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"Sanctions alone are not enough": Söder calls for fundamental changes in Germany after the outbreak of war


"Sanctions alone are not enough": Söder calls for fundamental changes in Germany after the outbreak of war Created: 02/25/2022, 13:36 By: Katarina Amtmann Russia has launched a major attack on Ukraine. Markus Söder spoke of an oppressive feeling and has clear demands. Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter on the war in Ukraine: "Putin's barbaric act" (see update from February 24, 2:38 p.m.). War in Ukrai

"Sanctions alone are not enough": Söder calls for fundamental changes in Germany after the outbreak of war

Created: 02/25/2022, 13:36

By: Katarina Amtmann

Russia has launched a major attack on Ukraine.

Markus Söder spoke of an oppressive feeling and has clear demands.

  • Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter on the war in Ukraine:

    "Putin's barbaric act"

    (see update from February 24, 2:38 p.m.).

  • War in Ukraine

    : Eurofighter sent from Bavaria to Romania

    (see update of February 24, 3:35 p.m.).

  • Russia attacks Ukraine

    : Markus Söder* comments on the war after the CSU board meeting

    (see update from February 25, 12:51 p.m.).

  • This ticker on reactions from Bavaria is updated regularly.

Update from February 25, 12:51 p.m .:

After the CSU board meeting on Friday, Markus Söder made a press statement and also addressed the war in Ukraine.

"It's war," Söder begins his statement.

"The specter of my youth, of my generation, is coming back a bit." This war is gripping the safety of all of us.

Söder emphasizes that this war “cannot be justified by anything.

Every day longer makes it worse and worse."

The CSU strongly condemns Russia's invasion.

Ukraine conflict: Söder comments on the war situation - "Sanctions are not enough"

It is now about the security of all of Europe.

You have to act with a cool head.

"Sanctions alone are not enough," says the Prime Minister.

More work needs to be done on that.

The entire security situation is now changing in Europe.

"Everyone must be aware that our security is only guaranteed by the USA." It is good that the US troops in Germany and Europe are being reinforced.

Political Ash Wednesday has been cancelled, so a cabinet meeting is being held to clarify what help Bavaria could provide.

Söder is certain that the concept of the Bundeswehr has to be redesigned.

"Something has to change fundamentally." The order of the day is to switch the Bundeswehr back to national defense.

Investments must also be made in the security of Germany and NATO.

Update from February 25, 11:17 a.m .:

The Bavarian government shows solidarity with Ukraine with the Ukrainian flag in front of the State Chancellery.

“Russia's attack on a sovereign state is a barbaric act. Sanctions are right and necessary.

We stand by Ukraine and its citizens!” State Chancellery Minister Florian Herrmann was quoted as saying on Facebook.

Ukraine conflict: Conductor Vladimir Jurowski changes his Russian programme

Update from February 25, 7.36 a.m .:

 After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Russian conductor Vladimir Jurowski changed the originally purely Russian program for two concerts of his Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra over the weekend.

Instead of the Slavic March by Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), the Ukrainian national anthem to a melody by the Ukrainian composer Mychajlo Werbyzkyj (1815-1870) and his Symphonic Overture No. 1 are now played.

He did not think the start of military aggression was possible until the very end, said Jurowski, who is also general music director of the Bavarian State Opera, in a statement on Thursday.

"I am deeply indignant about this action, but also extremely sad because I am connected to both countries through my family history." He hopes for peace as soon as possible.

With the program change "we want to send a signal of solidarity with the Ukrainian people".

Ukraine War: Eurofighter sent from Bavaria to Romania

Update from February 24, 3:35 p.m.:

Three Eurofighters from Neuburg an der Donau (Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district) are sent to Romania.

In this way, the Luftwaffe wants to help protect NATO's south-eastern flank.

The fighter planes took off from the local air base on Thursday, reports the dpa.

The Ministry of Defense had already relocated three Eurofighters to Romania last week.

The machines are to be integrated into an Italian Eurofighter contingent from the Mihail Kogalniceanu military airport near Constanta.

This type of cooperation ("interoperability") makes it possible to quickly grow an existing air defense formation.

This also includes joint “protective flights” in the airspace.

Soldiers and Eurofighters belong to Tactical Air Force Squadron 74.

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter sharply condemns Russia's attack on Ukraine

Update from February 24, 2:38 p.m .:

Munich’s Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) made a public statement dismayed by Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

"Putin's barbaric act" was a "terrible aggression contrary to international law".

This should be stopped as soon as possible.

He is particularly concerned about the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, which is twinned with the Bavarian state capital.

Reiter promised that civilian and humanitarian support would be made available to alleviate the suffering of the local people.

Update from February 24, 1:07 p.m .:

Austria’s Chancellor Karl Nehammer has the floor first.

"It was one of my most intensive phone calls as Chancellor," reports Nehammer about a conversation with the Ukrainian President.

He reports on Zelenskyj's words: He reports from a country where he no longer knows how long it will exist and he reports as president without knowing how long he will be alive.

Then Markus Söder has the floor: "It's serious, it's war, it's war in Europe." This is a completely new dimension.

A "war of aggression" that cannot be justified by anything, according to Söder.

Bavaria stands behind the federal government and its partners.

He calls for unified and decisive action.

You need a cool head.

He makes it clear that immediate action is needed.

"It's not just about a threat to Ukraine, it's also about our security," warns Söder.

Defense must be well organised, European defense must be better organised.

"Don't lose your head, but decide wisely," says Söder.

“Diplomacy is always the first answer”, but you also have to set limits.

"It is a very serious situation for all of us."

Update from February 24, 1:05 p.m .:

Markus Söder will comment immediately after his meeting with the Austrian Chancellor.

You can follow the statements of the two politicians live here (see video above).

After Putin's attack on Ukraine: Mayor of Nuremberg appalled

Update from February 24, 12:47 p.m .:

Marcus König (CSU), Mayor of Nuremberg, has also spoken out and sharply attacked Putin’s actions*: “I detest this deeply inhuman behavior by the Russian head of state.” One now wants to see how one can could also help Nuremberg's Ukrainian sister city Kharkiv.

Russia-Ukraine war: Söder calls for strengthening of NATO

Update from February 24, 10:44 a.m .:

Politicians from all over the world are shocked by the Russian attack, and there is also great horror in Bavaria (see previous updates).

Markus Söder has now canceled the CSU's political Ash Wednesday and appealed to the other parties to do the same.

“The type of event does not fit the time.

It should be a departure for Corona, but now we are in a serious foreign policy crisis," said the CSU boss on Twitter.

The Russia-Ukraine crisis also overshadowed his visit to Vienna.

"Markus Söder is just starting his inaugural visit to Austria's new Chancellor Nehammer in Vienna - but completely overshadowed by the Ukraine crisis.

Actually, it should be about transit and neighborhood,” reports Christian Deutschländer, Head of Politics/Background at

Munich Mercury.

Upon arrival in Vienna, Söder spoke directly and called for NATO to be strengthened in the east and the Bundeswehr.

“We must also consider increasing European defense overall.

One must also speak to the United States that there are enough troops stationed at the NATO border "to ensure security." One must also urge "to give Ukraine all the help they need." Achim Wendler from


shared Söder statements

on Twitter.

Söder comments on the Russia-Ukraine conflict: "Black day for peace in Europe"

Update from February 24, 8:27 a.m .:

"A black day for peace in Europe," wrote Markus Söder on Twitter in the morning.

“War must never be a solution.

We condemn the attack on Ukraine, it must be stopped immediately.

We support the federal government in taking the necessary steps in close coordination with our western partners," he added.

The CSU boss is currently on the train to Vienna with Florian Herrmann.

There is an appointment with the Austrian Chancellor Nehammer: "Actually a visit to the neighborhood - but we are all depressed about the situation in Ukraine.

In the western community of states, we stand for the territorial independence of Ukraine.”

Party colleague Markus Blume was also shocked by Russia's actions: "The attack on Ukraine is an attack on Europe.

We must stand together now and show a common response.

International law is non-negotiable,” he wrote on Twitter for the hashtag “WeStandWithUkraine”.

Katharina Schulze, co-chair of the Bavarian Greens, is also appalled: "When I think of the people in Ukraine, I feel great pain.

They want to live in peace in their country, but Putin won't let them.

He started a war.

It's so awful," she wrote on Twitter.

"Very bad signal": Söder appalled by Russia's Ukraine attack - quick reaction required

First report from February 24, 7:39 a.m.:

Munich – All diplomatic efforts have been unsuccessful: Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced military action and launched a major attack on Ukraine.

Since then, more and more explosions have been reported, and the attack appears to have come from two sides.

Many politicians expressed shock, Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke of a “dark day for Europe.” Markus Söder* also said in the morning: “A very depressing feeling today.

We feared it, but now it's true," Bavaria's Prime Minister told



Söder reaction to Russia's attack on Ukraine: "Very bad signal"

“The troop movement order has now been officially issued.

That is a very bad and bad signal for freedom, for the security of states," Söder said.

"That's why it's all the more important that we now stand behind Ukraine*, do everything we can to let the sanctions take effect immediately and that we send a clear signal together that we condemn it and don't support it," said the CSU boss clearly.

Söder condemns Russia's actions in the Ukraine crisis and draws conclusions for Bavaria

Söder had already made his position clear on Wednesday and condemned the actions of Russia*.

Bavaria's Prime Minister had also drawn a conclusion for the Free State.

If the Russian vaccine Sputnik V* is approved, it is no longer conceivable to continue the negotiations in view of the Russian approach.

"That's over."

(came)* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-02-25

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