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How is it that one commentator dares? Amnon Abramovich is the insulting talent of News 12 | Israel today


The veteran commentator of News 12, it seems, allows himself to insult right-wingers without receiving actual criticism from the presenters who host him in the studio • Opinion

Maybe it's time to check out Amnon Abramovitch's talent contract on News 12. It's very interesting if a shrewd agent recently put a clause in it under the heading "Prohibition of interfering with a commentator" or "Prohibition of voting for hypocrisy when commenting".

Otherwise it is impossible to explain the dream status that the senior commentator of News 12 has reached, that one of the peaks of his least puzzling conduct has taken place before our eyes in recent days.

Television is a medium that invites discourse, dialogue, confrontation - but only one of the commentators of the studios has a status of "shoot and go" or in other words Untouchable.

It may be the seniority, combined with the monotonous speech and non-expression of emotions, plus the opinions coming from the "right" place that allows it - but bottom line, today only Abramovich can be miserable, diminished and incited, and everyone in the studio will not even say it's raining.

Why is it suddenly interesting?

Because last night on the program "Shesh Am… Always Oded Ben Ami" there was a glorious opportunity to see how the phenomenon takes place before our eyes: there was a serious discussion in the studio about the deterioration of violent discourse, in light of the last days in Israeli politics.

MK Shirley Pinto starred in the item with the utterance of the "virus", an exposure that Yair Lapid made to crazy talkbacks, a mention of rabbis who encourage incitement. But guess what, children, what was not mentioned in it? The last to demonstrate the right is "inferior."

Already at Studio Friday it was puzzling to see the presenter Danny Kushmero allow the commentator to embarrass the right-wing public who came to the demonstration, and in fact to imply that everyone in it was "inferior".

The unfortunate statement was accompanied by the facilitator's question "What makes her inferior?"

- Yes yes, the interest is intriguing and inviting instead of shock and disgust, in such a climate allows and contains the most provocative commentator in the television space - and there is no compensating here and beeping.

Kushmero ended his listening to Abramovich with "Allow me to object only to the word 'inferior', but we will continue."

It is amazing to see how the status that Abramovich created for himself, with or without a clause in the contract, allows the submitters to at most ask him to allow them to object and move on.

Well done, what they did not do to Amnon in the studios, they did to him on social media, and the justified storm surrounding another raging statement against the right-wing public has occupied the discourse for many days.

Then came Oded Ben-Ami, who aspired to have a comprehensive discussion around the public discourse that had deteriorated for him, and who was called to preach at the gate?

Our Amnon, when he probably knows in front of that empty gate, the facilitator will agree to miss time and time again and not mention what everyone remembers.

And it's not that there was no opportunity to ask the national commentator to take a beam out of his eyes, look in the mirror or maybe just go back on it.

But it was not done.

To illustrate the fact that the National Educator for Respectful Discourse Culture enjoys a non-aggression agreement on the part of the presenter, here are examples of Abramovich's quotes from the interview, and a suggestion for comments that could have confronted him - and of course not said: Abramovich: ".

Suggestion: Do you mean what you said in the last "Friday Studio", in which you called the right-wing demonstration "inferior"?

Abramovich: "It is very difficult to put the point between violent, aggressive language and incitement."

Suggestion: Wait, is this violent language not to call thousands of right-wing protesters "inferior"?

"Always the bullets were fired from right to left and not the other way around."

Suggestion: I would like to remind you of the Altalena affair, where underground members were shot in the order.

One can continue to have fun forever in imaginary dialogues that deserved to be part of a serious journalistic item, meanwhile one can be sure of one thing: the gentlemanly clause in the senior commentator's contract will continue to be respected there in News 12.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-09

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