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Opinion | Deja Vu in Judea and Samaria Israel today


With Bennett, who talks about building according to natural growth, and Lapid half-heartedly admits the possibility of a Palestinian consulate, we suddenly returned to the days and concepts that have already passed from the world • or so we thought

The days were the mid-1990s, in the era of the Oslo Accords.

We were a young couple, immigrants from France, who had established their home in Beit El, a community located next to the al-Bira neighborhood of Ramallah, through which we passed every day to reach Jerusalem.

Our goal was clear: to strengthen the threatened settlement in Judea and Samaria.

In those days, and so for years, the most popular question we had to answer was: What will you do when they decide to evict you?

Not "if".

"when are".

No one bothered to wrap the threat gently.

We felt the sharp sword on the neck of the settlement well for many years, and especially around the expulsion from Gush Katif which illustrated to us, more than anything, that even the great builder of the settlements is capable of destroying them if it pays off politically.

The manifestations of that threat were endless, even on the technical side - to buy or not to buy a house in a place that could be destroyed?

- but mostly emotionally.

A feeling of detachment.


A kind of deviation from the norm.

Then came the days of Netanyahu's rule.

With slopes but mostly, mostly, with ascents.

We finally felt normal.

The roads were widened, houses were built, MKs and ministers came to visit. We celebrated every traffic light on Route 60, every new shopping center. The Jewish woman in Judea and Samaria is alive and well, and she is here to stay.

Of course, there are people for whom it was not enough.

It's never enough.

"Are you already Khan al-Ahmar Finnish, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu?", As if this is the appearance of everything.

Well, anyone who insists on not seeing or acknowledging the change in consciousness and practice in relation to Jewish settlement beyond the Green Line - suffers from severe good spoons and blindness.

Anyone who does not understand Netanyahu's strategy on the issue, and continues to believe that all he wanted was to establish a Palestinian state - does so at his own risk.

But he is wrong.

Very wrong.

Back to our day we and the government of Naftali Bennett.

An alarming sense of deja vu surrounds the settlement.

Buds of a movie we've been to, and we really didn't like.

When the Prime Minister speaks in terms that have passed from the world, we thought, like building according to natural growth - we begin to feel serious discomfort.

When Foreign Minister Yair Lapid half-heartedly admits that the Palestinian consulate will be discussed after the budget transfer, when the government of the change government will be guaranteed for at least two years - we remember pairs of words we have already managed to forget, such as "Orient House".

When the defense minister comes to visit, with the blessing of the prime minister, the Holocaust denier and pays the salaries to the murderers of Abu Mazen, and gives him a "loan" (we laughed out loud) of NIS 800 million - we are left with our mouths open.

And especially remember Ariel Sharon, whose palm stamp is known on every hill in Samaria, Judea and Benjamin.

Although he was not the director general of the Yesha Council, but as soon as his political and legal situation changed, he took care to take down Gd and leave us only with Judea and Samaria. He too, like Bennett, received a bear hug from the media and elites. And planting for a lovable grandfather with a lamb on his shoulders.

Prime Minister Bennett, do not slide on this slope.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-09-05

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