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Avoiding the Epidemic│The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Gold Bus is hard to get a single ticket, a family of six fails to pass the customs with the overdue test results


The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong is serious, and more than 1,000 new cases are reported every day. Many citizens "go north" to avoid the epidemic. The shuttle bus "Jinba" between Hong Kong and Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will resume two-way from today (12th). transport

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong is serious, and more than 1,000 new cases are reported every day. Many citizens "go north" to avoid the epidemic. The shuttle bus "Jinba" between Hong Kong and Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will resume two-way from today (12th). In operation, the reporter of "Hong Kong 01" inspected the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port at noon, and found that many citizens who could not make reservations for Jinba tickets were trying their best to get online refunds outside the passenger inspection building at the port. There was also a family of six. Knowing that the test result has exceeded 24 hours, he still came to "break through", and finally failed.

Mr. Zhou and his wife, who did not have a ticket, and their 10-year-old son planned to return to Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge at 6 o'clock this morning. They got a "Golden Bus" ticket at 3 pm today just before getting on the bus.

Since her son was going to school in the Mainland, Zhou Taixian arranged for his son to enter the port to board the bus, while she and her husband continued to buy tickets with their mobile phones outside the passenger inspection building.

A large number of citizens returned to the mainland via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to avoid the epidemic.

(Photo by O Jiale)

Zhou Tai showed her mobile phone and pointed out that the tickets from Hong Kong to Zhuhai from today to the 20th of this month have been sold out. It is a real-name system and cannot be transferred.

She can only refund the tickets with her husband and others, and then grab those returned tickets in the online ticket system.

She mentioned that because the tickets are cheap, many people have no refunds even if they fail to leave the country. The non-transferable approach is inelastic and wastes a lot of tickets.


Mrs. Zhou admitted that she was a little worried about her son going to ride alone in the car later and being alone in the quarantine hotel for the next 14 days, while Zhou Sheng said, "It's a good thing to let him (son) experience it." The test results of the couple will be More than 24 hours after 4 pm today, if they fail to get a ticket, they have no choice but to go back and do the test again.

Another citizen pointed out that because they had to go back to work in the Mainland, they had already snapped up online purchases of the "Golden Bus" tickets when they resumed sale, but the tickets were sold out in one minute, so they could only "come through the barrier today".

He also pointed out that Hong Kong people, especially the elderly and children, who have been to Shenzhen Bay before but wanted to leave Hong Kong to "evade the epidemic", took a taxi to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to "cross the border".

Since his test results are only valid until 4 p.m. today, he has no expectations of being able to go back to Zhuhai today, "Everyone grabbed the (ticket), but I couldn't grab it."

Another citizen, Mr. Li, who wanted to go to Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, mentioned that he had not seen his wife in the mainland for half a year during the epidemic. As the epidemic in Hong Kong worsened, his wife was very worried and asked him to return to the mainland from time to time.

He booked the ticket online at 11:00 last night, and it was not completed until about 2:00 in the morning. Only when he arrived at the port today did he realize that he had booked the wrong ticket to Macau.

His test results are still valid until 8pm tonight, hoping to grab other people's refunds.

Mr. Wang, a mainland student who is studying in Hong Kong, pointed out that he successfully ordered a "Jimba" ticket from Hong Kong to Zhuhai yesterday. Although he knew that the test had passed the validity period of 4 to 5 hours, he still came today to try to see if he could board the train.

He was unable to board the train after that, and will refund the ticket and go there for another test. He hopes to take the train back to Zhuhai successfully tomorrow.

Mr. Wang mentioned that the epidemic in Hong Kong is severe, and it is expected that "it will not be able to control it within a month or two", and life under the epidemic has become inconvenient.

In addition, the school announced yesterday that it will switch to online classes. He felt that the epidemic situation in the mainland would be more stable and his life would be more comfortable, so he decided to go back.

Another family of six said when they came out of the travel inspection building that because the test results exceeded the valid time for one hour, the whole family had to leave and make plans.

New Coronary Pneumonia|CityU team estimates that the fifth wave of 250,000 people infected with the virus will peak at the end of February or March New Coronary Pneumonia|A customs officer who is in charge of baggage inspection at the airport apron is initially diagnosed with New Coronary Pneumonia|2 Mixed Shorthair Cats Virus Test The positive owner is a close contact of the confirmed case

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-02-12

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