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Covid-19: Israel calls for preparation for fourth dose of vaccine


While 2.5 million Israelis have received a third dose, the Jewish state is anticipating the rest of its vaccination campaign.

The head of the fight against the coronavirus in Israel called on Saturday, October 4, to prepare for the administration of a fourth dose of the vaccine against the Covid-19.


The virus is there and will continue to be there, we must also prepare for a fourth injection

", alerted Professor Salman Zarka to Kan public radio.

Read also Covid-19 rebound in Israel but not in Jordan: is vaccination called into question?

The professor goes even further: “

Thinking about that and the decline of vaccines and antibodies, it seems like every few months - it could be once a year, every five or six months - we will need a new injection,

”reports The

Times of Israel



This will be our life from now on,

" he warned, without specifying when this fourth injection could be launched.

The Delta variant is reshuffling the cards and now represents nearly all of the contaminations in the Hebrew State, yet one of the first countries in the world to have vaccinated the majority of its population of nine million inhabitants. Israel has launched a campaign in recent weeks for a third dose to boost the immune response of people vaccinated for more than six months. More than 2.5 million people have received this booster dose, according to the Department of Health.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-09-05

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