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Iran: a man beheads his wife "for honor"


Mona Heydari, 17, had fled to escape domestic violence. When she returned, her husband murdered her. Femicide mobilizes civil society.

This is the image that Mona Heydari's friends would have preferred to keep of her.

That of a smiling face, surmounted by a woolen hat.

But the violence of his assassination prevailed over the tenderness of the memories.

On Saturday February 5, the 17-year-old young woman was beheaded by her husband and his brother-in-law in Ahvaz, capital of the province of Khuzestan, in the south-west of Iran.

Since then, the video of the husband parading in the street, the head of his victim in one hand, his knife in the other, has gone viral on social networks.

The glaring illustration, according to lawyer Ali Mojtahedzadeh,

of “the shortcomings”

concerning the protection of women in the Islamic Republic.

Married by force

On Monday, the two men were arrested

"during a search of their hiding place",

announced the local police, quoted by the official agency Irna.

For the time being, nothing appears on the condemnation of which they could, or not, be the object in a country where the laws favor and protect the male sex.

"The murder of...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-02-11

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