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Egyptian tarot: mysteries, symbols, gods and how it can inspire us to transcendence


A deck for those curious about esotericism. With a great symbolic content, it includes gods associated with ancient Egypt.

Fernando Tarragona

09/15/2021 6:05 AM

  • Clarí

  • Astrology

Updated 09/15/2021 6:05 AM

Great students of metaphysics, alchemy and esotericism, such as Antoine de Gébelin (mid-18th century) or Aleister Crowley (early 20th century), claimed that the


had brought the deck of Egyptian Tarot cards



in the middle of

the 19th century.

15th century, because they had been expelled from Egypt.

These letters would be the

replicas of papyri

carved by the

God Thoth

some 3,000 years before Christ.

This deity is credited with the creation of


, mathematics, alchemy and metaphysics, astronomy and astrology, among other great tools for the evolution of the human being.

Its origins in the Book of Thoth

Said papyri would be the members of the

"Book of Thoth"

, in which all the wisdom of the Cosmos was impregnated.

There, the different planes inhabited by the human being (matter, spirit, mind, energy), civilizations, animals, symbols, were already included.

These were gifted by God for all humanity, but kept in a chest that was thrown to the bottom of the Nile River.

Said papyri would be the members of the "Book of Thoth", in which all the wisdom of the Cosmos was impregnated.

Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

In 2,600 BC it is said that 78 sheets of gold were found inside the pyramid of Giza.

Regardless of whether or not this story is true, the Tarot itself is a wonderful tool to connect with our unconscious and is a bridge to

connect our divinity


At present, tarologists such as

Margarita Moscardó


María Verónica Riera

have been the editors of the versions that circulate popularly and include astrology, kabbalah and alchemical Hebrew in their symbols.

Egyptian tarot: differences and similarities

The difference of the Egyptian tarot with other more popular Tarots, such as Marseille or Rider Waite, is wide and notorious, since it consists of

gods associated with ancient Egypt

, and the most predominant symbols are Egyptian as well.

Colors, ancient Hebrew symbols, numerology, kabbalah, and astrology symbols (both signs and planets) are added.

Each card of the Egyptian Tarot is divided into three parts or planes that allude to our divine or spiritual, mental and physical or material world, reminding us that we are multidimensional beings at all times.

I would say that the 22 major arcana or main cards retain a similarity with the rest of the tarots in the intention of the characters and the odd symbol, but in the

56 minor arcana

the differences are very clear.

"The farmer", "The traveler", "Fortune", "The unforeseen" are some of these minor arcana, and his very name offers us a guide to their meaning. 

In my personal experience, I vibrate a lot with these cards because it is the first Tarot that I learned to read, to interpret, and also the first that I taught as a teacher of symbologies.

A session with the Egyptian Tarot

Today the Egyptian Tarot is the one that I use the most for my work, and I feel that I can ask any questions.

I use this deck both for long readings, with many cards, and for

specific questions

with the intention of a concise answer, such as a "yes" or a "no".

The wide symbology of the cards stimulates my


and allows me to be more permeable to the other, I feel that I achieve a better connection with the



Containing so many representations of different areas, they are great for exploring different questions in one session.

Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

They are very deep, but concrete;

It is rare to say that something that invites you to deepen is specific, but it is how I would define my connection with them.

Containing so many representations of different areas, they are excellent for exploring different questions in a session, from 

past life connections

, to the astrological predominance of the querent or where they have their sun, moon or ascendant sign: their answers are very accurate, never they have failed me.

The ancient Hebrew letters that appear in the arcana are approached from the doctrine of Kabbalah, where a very deep meaning is given to each of them.

They are keys that connect us with elevated or divine information;

In one session, I do not set out to expose the entire content of the letter as an intensive class, but rather use them as a means to bring clarity and guidance.

The ancient Hebrew letters that appear in the arcana are addressed from the doctrine of Kabbalah.

Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

Egyptian gods and arcana

The Egyptian gods and their mythologies are the basis for the myths that arose many later in Rome and Greece, as well as many passages in the Bible.

Goddesses like the

Great Mother Isis

, who is the guardian of the divine wisdom of the Tarot and the Akashic records, embodies the Priestess or Popess, she was a goddess with unlimited power on all planes, she represented the power of all the goddesses together ,

She was the creator magician of the cobra with whom she threatened Ra so that he would reveal her real name and she could control it.


(in Egyptian, Astet, means "throne") was linked to the star Sirius, one of the closest to Earth, said to be her home.

She brought blessings, rains, great harvests, she was the one who embodied the Ying pole, feminine or receptive, a detail that highlights the corresponding numerology, in this case, the number 2.

In the Christian religion, she is represented by the Virgin Mary.

Isis became important to me, when I doubt my intuition I ask her for guidance and assistance, many times under doubt I have asked for a message and when choosing the card, The Priestess appears, as well as in La Esperanza (in the classic Tarot it would be The Star, by Sirius, his abode).


, god with the head of a black dog, guardian of the portal to the world of the dead, patron of embalming and of the afterlife, is the one who embodies the Hierophant or Pope of the Taort of Marseille.

Both connect with subtle planes, both are bridge (Supreme Pontiff).

Anubis, god with the head of a black dog, guardian of the portal to the world of the dead.

Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

He holds a staff of power and command, Sechem, meaning that his thought connects directly with the divine, just like the Pope and his pastoral.

Both also represent the unconscious dimension of our being, and both accompany us to travel to our personal basement to be able to observe, dialogue, integrate and resignify

memories of past experiences

that have marked or traumatized us.

In the Egyptian tarot this arcanum is called "The Hierarch", and it is represented astrologically with the symbol of Mercury and the sign of Virgo, its ruling planet, with the intention of accentuating the maturity of our mind and how it can evolve if we we keep flexible in the face of life's mishaps.

At the bottom of the letter there is also the Hebrew letter Hei (divine breath or breath) representing the potential of divine feelings that can flourish in us and become responsively sensitive beings, in numerology it is number 5 (Enrichment).

The different symbolic dialogues make it a deck for very demanding esoteric onlookers.

By Fernando Tarragona, tarologist, astrologer and teacher.

IG: @fer_marte.

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