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Opinion | Sharon Afek will be Mandelblit 2 | Israel today


In order to connect all the elements of the coalition and seal all the real and virtual slits, those in Gaza and Gilboa Prison and those in Saladin and Givat Ram, a spokesman must be appointed who will be loyal to the road.

The slit in the wall in Gaza, the slit in the floor of Gilboa Prison, the slit in the value of human life - and how does all this drain into the Chief Military Advocate, Sharon Afek?

Let's connect the dots.

1. The

slit through which soldier Bar-El Hadaria Shmueli was shot opened a window into one of the most explosive issues in the IDF's fighting ethos: Are the opening fire regulations adapted first and foremost to safeguarding the safety and lives of IDF soldiers - or, as he put it, Naftali Bennett himself Before changing his ideological identity, are IDF soldiers more afraid of the Chief Military Prosecutor than Yahya Sinwar?

The impression is that the written Torah and the Torah according to it are formulated differently from sector to sector, from commander to commander, from arena to arena.

Therefore, it can be said that the relative slackness stems from the attorney general's horror, which means that we give our own ambiguity a relative advantage to Hamas.

This confusion the Cabinet and the General Staff must resolve once and for all.

Documentation of the shooting in the late Bar-El

Perhaps more than "fear of the IDF," the gap in the separation fence teaches a new fear that accompanies IDF commanders and soldiers: the fear of the political home front. A security cabinet, which has to take care of the integrity of its coalition and ensure the stability of the government, will find it difficult to make decisions that reflect absolute concern for the soldiers. This circle will not be possible to quarter without resolutely rehabilitating the ability to deter, and without an immediate, uncompromising response, what we once used to call "charging a price" for harming soldiers. But in a government that has figures who accept with equanimity, if not in a kind of agreement in principle, the prosecution of IDF commanders in the Hague tribunal, or perhaps those who show ideological sympathy with the protesters' motivation for the fence in Gaza, it is very difficult to present a united and credible front of an aggressive response. And powerful against Palestinian terrorism.


The crack under the floor of the cell in Gilboa Prison also opened a window to the loosening of Israel's security.

True, this failure of escape has many fathers, and it reflects a systemic failure that goes far back, including the recent Israeli governments led by the Likud.

But here, too, definitions have been broken: within the coalition itself, there are those who will not necessarily agree with the phrase "these are lowly terrorists who are in Israeli prisons," or "we will reach everyone, including those who helped them, alive or dead."

There is no greater sign of the coalition's helplessness than the silence of the anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian elements that strengthen its foundations, regarding the opening that opened at Gilboa Prison on the issue of security prisoners.

The opening from which the security prisoners emerged, IPA

The government will send some of its representatives to ensure on the radio that security decisions are not made for political reasons, but the public sees the constellation and understands: We are closer than ever to a situation where a reaction to killing a soldier or a military operation

Another clause in the negotiations.

Another line in the invoice take and give.

3. The

criticism that Dr. Elrai-Price made of the government on the eve of the holiday should resonate in our heads now, before the coalition members announce the celebrations of the end of the fourth wave (not including the dead, seriously ill patients in their homes and families in isolation). Price in human life.What emerges from her words is that closure has never been on the agenda.

The strategic decision made in the State of Israel, the state that is supposed to reflect Jewish morality, is to contain the dead, fight less for saving lives in favor of the "We won the Delta without closure" campaign, and attach less public, media and political weight to the bereaved families' homes.

It should be remembered: the fate of the government depends on the budget, and a closure could have jeopardized the Lieberman-Lapid-Bennett project.

This is why it was not on the agenda in the first place as a real alternative.

But it has a meaning that goes beyond politics and casts a shadow over the value of human life in the Jewish state.

The Corona Department at Hadassah Ein Kerem, Oren Ben Hakon

From a country that devoutly told Matthew, that projected the victims' numbers on billboards, that placed a counter of a corona at the door of editions and newspaper covers, that insisted on telling heartbreaking stories - we have become a country that expresses satisfaction that we managed to get through it without closure.

No dead counts, no articles accompanied by melancholy music on TV, no drama.

The government said "contain the dead" - and it seems that at least the media arena obeys the new format rules.

Most media outlets do not count the dead, literally.

It is to be hoped that the people, who have never faithfully reflected the spirit of the media, have not forgotten the tragic and muted price of the fourth wave, asked its peak we arrived within three months from an optimal situation and with an immunized population.

Anyone who has a human life dear to his heart, understands that a great reason for pride and celebration - is not here.


Meanwhile, the dark rooms in Saladin are working to complete the mission: after forming a government and creating the quilt that does not warm anyone, but gives all who cover it a false sense that they are part of something big and historic and unifying and wonderful - prepare the oil in which Mandelblit's successor will be anointed .

The new safeguard will enjoy all the power of the job, which is twice as true since it was made clear to Justice Minister Gideon Saar that fantasies and election promises can be successful to engineer the consciousness of some voters, but have nothing to do with reality.

The splitting of the adviser was one of Saar's main promises, but it was enough to look at Ayelet Shaked, the sending of Saladin and the Lords Forum from the hill, to understand that like the promise not to sit with Mansour Abbas or not to crown Lapid as prime minister, The role of the ombudsman was not intended to be fulfilled.

Spokesman Mandelblit, Oren Ben Hakon

In order to connect all the components of the coalition and seal all the real and virtual slits, those in Gaza and Gilboa Prison, and those in Salah a-Din and Givat Ram, the Attorney General must be appointed a connected, connected and especially loyal figure, and who like the current attorney general, Sharon Afek, Will fit better?

Sharon Afek will make sure that the connections between Mansour Abbas and Naftali Bennett, between Lapid and Lieberman, between Zandberg and Saar are not loosened.

To maintain the formulas that will hold the blanket of wonders, and to ensure that what should remain in the safes will remain in the safes - Mandelblit 2 is needed.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-09-10

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