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Ukraine: Putin and Macron discussed Moscow's "security guarantees" by phone


The French and Russian presidents spoke by telephone for the second time in four days, in the midst of the crisis around Ukraine.

Russian and French Presidents Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone Monday for the second time in four days, amid the crisis around Ukraine, the Kremlin said.

Read alsoHow the Ukrainian crisis puts the Macron-Putin relationship to the test

"The exchange of views continued on the situation around Ukraine and issues related to providing Russia with long-term and legally established security guarantees

," said the Russian presidency in a statement released. after the call.

For its part, the United States has prepared

“specific sanctions measures against members of the Russian elite and their families”

if Russia ever attacks Ukraine, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Monday. .

Washington has identified

"individuals belonging to or gravitating around the inner circle of the Kremlin",

she said, indicating that these people were

"particularly vulnerable targets"

for sanctions because of their very close financial ties with Western countries. .

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-01-31

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