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The situation in Ukraine | What are the plans of the United States and Russia to play a game on other people's soil?


Since mid-February, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has undergone major changes. After Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech announcing the recognition of the pro-Russian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine as independent republics, the Russian military has repeatedly

Since mid-February, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has undergone major changes.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech announcing the recognition of the pro-Russian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine as independent republics, the Russian military has escalated its operations several times, advancing into Ukraine in an all-round way, and even hit Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

After the US announced several rounds of sanctions against Russia, Russia does not seem to have any intention of stopping.

The tenacious resistance of Ukrainian soldiers was unexpected.

(Associated Press)

Yesterday (February 28), representatives of Ukraine and Russia started negotiations in Belarus without significant progress.

Subsequently, Ukraine's Presidential Press Secretary Nikiforov said that President Volodymyr Zelensky had signed Ukraine's application to join the European Union in the capital Kyiv.

What are the plans of the US and Russia?

In what form will the situation in Russia and Ukraine continue to develop?

What can China do?

Sun Taiyi will analyze them one by one in the article.

Series reports:

The Ukraine problem is the unresolved knot of the collapse of the Soviet Union

The upper and lower limits of Putin's deployment of troops

Ukraine turns its back on Russia's two divergent paths

Ukraine's Lessons from the Past

Continued game between the US and Russia: what are the plans for each?

The impact of the Ukrainian change on Eurasian geopolitics

For details, please read the 306th issue of "Hong Kong 01" Electronic Weekly Newsletter (February 28, 2022) "

Continued Game between the US and Russia: What are the Calculations?



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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-03-01

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