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"I sent Spy a happy new year on WhatsApp. She did not answer" | Israel today


The moment he was convicted ("I did not see with my eyes for a few seconds, everything was blurred. The judges made me a red cap") "In retrospect, there are things in the body, I have a significant part") • Life in the detention cell ("Earl Gray drinks and sleeps in the bed upstairs, because whoever approaches the ground accelerates old age") I'll steal the 'Glory' from him ") • and the dream of participating in" Big Brother "(" I can contribute to reality ")

Last Friday, the bridges and interchanges all over the country were filled with unusual signs.

On the blue tarpaulin posters was the face of the criminal Avner Harari, and next to them were written in bold letters the words: "Innocent."

Harari's friends decided this was the way to protest against the court's decision, about a month ago, to convict him of attempting to murder former footballer Kobi Musa, in an affair dubbed "charges against celebrities."

At the same time, Harari wins because of the doubt from the threats against singer Margalit Tsanani and conspires to place a pipe charge on her car, allegedly after she refused to play his songs on the radio show in her submission.

Due to the affair, Harari has been in custody for almost five years until the end of the proceedings at Rimonim Prison.

He is considered one of the most colorful figures in the Israeli criminal world.

Bold, with a sense of humor, a lover of publicity and probably the prisoner who holds the Israeli record for filing petitions against the IPS - from a request to sell Earl Gray tea in the canteen to a demand to operate air conditioners in all cells in prisons.

Despite his slender physique and constant smile on his face, many in the underworld regard him as a walking threat.

He, for his part, never accounted for any criminal gang, and was always surprised at his ability to develop a warm relationship with most heads of families, even those whose conflicts led to a bloodbath.

Despite his rich criminal past, this is the first time Harari has been convicted of attempted murder - an offense for which the maximum penalty is 20 years.

It is difficult for him to come to terms with the verdict in his case, and the judges' decision to convict him produces statements that have not been heard from him before.

"It's an insult to their status," Harari says through attorneys Eitan Sabag and Charlie Sabag (no family kinship).

"They did not open their minds to the possibility that I was innocent. Justice in the country is over. If such a respectable vehicle convicts me without evidence, we were lost. The judges did not dare to acquit me because they feared media criticism. The only thing that made them convict was Avner Harari. Nothing will stop me from fighting for my innocence. "

Harari proves in his actions and statements that there is no convention that he is not willing to break.

Last Rosh Hashanah, for example, he asked one of his friends to send holiday greetings in his name in WhatsApp messages.

One of the correspondents was Margalit Tsanani - who for her part did not respond to the message.

"To this day I have not contacted her, even though we have known each other for many years," he answers in writing to a series of questions put to him in custody through his defense attorneys.

"Overall I wrote her a happy new year, like I sent to a lot of other people."

Isn't that insolence on your part?

Rosh Hashanah falls a few days before the sentencing hearing, and it was not known if the judges would also convict you of offenses against a spy.

"Why impudence? I did it out of love. I'm not mad at her, I have nothing against her, and I sent the same message to journalists and other radio broadcasters, like Ari Shamai and Buki Na'a. "I did not threaten her. If I greet someone, then I threaten him? I am respectful, and my heart is clean. I was not offended when she did not answer. Maybe she did not see the greeting, maybe she just did not know the number from which she was sent."

That doesn 't sound good anyway.

"I do not see it that way. I also shook her hand in the courtroom, and after her testimony I told her she would be healthy. Maybe after I am released I will offer her to sing a duet with me. It will be deadly." 

Margalit Tsanani testifies in court in the cargo case, June 2019. "Maybe she did not see the message", Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

Did you send a greeting to Kobi Musa as well?

"If I had his number, I might have sent. I do not hold a grudge against anyone."

Is there anything you regret in this affair?

"I'm not sorry about anything, because I did nothing. I just regret the way of life I chose. I'm the one who built a problematic name for myself."

Robberies and threats in automatic firing

Behind Harari (65) are 46 years behind bars, which he has run in ten prisons.

He is now facing his 11th imprisonment.

His childhood hinted at nothing about his future criminal path.

He grew up in Moshava Magdiel in Hod Hasharon, with a music-loving family who also owned a deli.

His father was a poet and wedding singer, the mother appeared alongside him.

When their nine children grew up, they joined their parents and formed a kind of Israeli Jackson family.

Harari managed to finish elementary school, then dropped out of school to help with his parents' business.

He enlisted in the IDF in 1973 and was sent to serve in the Artillery. Justices of the Supreme Court, and Hannah Sharon, later a justice of the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv.

"I was busy then just singing," he clarifies.

"I was sure I would be a famous singer and I did not believe that years later I would meet Judge Dorner in the Supreme Court. To my delight, she did not recognize me."

His deterioration into crime began during his service in the military tribunal.

Harari stole an emergency vehicle because he wanted to go out in Tel Aviv.

"I did not understand what the fuss was about," he now indulges.

"A friend and I asked the commander nicely, but he refused."

Harari was sentenced in 1974 to seven years in prison for stealing the vehicle, of which he ran five years, some of which he did in Prison 6 and later in Be'er Sheva Prison.

There he received the number of the prisoner who accompanies him to this day: 41697.

"The prison is a faculty for criminals. Anyone who tastes the crime and forms friendships with criminals does not disconnect. I was about 25 when I was released, and my parents had already moved to Ganei Tikva. Fear all over the area, and the media called us the 'Triangle Gang'. They had no safes, alarm systems or cameras, and at the end of the workday the merchants took their wares home by car or bicycle. automatic".

With Avishai Ben David (right) during the reading of the verdict in their case, last month.

"I will not confess to something I did not do, even if I am sentenced to a hundred years in prison," Photo: Gideon Markovich

After about a year, four members of the gang were arrested and sentenced to six years in prison.

When he was released from prison in 1987, Harari decided - for the first time in many years - to return to work.

For a moment it seemed that he intended to keep his word.

He recorded several songs, and at the same time opened an office to represent singers together with Shoshana Alperon, a descendant of the well-known family.

He met Margalit Tsanani in those days, when they turned to the same table at the singer Nissim Garma's birthday party.

He did not hold out as a law enforcer, and in the early 1990s he found a new criminal gang.

"We robbed diamond dealers and jewelry agencies in the country, and called us the 'Ono Gang' because we fled the scene in a Fiat Ono. After a year we were caught, and sent to six years in prison, but I only sat four because of good behavior."

In time, Harari gave up the robberies, and his name was linked to the Abergil family, which was in conflict with the Abutbul family from Netanya.

More than once he was charged with murder, and from time to time the police arrested him.

The suspicions against him remained in the intelligence reports and did not mature into indictments.

On the evening of December 21, 2005, the criminal Asi Abutbul arrived at his home in Netanya and got out of his armored vehicle.

As he walked towards the door, a Lau missile was fired at him, which missed him at close range and hit the road.

A month later, Harari, along with four other accomplices, was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the assassination attempt, and media reports added the nicknames "The Missile Man" and "The Assassin of the Underworld," which accompany him to this day.

In February 2007, he was sentenced to 37 months in prison after being convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Harari, who to this day insisted that a bag be sewn for him, is now changing his version for the first time.

"I have always denied the affair, but in retrospect there are things in the body," he honestly answers the question conveyed to him.

"I have a significant part here."

How is your relationship with Asi Abutbul today?

"We met in one of the prisons, when we were together in the separation wing, and since then we have been good friends. We talked about his defense attorney, the late Yoram Hacham, who was killed by an explosive device in his car, and he was in pain.

He said that the person who murdered Yoram was garbage.

I have no doubt that a case is being sewn for him and he is innocent. "

Asi forgave you for firing a missile at him?

"We did not talk about it, but we understand each other. He has his tasks, and I have mine. I was committed to certain groups, and he understood that it was my job. Sometimes I see him in prisoner petition hearings in court, and I'm sad about what they do. "

During his imprisonment in 2008, Harari made headlines again when he managed to embarrass the police.

He was first charged with murder after it was alleged that in 2000 he was an accomplice in the assassination of a Lod resident.

In a rare move, the Tel Aviv District Court interrupted the legal proceedings, and criticized the failed collection of evidence. The state compensated Harari with NIS 126,000.

"Hidden Redhead Following Me"

A few days after his release from prison, in January 2009, Harari got into trouble again.

He arrived at a car dealership in Tel Aviv, and the criminal Shalom Domrani, who was released this week from a six-year prison sentence for two attempted murders, also arrived.

Domrani and his security guards stormed Harari, and within seconds the agency became a wrestling arena.

Although his nose and some ribs were broken, Harari fought with his fists and managed to escape the scene.

During his interrogation by the police, he refused to say who attacked him, but found it difficult to maintain his composure.

"It will not help anyone who attacked me anything," he told investigators.

"You too will not be able to keep him alive. This is his end. I will not do anything and everything will be ticked. He will be in a black bag, that is a promise."

Domrani turned himself in two weeks later, and was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm.

Harari also did not come out of the incident clean: he was convicted of threats and returned to prison for another ten months.

In January 2010, about a month and a half after his release, Harari was arrested again, this time near the house of Eyal Blissa, who is considered by the police to be one of the soldiers of the criminal Amir Molner.

Investigators claimed he arrived at the scene to plan the assassination of Belisa.

He was initially charged with attempted murder, but was eventually convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime and sent to six years in prison.

"I was on my way to visit the late Musa Alperon, who held a Likud conference at his home.

He asked me to come from behind because he was not pleased that the activists would see him rubbing shoulders with a criminal.

I was waiting near his neighbor Belisa's house until the incident spread - and suddenly cops jumped on me.

I do not know Blissa and I have never had a conflict with him. "

Did you have a conflict with Domrani?

"The conflict between us started because of a senior criminal who told him they sent me to take him down with a Lau missile. That was not true. They just invented a plot to hurt me. "Him as head of a criminal organization. One day Yossi spoke to Shalom, and after that he told me on his own initiative that he wanted to make a sulha between us. I called Shalom and there was a cordial conversation. He even offered to help me in the canteen."

Didn't you talk about the blows you exchanged at that car dealership?

"In such conversations, they do not bring up what was. It was a misunderstanding. It is enough to talk and there is a good atmosphere."

Margalit Tsanani's car after the explosive device attached to it, January 2017. "I do not regret anything, because I did nothing. I only regret the way of life I chose," Photo: Yossi Zeliger

In January 2016, Harari was released, and again promised that his foot would no longer be briefed in prison. He returned to his wife, daughter and two sons (33, 32 and 30), who still live in Ganei Tikva, and as a first step filled his world with music. He recorded two songs he wrote, "Daf Hadash" and "Ananim", and planned to broadcast on an Mizrahi radio station that was to be opened by the promoter and composer Israel Bundek. At the same time, he opened a vegetable store and a real estate company in Herzliya, as well as a flower shop in the Hatikva neighborhood of Tel Aviv. He also owned a strawberry distribution line in Raanana, Kfar Saba and Ramat Hasharon.

"I knew the police were listening to my phone, following me and looking to catch me on every little thing. I recognized the trackers from the undercover unit near the grocery store, whether they were on scooters or in civilian cars. One of them was at the same point for three hours, and I finally approached him. I told him, 'Dad. "La, you're drying up here. Want fruit? Something to drink? I guess they put you here on me." He pretended not to understand. His that he's burned.After ten minutes he left.

"Another day one of the customers asked me if I had any problems with the income tax, because he saw a man looking over the vegetable shop from the yard of a residential building. I went out the back door, made a detour and reached the man in the back. He was a redhead, so short. I said I know he's a covert's follower, and a flight away. After a few minutes he's gone too. Another time the followers disguised themselves as road surveyors, and I told one of my store employees that they had a camera, but he did not believe me. Points to them. "

"Why should I hurt Grandma?"

The "celebrations for celebrities" affair began in December 2016, when two explosive devices exploded - one near the fence of the house of businessman Meir Shamir in Savyon, and the other on his car parked in a parking lot in Tel Aviv. On January 10, 2017, the bomb exploded on Margalit Tsanani's car. A forensic laboratory test revealed that the three explosives had the same structure and explosives. In the covert investigation of the Tel Aviv Sq.

Although the police had enough evidence to arrest Ben-David, the police decided to follow him on the assumption that he was the executioner and not the person ordering the work. Days after the explosion. "There are radio broadcasters who need to understand and remember where they came from.

"Once she would shout to heaven for discrimination, that she and the Oriental singers would not be heard," he said in an interview. "It does not seem to me that they intended to harm her.

In our lives, this is also an acceptable way. "

The affair exploded with great fanfare at noon on February 17, 2017. The first to be arrested was a cousin.

He was seen that morning near the football stadium in Ramat Hasharon, bending under Musa's black Mercedes.

After retracing his steps, he was arrested.

An explosive device was found on the road, under the car.

On the bundle of Ben - David's keys, the police found a sign with an antenna.

Investigators also decided to immediately arrest Harari, who was leaving his home in Ganei Tikva at the same time in the direction of Petah Tikva, after making an appointment for an X-ray.

"I did not know that Avishai was arrested, because I did not speak to him that day," he recounts his version through his defense attorneys.

"After the photo shoot, I went to my car, and suddenly I stopped next to Skoda with detectives from the central unit in Tel Aviv. They asked me to accompany them. Since they were not handcuffed, I thought it was something not serious and that I would go home in two hours.

"When I was sitting in the interrogation room I was told that they had caught Avishai on hot, putting an explosive device. I laughed. What about Avishai and the explosives? I told them he worked for me at the vegetable store. When they said the explosive was for Kobi Musa, I said it was the first time I heard that name.

"When they mentioned Meir Shamir's name, I did not understand who it was. At first I thought we were talking about the son of the former prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir."

How did you react when you heard that it was also a cold pearl?

"I was in the market and I said they were exaggerating. There's no way Avishai did anything like that or I sent it. We talked about the TV interview, and I said again that someone probably wanted to refresh her memory. Maybe they wanted to scare her or she had a conflict. I did not come to TV to comment on spy "But to push my songs."

Maybe your speaking style is what made him suspicious?

"This is how I talk, and in the future I will talk like this. I said that the world is a jungle and that this is the way to scare. I'm not in favor of scaring a 70 - year - old woman like that, and why should I hurt my grandmother? "And he only played one of them. Didi Harari didn't play either. So I did something to them? Did I put a charge on them?"

What do you think, why did Tsanani not play your songs?

"Maybe she did not want to play criminals, even though she herself was convicted of threatening her promoter. Maybe she thinks all her listeners are from the elite. I have nothing personal with her, and if she does not want to play me, then no need and thank you very much. Maybe someone else got upset It's a little too much for her. "

Why did you choose to remain silent during the investigation and not give your version?

"Because what do I have to worry about? The investigators repeated the same questions, which is annoying. I said at the beginning that Avishai works for me in the store and that I did nothing of what was attributed to me. Besides, I never speak in investigations. I do not believe in investigators."

The sign was hung by Harari's friends around the country.

"Nothing will stop me in the fight for my innocence," Photo: Eric Sultan

Along the way, the evidence against Harari was seen as circumstantial, especially in the context of Tsanani, including one unrecorded phone call between him and Ben-David.

Regarding Musa, the police claimed that for two weeks the two had conversations in codes, with the word "strawberries" being heard more than once.

Despite their denials, in March 2017 charges were filed against both of them for attempted murder, conspiracy to commit a crime, weapons production and extortion by threats.

Harari was charged in the Tsanani and Kobi Musa affair;

Ben-David was also charged in the Meir Shamir case.

How did you manage to get involved again after a year and a month out?

"I really did not want to go back to crime, and I still do not want to. It reminds me that Levy Eshkol once said 'I promised, but I did not promise to keep.' Honestly, I was busy starting a business."

Police claimed that from the moment you were released you declared yourself a hired killer?

"It's a lie. I heard it from the researchers as well. All I said was that I would be happy to get jobs in mediation and arbitration."

During his arrest, and throughout the legal proceedings, Harari flooded the IPS with prisoner petitions, which were heard in Lod District Court or in a courtroom located in Rimonim Prison. He asked for and received more vegetables instead of triple cheese. Months, along with 12 other inmates from grenades, in which he asked the court to order the IPS to introduce air conditioning in the cells.

Through attorney Eitan Sabag, Harari argued that "temperature conditions in cells cause disease, respiratory distress, suffering, hyperhidrosis, physical and mental difficulty, feelings of humiliation and social difficulties resulting from disagreements and frictions between the occupants of the cell."

The IPS will not admit it, but this week they started operating the merger with grenades.

"I heard from other prisoners who started installing air conditioners in Neve Tirza, in wing three of Ayalon Prison and Kedar Tents Prison," he now answers the questions in writing. "It is thanks to me, even if they deny it.

"The IPS does not want me to steal the 'glory' for them. It will not help me anymore, because winter is coming and only next week there will be a legal hearing on the subject. Maybe this is the legacy I will leave behind. I fought for the rights of other prisoners."

Even if Harari sees himself as a kind of modern Che Guevara, the judges of the Tel Aviv District Court, Raanan Ben Yosef, Zion Kapf and Irit Kalman-Brom, saw him differently.

Last month, they convicted him, as stated, of attempting to assassinate Musa.

"It is clear that Harari and Ben-David spoke to each other in code language, when they both know what they are talking about," Judge Ben-Yosef ruled. "The hard core of the events, and the overall picture obtained from the evidence accumulated in this case, allow a conclusion as to the guilt of the defendants beyond a reasonable doubt."

Judge Kapf supported Ben-Yosef's decision, but expressed reservations: "A) Another Kobi Musa or the football team in Ramat Hasharon. There is no evidence that he grabbed or saw the explosives that Ben-David had buried, nor was he observed by the tracking unit at the football stadium. "Harari and Ben-David are documented in which they get along. The difficulty intensifies while Ben-David also acted as an executioner of others.

Judge Kalman Brom also supported the conviction: "During the hearing of the evidence, Harari's character emerged as a sophisticated, careful defendant, aided by tricks and secret language."

Regarding the threats against Margalit Tsanani, the judges ruled that "the defendant's acquittal is on the hairline, for the sake of reasonable doubt only. The deliberation on this matter was not simple and the pendulum swung back and forth, but at the end of the day Actually a partner. "

A cousin was convicted of all charges against him.

A hearing on the arguments for the punishment of the two will take place at the end of October, after which the sentence will be handed down.

Harari, were you surprised by the verdict?

"Very. I did not believe what I heard. That morning I woke up feeling good. I said goodbye to the members of the wing, asked one of the prisoners to hand over my equipment and said goodbye to the guards, and especially to the grenade officer, Andy Lace, the most compassionate man I know. When I entered the courtroom, the judge Ben Yosef immediately asked for the handcuffs to be taken off our feet. I turned to Avishai and said, 'We are going home today.'

"When there is a acquittal they say it right away at first, but the judge only talked about Avishai's conviction. I dried up on the spot. I had a hard time for him. It was blurry. "

How did you feel when he said he did not acquit you wholeheartedly of the charges against Tsanani?

"It bothered me, and I was not pleasant to hear it. I have no hand or foot in the story of a spy. A grain of sand did not stick in my shoe regarding Kobi Musa. The judges did not open my mind to the possibility that I was innocent. I went back to grenades, went to bed and woke up the next morning. "I had trauma all over my body."

"I will turn to Gideon Saar"

Harari is currently staying alone in cell 24, which is intended for two prisoners and belongs to wing 7 of Rimonim Prison in Sharon.

"Every morning I wake up at five-thirty, a jailer and a duty officer do a count, and after that I go back to bed and watch the morning shows. While I do a hundred squats in bed, thirty push-ups on the floor and jump a bit like a rope, to keep fit. After the shower I drink Earl Gray and eat biscuits, and at about seven o'clock the doors open here. "

As soon as his cell opens, Harari rushes to the pay phone and checks the messages left on him in the voicemail of his cell phone (the inmates hold a closed mobile home and remotely retrieve the messages that accumulate in it).

He returns to friends and family and also talks to his two granddaughters, ages 6 and 2.

"After the calls, I bring newspapers and read them together with my good friend Tail Punishment from the Coutier organization from Jaljulia, and together we solve crossword puzzles."

What does your cell look like?

"On the right there are wooden cabinets, on the left stainless steel toilets, and next to them a shower. On the wall in front of the door are two windows, and next to them a wooden table with chairs and a bunk bed. I am always upstairs because I believe There is a TV and a fan.It does not help.At noon we sometimes sit in the air conditioners of the dining room, but at night you can go crazy from the heat.

"After lunch I make sure to learn Russian, English, Spanish and French through CDs that family members brought me before the Corona. At least twice a week I study law on my own, through a book of the criminal procedure my lawyers brought me. After I graduate, I want to enroll in one of the faculties To law.

"I always eat dinner with the friends of Odeh Coutier, who is in the separation wing and charged with three murders. They cook an amazing Majdara and put white on it. On Fridays they make poultry and makluba."

Sounds like fun to you overall.

"אני מודה ששב"ס מתייחסים אלי יפה. מפקד הכלא כאן, חאתם עזאם (תת־גונדר; ט"א), הוא איש מבין ורגוע, ואני מחבב גם את נציבת שב"ס, קטי פרי. היא אשת שטח, וכולם כאן מאמינים שלא צריך להדיח אותה. אבל לא צריך להגזים שכיף לי. אני רוצה לחזור הביתה, כי אני חף מפשע".

לרוב, עבריינים לא מודים בעבירות שעשו, אז למה שנאמין לך?

"אם הייתי לוקח חלק במה שהאשימו אותי, הייתי עושה עסקת טיעון. לפני שלוש שנים השופטים הציעו, גם הפרקליטות רצתה, ואמרו שיסתפקו בשנה וחצי שכבר הייתי במעצר. סירבתי. זה סדין אדום מבחינתי. לא אודה במשהו שלא עשיתי, גם אם יגזרו עלי מאה שנים בכלא.

"השופטים טעו בהכרעת הדין. הרי הם אמרו במהלך המשפט שהפרקליטות לא התקדמה במילימטר בנושא האשמות שלי. לא היה עד שהפליל אותי או שאמר עלי מילה רעה. הפרקליטות חרטטה כשהתעקשה שתותים זה קוד".

זה באמת נשמע ככה.

"חס ושלום. תותים זה תותים ולא מטען חבלה. השופטים הפכו את עצמם מומחים לסייבר ומפצחי קודים, והגזימו בפרשנות שלהם. ליקטו פסיפס של שיחות רגילות בין עובד ומעביד, והשתמשו בהרבה דמיון. אפילו אחד מחוקרי המשטרה אמר בעדות שלו שלדעתו לא מדובר בקוד, אבל הפרקליטות החליטה אחרת והשופטים קיבלו את דעתם. אני עצור כמעט חמש שנים רק בגלל שקוראים לי אבנר הררי".

השופטים קבעו שבן דוד השאיר בחנות שלך את הנייד בכל פעם שנסע לארוב לקובי מוסא.

"אולי שם אותו לטעינה, אולי היו לו סידורים אישיים. אמרתי בבית המשפט שאני לא אבא או אמא שלו, לא התקנתי עליו ג'י.פי.אס ואני לא בודק מה הוא עושה בכל דקה ביממה.

"עברתי עינוי דין, ואני מתכוון לפנות לשר המשפטים, גדעון סער. לא פרופורציונלי שמשפט יימשך כל כך הרבה זמן. רק עכשיו הרשיעו אותי, עוד כמה חודשים ייתנו גזר דין ורק אחרי חמש שנים וחצי מאז שנעצרתי, אני אוכל לערער לבית המשפט העליון.

"הכרעת הדין הזאת היא כתב ההגנה שלי. השופטים עשו לי כיפה אדומה, אחרי שלאורך המשפט הם סנגרו עלי. השופט קאפח כתב שלא ראו אותי ליד מגרש הכדורגל או שאחזתי במטען. על אינטראקציה עם אדם אחר מרשיעים בניסיון לרצח?"

הם הרשיעו כי השתכנעו ששלחת את בן דוד.

"איפה שמעו אותי שולח את אבישי לפגוע במישהו? תותים זו הוראה לרצח? מי שישמע את כל ההקלטות יבין שדיברנו על עבודה".

אתה בטוח שבית המשפט העליון ישנה את הכרעת הדין?

"לפעמים אני מרגיש שיש שם אפליה כלפי עדות המזרח. אם בעליון לא יאמינו לי, התיק של רומן זדורוב יהיה כאין וכאפס לעומת מה שאני אעשה. לאחרונה חשבתי לפנות לאוניברסיטת ירושלים ולסנגוריה הציבורית, שמפעילים ביחד את פרויקט החפות בישראל. באמת נראה להם שאדם בן 60 ישים מטענים לאחרים? מה השטויות האלה?"

אתה יכול להעריך כמה שנים יגזרו עליך?

"זאת שאלת השאלות. אני נשאר אופטימי ומקווה שהשופטים יסתפקו בזמן שאני עצור. הרי בסופו של דבר לא נפלה שערה מראשו של אף אחד".

"רוצה להוציא עוד שירים"

הררי מודה שהוא האחראי לתדמית שנוצרה לו. "אני הראיה שבית המשפט מחפש אנשים. מספיק שרואים את השם שלי - ומייד מרשיעים. אני יודע שהילדים שלי נפגעו מזה, וקשה להם שכל הילדות שלהם הייתי בבתי סוהר. אני בטוח שהם לא מספרים מי אבא שלהם כדי שלא יגידו שהם ילדים של עבריין".

אתה חי בשלום עם הכינוי "המחסל של העולם התחתון"?

"המשטרה הדביקה לי את הכינוי הזה, אחרי שגורמים אינטרסנטיים אמרו להם שאבנר עושה פירוקים. זאת אומרת, חיסולים. אני לא אוהב את הכינוי, אבל הוא משעשע אותי. הוא מרתיע אנשים, אבל מי שמכיר אותי יודע שאני נחמד, נשמה טובה, לבבי ומדבר עם אנשים בגובה העיניים. אני בטוח שאצליח להיפטר מהתדמית אחרי שאשתחרר. לא אחזור יותר לפשע ולא אכנס לסכסוכים".

בניגוד לדבריו אלו, הררי לא עבר לסדר היום כשאשת התקשורת ג'ודי ניר מוזס כינתה אותו "רוצח", כשישבה בפאנל פרשנים ביום הבחירות לראשות הממשלה באפריל 2019. "באותו יום רכשתי כמה טלכרטים, נתתי לאסירים, והם התקשרו לחברים ולבני משפחה ושלחו אותם להצביע לליכוד. כתבו על זה באחד העיתונים, וג'ודי אמרה שאני, הרוצח, הקמתי מטה בחירות. כשסיפרו לי על ההתבטאות שלה, קיבלתי שוֹק. לא אהבתי את המילה 'רוצח', כי מעולם לא הורשעתי ברצח".

"מחסל" נשמע טוב יותר?

"מחסל זאת דאחקה, רוצח זו דיבה. תבעתי אותה על לשון הרע כמה חודשים אחר כך, וביקשתי שתפצה אותי ב־140 אלף שקלים. היא בעלת שם, ולאמירה שלה יש עוצמה שונה מאשר לאזרח רגיל".

ניר מוזס התנצלה על אמירתה במשדר הבחירות בספטמבר באותה שנה. בכתב הגנה שהגישה לבית משפט השלום בתל אביב בפברואר 2020, טענה שהתביעה לפיצויים שהגיש נגדה הררי "אבסורדית, קנטרנית, טורדנית, שיש בה ציניות שאין כדוגמתה". היא הזכירה שהתנצלה בפומבי ושדבריה לא נאמרו בכוונת זדון.

"לא הוכח שמו הטוב של התובע, וממילא אינו נהנה משם כזה מעצם היותו עבריין מורשע בעבירות חמורות, שישב שנים רבות בכלא בגין המעשים הפליליים שבהם הורשע, לרבות קשירת קשר לפשע (פגיעה בחיי אדם)", טענה מוזס. היא דורשת מבית המשפט לדחות את התביעה על הסף.

תגיד, חששת אי פעם שמישהו ינסה לפגוע בך?

"מעולם לא חששתי מזה, ואף פעם לא הלכתי עם מאבטחים".

איך הצלחת במהלך השנים לשמור על קשרים טובים עם ראשי כנופיות שמסוכסכים זה עם זה, כמו למשל זאב רוזנשטיין ומשפחת אברג'יל?

"אני מסתדר עם כולם, חבר של כולם, והיריבות ביניהם זה ספין של התקשורת. זאביק אמר לי שהם מעולם לא רבו ולא איימו עליו. אני מכיר אותו 30 שנה, והיינו ביחד בכלא איילון כשנעצרתי על הסיפור של בליסה. מדובר באיש עסקים עם לב ענק. הארונית שלו היתה תמיד פתוחה, והוא חילק למי שרצה ממתקים וחטיפים. בישלנו ביחד שקשוקה, עשינו חומוס, הכנו מרקים ואפילו חריימה מקופסאות של טונה. כשאשתחרר, אולי אכנס איתו לעסקי נדל"ן. הוא טוב בעסקים".

עם איציק או מאיר אברג'יל אתה עדיין בקשר?

"התקשרתי בעבר לומר לנשים שלהם חג שמח. היום אנחנו לא בקשר".

מה אתה מתכנן לעשות ביום שבו תשתחרר מהמעצר או מהכלא?

"יש לי המון תוכניות, אבל הדבר הראשון שאעשה הוא להיפטר מהטלפון. לא אדבר עם אף אחד. אם אגיד שאני רוצה שווארמה, יפרשו את זה כקוד חיסול. אני רוצה לעזור לאנשים לטפל בחובות שלהם מול הבנקים, ואני בקשר בנושא עם יואב שיינר, מי שמוכר כמוחק החובות הלאומי של ישראל. פונים אליו אלפי אנשים פרטיים ובעלי עסקים. הוא מסכים להיות המשקם שלי. הוא היה גם המשקם של אריה אלפרון.

"בלי קשר, אני רוצה להמשיך להוציא שירים וללכת לתוכנית מוזיקה שמגלה כישרונות. גם 'האח הגדול' מעניין אותי. אני יכול לתרום לריאליטי שלהם ולהציג להם איך נראה אסיר משוקם".

אמרת בעבר שאתה אוהב להיות בורר, זה עדיין מעניין אותך?

"כן. אני לא מתבייש בזה. עשיתי גישורים בסביון בהסכמה של שני הצדדים. למשל, אנשים שפלשו לשטח אדמה של אדם מבוגר ושמו שם סוסים וקרוואן. הוצאתי אותם בדרכי נועם, ואפילו פיציתי אותם. בעל השטח היה חסר אונים כי המשטרה לא עזרה לו ושלחה אותו לבית המשפט. שם זאת סחבת של שנים. אדם כזה מוכן לשלם 300 אלף שקלים בשביל לסדר את העניינים מהר".

• • •

עו"ד צ'רלי סבג מסר בתגובה: "אבנר הררי חף מפשע, והצעתי לקוראי 'ישראל היום' לבוא לכתבה ללא דעות קדומות. להררי נגרם עוול, ואף אחד לא חסין מפני האשמות שווא. השאלה המתבקשת היא אם עברו העברייני של אדם צריך שיהיה לו לרועץ, כאילו היה הדבר חלק מהראיות. כך היתה התחושה במשפט הררי. לטעמי, שגה בית המשפט הנכבד פעמיים. האחת, כשהרשיע את הררי על תיק קובי מוסא, חרף העובדה שזוכה בתיק צנעני, ובכך שמט את קונספירציית הקשר הפלילי. השנייה, כשייחס להררי ניסיון לרצח בהיעדר מניע או מזמין הפגיעה. אנו נערער על ההרשעה בתיק מוסא, ואנו רואים בהכרעת הדין מרכיב עיקרי מתוכן הערעור".

עו"ד צ'רלי סבג,

Advocate Eitan Sabag responded to Harari's conviction and acquittal:

Not only because acquittal in Israel is a rare occurrence, but mainly because it drops the ground under the thesis presented by the prosecution throughout the trial, according to which Harari is the 'sender' of Avishai Ben-David.

After all, the verdict shows that Ben-David acted alone, when he allegedly placed explosive devices with Meir Shamir and Tsanani, since the court did not determine who sent him.

"We have great respect for the honorable panel of judges, but it seems that an error has fallen under their hands and it will be inevitable to correct it in an appeal, in which we will seek full acquittal. We note that the conviction against Harari is based on circumstantial evidence."

Adv. Eitan Sabag, Photo: Gideon Markovich

Margalit Tsanani chose not to comment.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-10-08

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