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(A+) Ukraine war: How far does Vladimir Putin go?


In 2001, Vladimir Putin spoke about humanism in the Bundestag. Today he threatens nuclear weapons. Only those who don't know the Russian president call it a contradiction.

When Christian Neef went to Moscow as a young radio correspondent, the Soviet Union still existed.

The longtime leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had just died.

The most powerful man in the Eastern Bloc was Leonid Brezhnev.

The GDR still existed and the Cold War dominated world politics.

Neef later switched to SPIEGEL.

As a correspondent, he observed the fall of the Soviet empire and the rise of Putin.

Today, Christian Neef is considered one of the most renowned connoisseurs of Russian politics.

In the new episode of SPIEGEL Daily, host Juan Moreno talks to Neef about Russia's President Vladimir Putin and the fascination he has exerted on a whole host of German politicians.

“They kept going to Russia, sometimes allowing themselves to be insulted – and they got absolutely nothing out of it.

Putin only understands one message: Toughness.«

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As a SPIEGEL+ subscriber, you can hear the latest episodes from 6 a.m. on weekdays.

We're also rounding up the best moments from past episodes for the weekend.

Listen to this episode with our audio player at the top of the article.

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Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2022-03-07

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