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Do not fall into the trap: Karin introduced the rule that every woman who enters a relationship must know | Israel today


Karin revealed a secret to us, and it is that when the cameras are not there, Itamar prefers to hang out with friends instead of with her • She knows he is not interested in her, and how right she is • It's a shame that the psychologist Yael causes her to lose direction

Karin teaches Hadas and us an important lesson in diagnosing a man's seriousness towards a woman at the beginning of a relationship.

At the beginning of the episode of "Wedding at First Sight" that aired last night (Tuesday), Itamar tries to dub Karin and asks her to share with him the conversations she makes with herself in her head, as he describes it.

He assures her that he will be there for her, listen and support.

Karin takes time to share.

At first she shares us, then Hadas, later Itamar and finally Yael at the clinic.

The difficulty she raises is this: When the cameras turn off, Itamar runs to his family or friends and is not left to spend quality time with her.

Of all the program participants, Karin is the least open to the cameras.

More than once she told Itamar that there are things she does not share in front of the cameras, and we as viewers realized that there are things between them that we do not see.

In such a case, spending time together without cameras is all the more important because it allows Karin to be more open on the one hand, and Itamar to get to know her in depth on the other.

How right you are.

Karin, Photo: Keshet 12

When he chooses not to stay with her when there are no cameras, she feels rejected.

She reveals the explanation for her feeling to Hadas: "I refer to his actions, not words," and explains to her that for her when he is not staying with her he actually makes it clear to her that she is not interested in him, that he does not fly over her and that he does not really want to be with her.

This formula is desirable and worthwhile for every woman to learn.

Men should be examined only through their actions, the words are less important to men than to women.

So, if your man tells you he wants you but in practice he's going to hang out with his friends every free evening he has, you're right when you realize he's not flying over you and not really interested in a relationship with you.

As proof of the insignificance of the words in Itamar's eyes it can be seen that when Karin shares his difficulty with him, instead of supporting and listening as he promised her he would, he attacks her, bursts into her words and does everything he can to prove her wrong.

But Karin is not wrong.

She also tells him these are her feelings, but that of course does not satisfy him and he continues until he feels he has won the argument.

Where's his promise to be there for her?

It is not clear.

Yashar shoots at Yael.

Itamar, Photo: Keshet 12

With Yael, too, he does not let go when he immediately shoots: "I felt a little unfair that Karin put me in this spot."

Yael notices that Karin just wants to hear that Itamar wants her, but she is wrong.

Karin does not want to hear it, she wants to see it, she wants to feel it - and it does not happen.

Talking is easy, Itamar knows how to speak excellently and has a wonderful persuasive ability, and so he convinces Karin that he is completely interested.

Karin, who came to the program to make a change and decided to dedicate herself to the process and trust Yael, decides to listen to Itamar's words and is convinced: "It did me good, I felt the intention."

But the truth is, because she wants him to want her too, she forgets this important sentence she said to Hadas: to refer to deeds and not to words.

So, the next time the cameras go down, he'll really have to go to his friends again.

Then she will remember this sentence, and the good feeling she had as a result of the sentence he said with Yael will fade away.

The author is the author of the practical guide to creating a relationship: "From all my educational educators" - all the secrets you have never been told to create a relationship.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-10

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