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Campaign with a veiled woman: "Europe becomes the organ of a diverse propaganda"


FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE - The European Commission has illustrated one of its posters with a veiled woman, next to which is written the slogan "The future of Europe is in your hands". The European Union has made the hijab one of its political markers, deplores Benjamin Sire.

Benjamin Sire is a composer and journalist for the weekly Franc-Tireur.

Faster, higher, stronger !

In this period of parodic Olympiads with our Chinese democratic friends, where winter sportsmen slide on fake snow, in front of a fake audience, during fake games, but on the real shroud of the Uyghur people, the indescribable communicators of the European Commission have decided to take over the motto dear to Pierre de Coubertin, in order to apply it to their frenzied promotion of the Islamic veil, already pinned in these columns and elsewhere, a short time ago.

Season 1 of this hectic series was however a kiln and we doubted that its continental producers would start a new opus so quickly.

Let us recall the facts “

for those who missed the start

”, according to the established expression.

Last November, the Council of Europe, through its program to combat discrimination, inequality and exclusion and to strengthen inclusion, under the laudable pretext of celebrating diversity and religious freedom (to which we we very much prefer freedom of conscience which protects all ways of thinking and believing and is the basis of our secularism),

My veil, my choice

", or "

Beauty is in diversity, as freedom is in the hijab


To the credit of the European Union, this first episode of the happy days of the hijab was not directly piloted by the Commission, but by the Council, which is an international organization based in Strasbourg and which brings together 47 continental countries.

Benjamin Sir

Faced with the outcry caused by this promotion, which was at least confusing in its version intended for social networks, the Council of Europe had quickly backpedaled and removed the visuals from some of them, such as Twitter.

The French government, like a large part of the political class, was itself moved by this action which did not correspond to the historical line of our country in the matter.

But to the credit of the European Union, this first episode of the happy days of the hijab was not directly piloted by the Commission, but by the Council, which is an international organization based in Strasbourg and which brings together 47 continental countries.

Alas, episode 2 is indeed proposed by the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament through the conference on the future of Europe which is being held from 11 to 13 February, and whose work will be delivered in December 2022.

Read alsoEmmanuel Macron calls on Europe to "decide faster and stronger"

What is it about ?

Well to promote the said conference, of course!

These are therefore 17 new visuals that have been released in recent days, accompanied by the sober commentary:

“The future is in your hands”

(whose subtext could nevertheless be:

“but still a lot in ours... ”


And bingo!

One of them does not fail to show us a young woman scanning the horizon with determination, in a pose borrowing more from fashion photography than from political clichés and, although dressed in a very fashionable leather jacket suede (in real suede? But what is the Animalist Party doing?), wearing an ample multicolored veil, covering a second one, black, this one.

No doubt, it is indeed the future of the

Islam which is here in our hands.


The existence of this visual is in no way innocent.

It takes up the little music of

"My veil, my choice"

, as if the practice of Islam became not only inseparable from the European idea, but also inextricably linked to the wearing of the veil and to an ostensible and identity affirmation of the religious fact. .

Benjamin Sir

We could of course object that the other visuals deal with different types of characters and situations, ranging from the man or the woman alone, to the family, through intergenerational relationships, young people, seniors, etc.

Except that the existence of this visual is in no way innocent.

It takes up the little music of "

My veil, my choice

", as if the practice of Islam became not only inseparable from the European idea, but also inextricably linked to the wearing of the veil and to an ostensible and identity affirmation of the religious fact. , which is by no means a reality.

Read alsoThe veil in sport electrifies the National Assembly

Once again, Europe is having fun playing with fire here in the expression of its diverse propaganda, without ever explaining the issues or linking it to the rest of its message.

And, by taking only Islam as an identity marker, it sends a clear signal as to its priorities, which in the process may finally shock the dozens of other identities currently expressing themselves and participating in erasing all traces of this commonality which cements our companies.

In this little game, why no visual promoting the yarmulke, the pastafarian colander, the square and the Freemason compass, or, to leave the spiritual field, the handicapped (although a timid crutch appears vaguely on one of the photos, next to a skateboard, without knowing if it does not testify to

Above all, by making this choice of the Muslim religious exception and one of its political markers, which is the veil -

My visual, my choice!

- the European Commission is sending an easy-to-use signal in the context of the French electoral campaign, by putting a coin in the Zemmourist machine, which the current dynamic did not need.

A bit as if the European Union voted Reconquest...

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-02-11

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