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Year of the Tiger | The Chief Executive's Three Divisions and Thirteen Bureaus congratulate the Chinese New Year side officials without mentioning the word "tiger"?


Entering the Year of the Tiger, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and a group of secretaries issued New Year's greetings to all the people of Hong Kong. Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor wished the tiger a new journey, and mentioned that this year is an important moment for the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the SAR, and it is also an important moment for Hong Kong.

Entering the Year of the Tiger, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and a group of secretaries issued New Year's greetings to all the people of Hong Kong.

Carrie Lam wished the tiger a new journey, and mentioned that this year is an important moment for the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the SAR, and it is also a milestone for Hong Kong to embark on a new journey under the "One Country, Two Systems" principle.

She hoped that the epidemic would go away as soon as possible, and that Hong Kong, the mainland and the rest of the world would resume normal personnel exchanges in an orderly manner.

I also wish the citizens good health, peace and happiness, and live and work in peace and contentment; the economy is prosperous, all industries are prosperous, and the tiger is prosperous; the development of Hong Kong is even more powerful, and we will embark on a new journey.

This year is the Year of the Tiger, and most officials' congratulatory speeches refer to the word "tiger" appropriately, with only two exceptions.

May the epidemic be gone as soon as possible, and normal personnel exchanges between Hong Kong, the mainland and the rest of the world will resume in an orderly manner.

I also wish the citizens good health, peace and happiness, and live and work in peace and contentment; the economy is prosperous, all industries are prosperous, and the tiger is prosperous; the development of Hong Kong is even more powerful, and we will embark on a new journey!

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor

The tiger leaps and the dragon rises to give birth to purple air, and the weather is good for the year.

Happy New Year, I wish Hong Kong stability and peace, all sectors of society to help each other, all citizens live a happy and prosperous life.

Chief Secretary for Administration Lee Ka-chiu

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Lee Ka-chiu, pointed out that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which is of special significance.

The theme of the celebration is "25 years of hard work and a new journey together".

A series of rich and exciting celebration activities will be held in Hong Kong, the mainland and overseas, online and offline one after another, allowing the general public and compatriots at home and abroad to celebrate the return to the motherland together, consolidate the confidence and hope of all walks of life, and eagerly look forward to a better Hong Kong.

Under the dual protection of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" and the improvement of the electoral system, the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong" will be implemented to ensure long-term stability in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong bids farewell to the era of destruction and embarks on a new era of construction.

Hong Kong will seize the development opportunities arising from the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to build a better future.


Financial Secretary Paul Chan.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

In the Year of the Tiger of Renyin, I hereby wish all readers a good life, a happy life, and success in everything!

Financial Secretary Paul Chan

Financial Secretary Chen Maobo said that after the implementation of the national security law for Hong Kong, the improvement of the electoral system and the implementation of the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong", Hong Kong has not only changed from chaos to rule, but also showed a new atmosphere, and entered a new stage from governance to prosperity. .

Hong Kong has the advantages of "one country, two systems" and various competitiveness such as internationalization. As long as it is actively and fully integrated into the overall development of the country, it will definitely play a unique role and contribution in the process of the country's sustainable prosperity and development, and usher in a larger and broader development opportunities, allowing the public to share more fruitful development results.

He said, "In the new year, despite the epidemic and the complex and ever-changing external environment, I am confident in the future of the country and Hong Kong. As long as we are united in one mind and work together, Hong Kong will surely be able to successfully overcome the current challenges of the epidemic. Let the industry and commerce flourish again, and Hong Kong's economy will thrive and prosper."

Cheng Ruohua, Secretary for Justice.

(Photo by Gao Zhongming/File photo)

This year is the Year of Renyin and Tiger. I wish all the people of Hong Kong good health and fulfill your wishes.

"Tiger" gives the impression of being agile and aggressive. This is the strength of the Chinese people. I believe that with this trait, everyone will be able to overcome the current challenges and create a better future together.

Secretary for Justice, Ms Cheng Yuk-wah

Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng said that it is hoped that with the entry into force of the National Security Law for Hong Kong and the improvement of the electoral system to implement the policy of "patriots ruling Hong Kong", Hong Kong can enter a new era of good governance and good governance.

Looking forward to the new year, the Department of Justice will continue to introduce a number of measures to help the industry seize the opportunities brought about by national policies and further strengthen Hong Kong's position as an international legal and dispute resolution centre.

She pointed out that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the return of the Hong Kong SAR to the motherland. The Department of Justice will once again host a legal forum on the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law. Through the insights of experts, the public will have a better understanding of the country's Constitution and safeguard national security. Constitutional responsibility, jointly witnessing the successful implementation of the Basic Law and "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong, safeguarding Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

Nie Dequan said that civil servants "relying on the power of tigers" to fight the epidemic with one heart, Zeng Guowei wishes the government to be harmonious and harmonious

The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Peter Nip, said, "The bull's word is better than the new year, and the tiger's new journey. I wish you all a prosperous Chinese New Year and the tiger's strength! The tiger is traditionally an auspicious beast in China, representing auspiciousness and peace. In the new era, Hong Kong is safe and auspicious. It is more meaningful to the society." He reminded the public to take preventive measures against the epidemic during the Spring Festival and when sending blessings to each other. "With the strength, fearlessness and bravery symbolized by the tiger, the civil service team will work together with the public to defeat the epidemic, so that the Social security has entered a new normal. Vaccination is the top priority, and everyone must get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and others. I wish the public health and prosperity, and Hong Kong’s tigers will climb the mountains!”

Tsang Kwok-wai, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, pointed out that with the implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" and the improvement of the SAR's electoral system, the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong" has been fully implemented. The solution will enable citizens to live and work in peace and contentment, and Hong Kong will be in long-term peace and stability.

He said: "At the beginning of the new year, Vientiane is reborn. I wish our country a prosperous and prosperous year of Renyin, and the prosperity of the country, the people's security, and the unity of Hong Kong will continue to create glory; get out of the "epidemic" situation as soon as possible, and clear customs as soon as possible; the citizens are safe and happy, and all industries are prosperous; Huimin!


Yang Runxiong strengthens national education and Huang Jinxing congratulates: Tigers are powerful, green and green are endless!

Yang Runxiong, director of the Education Bureau, said that when the Spring Festival is approaching, we will send cattle to welcome tigers. "The ox reminds us that 'diligence' is a virtue, and understanding the principle of 'no pain, no gain' is one of the values ​​that students should cultivate; "The impression of a tiger growing in strength coincides with the purpose of the Education Bureau's "Vibrant Campus Vitality" program, which encourages students to establish an active and healthy lifestyle." He said that the Education Bureau will continue to strengthen Chinese history, national Education and values ​​education, and promote a series of activities that are conducive to physical and mental development, promote the whole-person development of students, and wish the country a peaceful and safe country, all students in Hong Kong are diligent in their work, and the public is healthy in body and mind!

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, wished the public: "Tigers are strong, green and green are endless! Fight the epidemic together, support green recovery, and support zero-carbon power generation, energy-saving green buildings, new energy vehicles, national waste reduction, clean recycling and waste-to-energy, etc. , to create new opportunities for green economy and employment, to cooperate with Hong Kong's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, to benefit people's livelihood and the environment, and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment!"

Chen Zhaoshi calls for reducing cross-family gatherings Chen Jizhi hopes the epidemic will disappear

Chen Zhaoshi, director of the Food and Health Bureau, said that the dragon is roaring and the tiger is roaring. Through technology, such as video communication, etc., send greetings and blessings to elders, loved ones, and friends, and have a warm Spring Festival.

She pointed out that looking forward to the Year of the Tiger, the Food and Health Bureau will not only continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of "preventing the importation from abroad, but also to prevent the spread of the disease inside", and will also make every effort to promote various medical and health policies, including primary medical care and continuous improvement of public medical services. and facilities, etc., to improve and protect public health. "At the beginning of the Renyin Year, I would like to wish all the citizens of Hong Kong good luck and good health."

Home Affairs Secretary Xu Yingwei has resigned due to his involvement in the scandal, pending approval from the State Council.

Acting Secretary for Home Affairs Chan Kit-chi said, I wish all Hong Kong citizens good luck, good health, good luck and happiness in the year of Renyin, "In the past two years, the epidemic has repeatedly affected everyone's lives. The epidemic of the century will disappear as soon as possible in the new year, society can return to normal operations, and Hong Kong will regain its vitality and resume its journey.”

Luo Zhiguang said that he will continue to promote the protection of labor policies

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Law Chi-kwong, wished: "I wish you good health, harmony, prosperity, and a new journey!" He pointed out that the Labour and Welfare Bureau will continue to promote various measures to protect labor, Policies for supporting the elderly and the weak and caring for the young include expanding the dual transportation concession scheme, legislation to abolish "MPF hedging", strengthening the protection of children, improving the quality regulation of residential care homes, and safeguarding occupational safety, etc.

Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung congratulated the Chinese New Year and all the best, "I wish all Hong Kong citizens a prosperous and healthy new year. The epidemic situation is still severe, but I believe that as long as we all work together, Hong Kong will definitely be able to overcome the epidemic. All industries are prosperous, and the country is safe. My colleagues in the Security Bureau and the disciplined service teams will continue to stick to our posts, fight the epidemic together, and do our best to safeguard national security and protect Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong can become a home for everyone to live and work in peace and contentment.”

Chen Fan said that efforts to increase the supply of public housing Yau Tenghua wished all industries prosperity

The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Chan Fan, wished everyone good health and happiness, "Looking ahead to the coming year, we will continue to carry out and study railway and road infrastructure projects to improve transport, consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as an international aviation hub and an international maritime centre. In terms of housing, we will continue to increase and speed up the supply of public housing so that people can live comfortably. At the same time, we will actively promote the development of transitional housing, continue to provide cash allowances to families in need, and effectively Enforcing the tenancy control of 'subdivided housing'."

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, said that entering the Year of the Tiger, the "Tiger" symbolizes hard work, vigor and strength, "Our priority is still to fight the epidemic and overcome adversity, but as long as we all work together, we will continue to give full play to the strengths and strengths of Hong Kong. By integrating the advantages of national development, we will be able to expand into a wider market. We believe that Hong Kong's economy will continue to grow steadily. We will strive to promote a business-friendly environment and join hands with the industry to meet the challenges and opportunities of the new year. At the beginning of the new year , I wish all citizens good health, all the best, and all businesses prosperous!"

Xue Yongheng, Secretary of the Bureau of Innovation and Technology, pointed out, "Tigers come in gold. I wish everyone a prosperous year of the Tiger, all your dreams come true, the spirit of Longma, and all businesses prosper; everyone travels with peace of mind, and no poisons invade. Everyone should unite and give play to the spirit of helping each other and helping each other under the Lion Rock in Hong Kong to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood, especially in the post-epidemic era, which is conducive to accelerating the development of innovation and technology, promote the transformation of scientific research results, and traditional industries embrace technology to enhance competition. To achieve the "industrialization of science and technology, industrialization of science and technology".

I hope that everyone will embrace the opportunities of innovation and technology, rebuild a harmonious city in Hong Kong, and work together to promote the common prosperity of the society.


Wong Wai Lun: All-out development of land, Xu Zhengyu said he is full of confidence in Hong Kong's advantages

The Secretary for Development, Mr Wong Wai-lun, wished Hong Kong's economy to develop steadily, talents from all walks of life to develop their strengths, everyone to be healthy and full of vitality, and to work smoothly in the new year, with strength and success, "Looking ahead to the coming year, the Development Bureau will continue to take a multi-pronged approach to develop To increase the supply of land, meet the housing needs of the public and various social needs, and at the same time join hands with all sectors of the community to promote various projects and work, and work together to create a high-quality living environment and promote the sustainable development of Hong Kong.”

Xu Zhengyu, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, said, "As we enter the Year of the Tiger, I would like to wish Hong Kong 01 readers a happy and prosperous Year of the Tiger. Looking forward to the coming year, I, like all sectors of the community, hope that the epidemic will be soon as soon as possible. Under control, the general public will resume normal life. My colleagues in the Treasury Bureau and I will continue to work tirelessly to promote market development, maintain financial stability and mitigate economic shocks, so as to better integrate into the overall development of the country and consolidate our status as an international financial center The Tigers have always been known for their self-confidence, sharpness and determination. I am convinced that Hong Kong is also the same. It has always been confident in its own advantages, has a keen sense of changes in the global market, and takes decisive measures to meet challenges. I wish Hong Kong a victory over the epidemic, a steady economic recovery, and a healthy body of citizens. , all the industry is powerful!"

Zeng Guowei and Chen Jizhi did not mention "tiger"

Based on the above congratulatory messages, only two officials did not mention the word "tiger", namely the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Tsang Kwok-wai, and the Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Chen Jizhi.

The Year of the Tiger|Carrie Lam's New Year's Message: I hope that the Year of the Tiger will overcome the "epidemic" without losing the opportunity to face the difficulties in the Year of the Tiger.

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-02-01

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