Fernández will zoom with candidates from all over the country. On Tuesday, he will tour companies in the Greater Buenos Aires. On Wednesday it will be the turn of the province closure, with the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, in charge; and on Thursday it

will be the turn of the last act of the



, at the Diego Armando Maradona Unique Stadium in La Plata. In this last instance, the participation of Cristina is expected, away from the public scene for two weeks. From their surroundings they confirmed that it will be from the game. 

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-09-03

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