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After jungle camp-Aus: "Manta, Manta" is coming back! Tina Ruland is shooting again with Til Schweiger


After jungle camp-Aus: "Manta, Manta" is coming back! Tina Ruland is shooting again with Til Schweiger Created: 02/02/2022, 20:43 By: Judith Brown Tina Ruland will soon be back in front of the camera with Til Schweiger for "Manta, Manta 2". © RTL Big surprise after Tina Ruland's "Jungle Camp" exit: She will soon be back in front of the camera with Til Schweiger and shooting "Manta, Manta 2".

After jungle camp-Aus: "Manta, Manta" is coming back!

Tina Ruland is shooting again with Til Schweiger

Created: 02/02/2022, 20:43

By: Judith Brown

Tina Ruland will soon be back in front of the camera with Til Schweiger for "Manta, Manta 2".


Big surprise after Tina Ruland's "Jungle Camp" exit: She will soon be back in front of the camera with Til Schweiger and shooting "Manta, Manta 2".

Kruger National Park – Tina Ruland* moved into the “jungle camp*” as one of the eleven candidates of the current 15th season.

On day 11, however, it was over for the actress, who was best known for her role in the German cult film "Manta, Manta" alongside Til Schweiger.

While she had to cope with bad news of death in the camp and the 55-year-old was banned from several "jungle camp" exams, she now seems to be in full swing after moving out.

As it became known, there should be a second part of "Manta, Manta".

In addition to Ruland and Schweiger, other stars from back then should also be involved.

After jungle camp-Aus: "Manta, Manta" is coming back!

Tina Ruland is shooting again with Til Schweiger

According to information from the


, after all these years and to the delight of many fans, there should finally be a sequel to the action love comedy from 1991 between the pretty hairdresser "Uschi", played by Ruland, and the car lover "Bertie", played by Schweiger.

Filming for the second part is scheduled to start in the summer of 2022.

Actor Michael Kessler should also be part of the party.

The now 56-year-old embodied the role of "Klausi".

"Manta, Manta" is coming back: ex-jungle camper Tina Ruland and Til Schweiger are doing things together again

While the first part was produced by the late director Bernd Eichinger, this is now being done by Constantin Film together with Til Schweiger.

The actor is said to be directing the film himself.

Even the start of the film should already be certain: According to information from


, the strip should come to German cinemas on March 30, 2023.

Until then, the fans will have to be patient a little longer.

But so much can already be revealed: The focus of the film is probably the son of the now divorced couple, who apparently wants to follow in father Bertie's footsteps as a racing driver.


* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Source: merkur

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