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Lens: a fire in a gymnasium of a primary school


A fire broke out on the night of Monday 6 to Tuesday 7 September in the gymnasium of the Jean Macé primary school in Lens (Pas-de-Calais), have we ...

A fire broke out on the night of Monday 6 to Tuesday 7 September in the gymnasium of the Jean Macé primary school in Lens (Pas-de-Calais), we learned after firefighters and a source police, according to which the criminal track is privileged.

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Around midnight, the firefighters intervened for a fire in this sports hall attached to the school complex and evacuated a dozen residents during the intervention.


The Jean Macé school will be closed today,

" said the firefighters.

According to a police source, the gymnasium was completely destroyed by flames and the criminal trail would be favored after a witness said he saw a man flee.

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Solicited, another police source confirmed the incident, without further details on the origin of the fire.

The Béthune prosecutor's office and the city's mayor had not yet responded to AFP's requests.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2021-09-07

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