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Rumours in the political circle|The Hong Kong People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


The National "Two Sessions" are about to open in Beijing. Representatives of the Hong Kong People's Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have been preparing for a meeting in Beijing recently.

The National "Two Sessions" are about to open in Beijing. Representatives of the Hong Kong People's Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have been preparing for a meeting in Beijing recently. It can be described as twists and turns. Shi Ronghuai, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, tested positive in Shenzhen. As a result, 11 celebrities in the same car of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference had to be sent to quarantine for the 21st. Missed the annual two sessions, and some veterans participated in the two sessions for the last time.

The five-year term of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be re-elected next year. According to the unwritten rule of "seven ups and eight downs", there is a good chance that many representatives of the Hong Kong People's Congress will step down from the line of fire, including Ye Guoqian, Cai Suyu, Wu Liangxing, etc. The CPPCC Standing Committee will also appear. "Big Blood Change".

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There is an unspoken rule of "seven ups and downs" in mainland officialdom, that is, the age of 67 is used as the boundary, and when you reach the age of 68, you must retire.

At present, more than 10 of the 36 deputies to the National People's Congress have reached their rare age, such as Zheng Yaotang, Ye Guoqian, Cai Suyu, Huo Zhenhuan, Tian Beichen, Lu Duanan, and Wu Liangxing.

However, the relevant regulations also retain a certain degree of flexibility. Some people who have made important contributions and roles to the country have the opportunity to continue to serve even if they are old. Especially in the CPPCC, the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former chief executive Tung Chee-hwa has continued to serve.

There are many exceptions to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference formed by appointment. For example, former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan became a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference four years ago, when he was 70 years old; "Fujian Gang" Zhou Andayuan also became a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference at the age of 71. CPPCC Standing Committee.

The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be re-elected early next year, and about half of the 18 members of the Standing Committee of the Hong Kong Political Consultative Conference are expected to retire.

The Hong Kong People's Congress election will be held at the end of the year.

(file picture)

Cai Suyu does not stay on Ye Guoqian: it is not time to express

Some senior establishment factions expressed that they believed that the practice of "seven up and eight down" would not change. Most of the "enough time" deputies to the National People's Congress need to step down from the line of fire. Will 72-year-old Tam Yiu-chung stay in office?

Tan Yaozong said when receiving the inquiry that there is still a period of time before the election, and he will reconsider at that time.

Ye Guoqian, who is 70 years old and has been a deputy to the National People's Congress for four times, also pointed out that it is not yet time to express whether he will stay or stay.

Cai Suyu, who is 71 years old and missed the two sessions because of the same car with Shi Ronghuai, said that the central government does not explicitly stipulate the age of candidates for the National People's Congress. .

She said she would not run again, she was elected four years ago and knew she would not run for re-election, not a recent decision.

The National People's Congress, which opens this Saturday (5th), will review the method for electing deputies to the Hong Kong People's Congress. If the relevant draft is passed, the Hong Kong People's Congress will be elected by the current 1,500-member Election Committee instead of the previous election committee members. The "Election Council" formed means that the Election Committee, which was originally responsible for electing the Chief Executive and MPs, has been given new functions.

Two Sessions︱Tan Yaozong and Tan Huizhu had been in contact with confirmed cases and needed to be isolated and absent from the National People’s Congress meeting︱Ma Fengguo clarified that there was no infection: he deeply understands that the strict prevention and control in the Mainland is very different from Hong Kong’s two sessions︱Shi Ronghuai was infected with the epidemic and stayed in the hospital in Shenzhen, the fever has subsided and no discomfort: 11 people are implicated in guilt The two sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference | 01 News: Shi Ronghuai of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has initially tested positive in Shenzhen quarantine and now has a low-grade fever and cough

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-02-28

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