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Selenskyj apparently survived further murder attempts - thanks to war opponents in Putin's secret service?


Selenskyj apparently survived further murder attempts - thanks to war opponents in Putin's secret service? Created: 03/05/2022, 06:10 In the Ukraine war, President Selenskyj defied Putin's troops. Apparently there had been an attempted assassination on him on Wednesday night. The news ticker. Ukraine conflict*: There are reports of an assassination attempt on President Volodymyr Zelenskyj* (upd

Selenskyj apparently survived further murder attempts - thanks to war opponents in Putin's secret service?

Created: 03/05/2022, 06:10

In the Ukraine war, President Selenskyj defied Putin's troops.

Apparently there had been an attempted assassination on him on Wednesday night.

The news ticker.

  • Ukraine conflict*: There are reports of an assassination attempt on President Volodymyr Zelenskyj*

    (update from March 2, 9.43 a.m.).

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin* apparently wants to replace Selenskyi with ex-President Yanukovych

    (update from March 2, 4:43 p.m.)

  • Kiev is apparently preparing reparation claims against Moscow

    (update from March 3, 11:01 a.m.


  • This

    news ticker on Ukraine President Zelenskyj

    is continuously updated.

    You can find more background information on the Ukraine crisis* behind the link.

Update from March 3, 10:20 a.m .:

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has apparently survived further attempts to kill Russia: A total of three attempts failed, writes the well-known British daily newspaper

The Times


According to the report, opponents of the war in the Russian domestic secret service FSB could be involved in thwarting the assassination attempts.

Both the notorious Russian mercenary unit "Group Wagner" and Chechen special units failed.

"Wagner" also suffered "casualties" - members of the force were alarmed by Ukraine's accurate response to their efforts.

A source said it was "scary" how knowledgeable Zelenskyy's security guards are.

Update from March 3,

6:23 p.m .: Volodymyr Zelenskyj remains Russia's number one target.

On Thursday he addressed his word directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the Nexta news portal,


said to Putin: "If you don't want to go now - sit down with me at the negotiating table, I have time.

But not 30 meters apart, like Macron*, Scholz - I'm a neighbor.

I don't bite." The background is the pictures of the meetings between Putin and Scholz, for example, which took place at a large table several meters apart.

Selenskyj continues: "I'm a normal person, sit down with me, talk to me."

The Ukrainian online newspaper

Kyiv Independent

also quotes Zelenskyj: “What are you (Putin) afraid of?” Zelenskyj explained to


: “I am a living person and everyone wants to live.

And if someone is not afraid of losing their life or the lives of their children, then that person is sick to me.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyi, President of Ukraine (archive image) © Stefanie Loos/dpa

Update from March 3, 2:55 p.m .:

She is the First Lady of war-torn Ukraine.

But since Russia's attack, the president's wife Olena Selenska* has also been in the public eye.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine President sees declining combat readiness of Russian troops

Update from March 3, 12:52 p.m

.: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj communicates with his people via social media – continuously.

In one of his most recent messages, he attested to a sharp drop in the willingness to fight of Putin's troops and accused them of looting.

More and more of the soldiers would flee the country again, the US broadcaster CNN translated from a Facebook post by Zelenskyj on Wednesday evening.

They would also scour Ukrainian supermarkets in search of food: "These are not superpower fighters, these are confused children who have been abused," Zelenskyy said, according to the CNN report.

Ukraine war news: Zelenskyj demands reparations from Putin

Update from March 3,

11:01 a.m .: A clear declaration of war by Volodymyr Zelenskyj: "We will restore every single house, every single street and every single city," said the Ukrainian President in his most recent video message.

This is reported by The Kyiv Independent, an English-language news portal based in Kyiv.

Zelenskyy also recommended that Russia, under President Vladimir Putin, remember the meaning of the word "reparations," meaning bearing the cost of reconstruction after the damage.

Here is the corresponding tweet from this Thursday morning:

Ukraine war news: Selenskyj announces resistance to opponents of a country

Update from March 3,

6:51 a.m .: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has announced a tough fight against his country’s opponents.

"You will not have peace here, you will not have food here, you will not have a quiet minute here," said the 44-year-old in a video message on Thursday night.

Squatters would only get one thing from the Ukrainians: "So fierce resistance that they will forever remember that we will not give up what is ours."

Within a week (since Russia's invasion) Ukraine foiled plans that the "enemy" had been preparing for years.

Selenskyj spoke of almost 9,000 Russians killed.

The morale of the Russian army is deteriorating.

Russian soldiers were being taken prisoner every day.

“And they only say one thing.

They don't know what they're here for," he said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a video message that he distributed via Telegram on the night of March 2nd to 3rd.

© -/Ukrainian President/telegram/dpa

Ukraine President Zelenskyy thanks UN General Assembly

Referring to the UN General Assembly (see previous updates), in which most countries had backed a resolution, Zelenskyy said: 141 countries voted for Ukraine, for Russia 4 - North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, Belarus.

"This is the list.

Those are the friends.”

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry had previously reported that more than 5,840 Russian soldiers had been killed since the war began.

The Russian Ministry of Defense disagreed.

According to him, 498 Russian soldiers have been killed so far.

These were the first official numbers from Russia since the beginning of the war.

The information is not independently verifiable.

Ukraine war: Selenskyj speaks out on Twitter

Update from March 2, 7:25 p.m .:

The UN General Assembly has clearly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

141 member states voted in favor of a corresponding resolution at an emergency meeting.

35 countries abstained, only 5 rejected the decision.

Vladimir Zelensky then spoke up via Twitter.

He spoke of an "unprecedented majority of votes and a "strong demand on Russia to stop the treacherous attack immediately." He thanked the UN states.

Zelenskyj also sees from the vote that a "global anti-Putin coalition" has formed.

"The world is with us," he tweeted, adding, "Victory will be ours."

Ukraine conflict: Putin wants to replace Selensyj - plan seeps through

Update from March 2, 4:43 p.m .:

It is clear that Vladimir Putin would like to remove the government in Kiev around President Zelenskyj from power, at the latest after the apparently failed assassination attempt.

Now the further plan of the Kremlin ruler is slowly seeping through.

According to the Ukrainian newspaper Pravda, Putin wants to use ex-president Viktor Yanukovych in place of Zelenskyy.

This is reported, among other things,


Update from March 2, 12:50 p.m

.: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj is pushing for Ukraine* to join the EU soon and hopes that this will give more cohesion in the Ukraine war* against Russia.

And EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen * has already spoken out in favor of it.

However, the Vice President of the EPP in the European Parliament, David McAllister (CDU), is now ruling out the possibility that Ukraine can be quickly admitted to the EU.

McAllister said on Wednesday on


Inforadio that there is a clearly regulated, multi-stage process for EU membership.

He was responding to calls by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for urgent proceedings.

McAllister writes in a press release: “In the end, a country has to meet all very demanding economic, financial, political, legal criteria.

The European Union is closely linked to Ukraine, much more closely than to any other Eastern Partnership country, but we still have a long way to go.

"According to McAllister, the priority now is to work towards Ukraine being granted the status of a candidate for EU membership: "In the short term, however, it is now a question of supporting Ukraine politically, financially, economically and militarily in this dramatic situation."

Zelenskyj's negotiator in round of negotiations with Russia?

Kremlin ready

Update from March 2, 11:20 a.m .:

A new diplomatic attempt in the Ukraine war is pending: Putin agreed to renewed negotiations with Ukraine on Wednesday evening.

"Our delegation is ready to continue talks," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

The Russian delegation will be "on site in the early evening," said Peskov, without naming the venue.

He hopes that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Ukrainian negotiators will also appear.

A first round of negotiations in the Belarusian border region of Gomel on Monday remained without tangible results against the background of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Both sides had agreed on a second round of talks, but without naming a date.

Update from March 2, 10:07 a.m .:

After an airstrike near a Holocaust memorial in Kiev, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj * accused Russia of wanting to “wipe out” Ukraine.

The shelling shows that "our Kyiv is completely alien to many people in Russia," said Zelenskyy in a video message on Wednesday.

“They know nothing about our capital.

About our story.

But they have orders to erase our history.

to wipe out our country.

Wipe us all out.”

Selenskyj, who is Jewish himself, called on Jews around the world to raise their voices against Putin.

"Don't you see what's happening here?

Therefore, it is very important that millions of Jews around the world do not remain silent now," he said.

"Nazism is born in silence." The Russian army fired on a television tower in Kyiv on Tuesday, killing five people.

The tower stands near the Babyn Yar Gorge and the memorial to a massacre of Jewish Ukrainians committed there by the Wehrmacht during World War II.

Reports: Attempted assassination attempt on Zelenskyj in the night - Russians are said to have revealed plans

Update from March 2, 9.43 a.m

.: During the night there is said to have been an assassination attempt on the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj.

Several media such as the British broadcaster


the British newspaper


and the Israeli news site

The Times of Israel

report on this, citing information from Ukrainian security authorities on the messenger service



Accordingly, elite soldiers tried to kill Zelenkyj.

A special unit from Chechnya was tasked with finding and killing Zelenskyy in Kyiv.

Part of the group known as the "Kadyrovites" has been "eliminated," Oleksiy Danilov, chief of national security, reports on


The Russian security forces, which do not support the war, say they received the crucial tip.

The information cannot be independently verified at this time.

There have been reports in recent days that Putin has sent hundreds of mercenaries to Ukraine to assassinate Zelenskyy and other members of the Ukrainian government.

It is said to be members of the notorious Wagner group.*

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, with a raised fist at a video session of the European Parliament.

© Eu Video Link/ZUMA Press Wire Service/dpa

Ukraine war: Biden calls Zelenskyj

Update from March 1, 7:18 p.m .:

Against the background of the Russian war in Ukraine, US President Joe Biden called his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyj.

The conversation on Tuesday lasted a little over half an hour, the White House in Washington said.

Among other things, Biden and Zelenskyy discussed "the escalation of Russian attacks on civilian sites in Ukraine," including the airstrike near the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial in the capital, Kyiv.

Biden also spoke about the continued US aid to Ukraine in its fight against "Russian aggression".

Zelenskyy wrote on Twitter that the conversation was about American leadership on sanctions against Russia and military aid to Ukraine.

Referring to Russia, he added: "We must stop the aggressor as soon as possible." Zelenskyy thanked the US for its support.

Ukraine war: Zelenskyj recalls ambassadors from Georgia and Kyrgyzstan

Update from March 1, 5:21 p.m .:

Ukraine is withdrawing its ambassadors from Kyrgyzstan and Georgia because of official reactions to Russia’s attack.

In the case of Georgia, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy justified the move on Tuesday with the fact that the government in Tbilisi did not support international sanctions against Russia and refused to allow volunteer fighters to travel to Ukraine.

He accused Kyrgyzstan's leaders of "justifying" Russia's invasion.

According to a commander of a Georgian unit fighting with the Ukrainian army, 200 Georgian volunteers wanted to go to Ukraine on Monday.

"The Georgian government did not allow the charter plane organized by the Ukrainian embassy to land in Tbilisi," Mamuka Mamulashvili told AFP.

Another option is now being sought.

According to Mamulashvili, around a hundred former Georgian soldiers are currently fighting in Ukraine.

Ukraine War: Telephone conversation between Selenskyj and Chancellor Scholz

Update from March 1, 3:40 p.m .:

A phone call took place on Tuesday between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj and Chancellor Olaf Scholz*.

Selenskyj wrote this in a tweet.

He spoke to Scholz about the bombing of residential areas by Russian soldiers during peace talks.

These had taken place on Monday and ended unsuccessfully.

He also called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Zelenskyi also wrote in his tweet: "Work on Ukraine's accession to the EU must be accelerated."

Ukraine conflict: Zelenskyj calls for EU membership - EU Parliament discussed

Update from March 1, 2 p.m

.: "When President Selenskyj asks if you are welcome in the EU, then I say: Yes, you belong to the European Union," says Manfred Weber (CSU) in front of the EU Parliament.

He spoke of a "Kyiv moment" that calls for solidarity.

Philippe Lamberts (Greens/EWA) harshly criticizes Putin's actions.

Ukraine has never been a threat to Russia.

Aggressiveness towards Ukraine was "doomed to fail".

"We cannot stand idly by when a neighboring country is attacked and all our values ​​are called into question." Ukraine will be supported with all its support. 

Ukraine conflict: Von der Leyen promises Ukraine 500 million euros

Update from March 1, 1:40 p.m.:

“The war has returned to Europe,” says EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and describes the dangerous situation in Ukraine.

A "disgusting death" has begun in Ukraine.

Russia's actions will "never be accepted".

"This is the moment of truth in Europe," von der Leyen continues.

The fate of Ukraine is at stake, as is the fate of Europe.

It assures refugees from Ukraine of safety in the EU.

"We are and we will be there for the Ukrainians," said von der Leyen.

The sanctions imposed so far have not been imposed lightly.

"We have to prevent the financing of this war," says von der Leyen in reference to financial sanctions.

Von der Leyen has promised Ukraine around President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at least 500 million euros in humanitarian aid.

The funds from the EU budget should be used both in the country itself and for the refugees, she said at the special session of the European Parliament.

Already today Ukraine and the European Union are closer than ever before.

"But there is still a long way to go," she says, referring to Ukraine's demand for EU membership.

At the same time, she emphasizes: "I am sure that nobody in this plenary hall can doubt that a people who stand up so courageously for our European values ​​belong to our European family."

Ukraine conflict: EU foreign policy chief describes Russian invasion as “geopolitical terrorism”

Update from March 1, 1:25 p.m.:

“Events show that war will never disappear from our history,” says EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

"More than ever" Europe must think strategically.

"We need to think about tools to retaliate against such attacks," he said, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

“We have to develop our skills a lot.

We must increase our deterrence capabilities to prevent war.”

The deterrence towards Russia was not great enough.

Nevertheless, the reaction was in a way that Russian ruler Vladimir Putin did not expect.

"We will not give up defending our human rights just because we are dependent," Borrell said.

It is now time to quickly end dependence on Russia.

"No one is allowed to look to the side when an aggressor is attacking a much weaker neighbor," Borrell said.

You can't just appeal.

Much tougher action should be taken against “the forces of evil”.

Ukraine conflict: After Zelenskyj's speech, the EU Council President takes the floor

Update from March 1, 1:06 p.m.:

"It's not just Ukraine that was attacked," says EU Council President Charles Michel.

It is also an attack on European values.

He called Russia's attack on Ukraine "geopolitical terrorism".

It is known that Ukraine's application for membership in the EU is a difficult issue - it will be addressed.

He also underlined the importance of solidarity with Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine war: Selenskyj with moving words from Kyiv!

"Light Over Darkness"

Update from March 1, 12:54 p.m .:

The Ukrainians are not only fighting for their lives, but also for accession to the European Union, according to Zelenskyj.

“The European Union will be much stronger with Ukraine.

Prove you're on our side.

Prove that you are really European!” he demands in his moving speech live from Kyiv.

Then "light can triumph over darkness," he said in closing.

It was only on Monday (February 28) that Zelenskyy called for Ukraine's "immediate admission" to the EU.

However, accession to the EU is complicated and lengthy.

A unanimous decision by the 27 member states would be required to grant Ukraine candidate status.

Ukraine conflict: President Zelenskyj speaks live in the European Parliament

Update from March 1, 12:50 p.m.:

“We are dealing with the real fight.

I think that today we are giving our lives for values, for rights, for the desire to be as free as you are”.

He is sure that the Ukrainians will win.

"I would like to hear from you that the Ukrainian elections for Europe are mutual elections," he said to the European Parliament.

Kharkiv was badly hit by Russian attacks on Tuesday.

Two missiles hit Freedom Square.

“Dozens were killed.

This is the price we must pay for our freedom.

We are fighting for freedom,” assures Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The Ukrainians will continue to fight.

"We are strong.

Nobody will break us!”

Update from March 1, 12:47 p.m .:

“Thank you for your words”, Selenskyj now begins his message.

"Every day is the last day for many people." The citizens of Ukraine are heroes, he says.

And they pay a high price.

"I feel that we are united.

All countries of the European Union stand united.” He describes the invasion of Russia as a “tragedy”.

Ukraine conflict: "Will not look the other way" - EU Parliament President Metsola chooses clear words

Update from March 1, 12:45 p.m.:

“Mr. President, we stand with you,” Metsola addressed Zelenskyj directly.

Work will be done towards Ukraine's EU accession status, it said.

The EU must break away from Russia's dependence on gas.

“We stand united.

And we will continue to stand united in the future.

Because we are in Ukraine,” she says clearly.

“Europe's message is clear: we will stand up.

We won't look the other way when those fighting for our values ​​in the streets oppose Putin's massive war machine.”

Update from March 1, 12:36 p.m .:

The session in the European Parliament has opened.

"The message from Europe is clear: we will rise up," are the first words of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

We will not take our eyes off Ukraine.

President Zelenskyj is due to speak shortly.

Ukraine conflict: prospects for EU membership - Zelenskyj addresses the European Parliament

Update from March 1, 12:13 p.m .:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj wants to address the European Parliament in a video message from around 12:30 p.m.

Whether this works depends on the situation in Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, according to parliamentary circles.

In a special session in Brussels since 12 noon, MPs have been discussing a resolution that sharply condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine and supports the agreed Western sanctions against Russia.

The draft also advocates EU accession prospects for Ukraine.

However, the wording is cautious: the EU institutions are asked to "work towards the country being granted the status of an EU candidate country".

Until then, efforts should be made to integrate Ukraine more closely into the EU internal market, according to the draft resolution.

"Our signal is loud and clear: Ukraine is welcome in the EU," said the group leader of the conservative European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber (CSU), in Brussels.

For the Liberal group Renew, MEP Pascal Canfin announced support for the resolution.

However, it is not about "immediate accession, which is not possible," emphasized Canfin.

First report from March 1st: Ukraine war: Zelenskyj addressed the EU Parliament "to the world" today

STRASBOURG - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy* will take part in a special session of the European Parliament on Tuesday (March 1) via video link on the Russian attack on his country.

This was announced by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, on the short message service Twitter.

According to Metsola, Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk want to “address the world” virtually in speeches.

The Brussels debate starts at 12.30 p.m.

Ukraine war: Selenskyj takes part in special session of the European Parliament virtually

At the session, the EU Parliament wants to vote on a resolution that supporters say should send a political signal for Ukraine's possible membership of the European Union*.

President Selenskyj had called for his country's immediate integration into the EU on Monday.

The non-binding resolution calls on the European institutions to "work towards granting candidate status to Ukraine".

However, this would require a unanimous decision by the 27 member states.

In a reply to Zelenskyj on Monday, EU Council President Charles Michel referred to the "different opinions and sensitivities" in the EU states.

Most recently, Eastern countries such as Poland and Slovenia in particular had demanded accession prospects for Ukraine.

Others warn against bringing the conflict with Russia into the EU and NATO.

This article shows all current maps and graphics related to the Ukraine War.

EU debate with Zelenskyy on the Ukraine war: vote on resolution

In addition to Council President Michel, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen* and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell will also take part in the plenary debate.

The parliamentarians then vote on the resolution.

The group leaders in the EU Parliament condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine "in the strongest possible terms" last week and described it as a "threat to European and regional stability".

(AFP/cibo) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-03-05

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