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Avivit Bar Zohar: "I decided to stop knocking an account for others" | Israel today


After uploading a photo to Instagram, in which she revealed the new haircut, the network star received negative comments about her exposed outfit • She of course did not remain obligated

Avivit Bar Zohar changed her haircut this week and renewed herself with a pony, but not surprisingly, her sharing on the network managed, as always, to resurrect quite a few good souls who felt the need to respond not only to changing the look but also to choosing Bar Zohar's attire.

Bar Zohar as mentioned has brought up several posts and stories documenting the change, presenting the new pony while wearing an outfit that many of the surfers bothered with because they thought it was too exposed.

@ - Avivit Bar Zohar

Along with the encouraging reactions, Bar Zohar received quite a few critical and mocking reactions, many of whom wondered how her revealing attire choice reconciled with her announcement from a few months ago that she was committing to dress more modestly.

In order to stop the attack, and on the way also to express her firm opinion on the surfers' reactions, Bar Zohar posted a long post of her own today (Monday), in which she wrote: "I promised and did not keep my promise because in this life I understood something very simple and not easy: It doesn't really matter what I wear and how I will look to please other people and not myself, so I decided to stop knocking an account of everything that is said about me. "

With a pony.

Avivit Bar Zohar's new haircut, Photo: Instagram

She further added that no matter what you do and what the change will be, they will always continue to talk about it because that is the nature of human beings - jealous, prying and narrow-minded.

"I have chosen my truth and who I am," she declared.

"No apologies, no explanations, no knock on account of how people from the industry or the street will look at me. I decided to just be springy, for better or worse, in happiness and poverty until God decides otherwise," she wrote in the post.

In conclusion, Bar Zohar added that she is back in a big way and that she has no intention of apologizing anymore for who she is or her choices, and those who find it difficult to come to terms with it are welcome to stop following her.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-08

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