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British admiral gives scathing verdict on Putin's war - and fears "senseless and crazy attacks"


British admiral gives scathing verdict on Putin's war - and fears "senseless and crazy attacks" Created: 08/03/2022 05:11 By: Tom Offinger The Russian attack on Ukraine continues. The defenders continue to brace themselves against the invaders. For British Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, this is promising encouragement. London/Munich - The advance is halting, Ukraine remains steadfast - from the poi

British admiral gives scathing verdict on Putin's war - and fears "senseless and crazy attacks"

Created: 08/03/2022 05:11

By: Tom Offinger

The Russian attack on Ukraine continues.

The defenders continue to brace themselves against the invaders.

For British Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, this is promising encouragement.

London/Munich - The advance is halting, Ukraine remains steadfast - from the point of view of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the war is already likely to resemble a fiasco.

Instead of a quick takeover of the most important Ukrainian cities, the well-armed and actually superior Russian army has to fight for every square meter.

So far, the Ukrainians have been braving themselves against the invaders, and a successful conclusion to the Russian war effort is still being delayed.

War in Ukraine: Expert convinced - "Russian forces wiped out"

For experts like the British Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, these developments are encouraging that the war could fall on the feet of the Russian leadership.

In an interview with the


on Sunday (6 March), the British Defense Forces chief said he was confident that a takeover of Ukraine by Russian forces was not a done deal: “We are seeing a Russian invasion that is not going according to plan .”

"We are also observing this impressive resistance from Ukraine, both by its armed forces and by the civilian population," praises Radakin, who also welcomes the global cohesion and the broad-based sanctions.

“Russia is suffering, Russia is an isolated force, they are weaker than they were ten years ago.

Some leaders of the Russian forces were crushed in the face of Ukrainian resistance.”

Sir Tony Padakin: Fundamental Errors in Russian War Planning

The attack that Putin launched on the morning of February 24 was intended to bring Ukraine and its political leadership around President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to their knees through rapid and targeted advances.

Instead, the attack waves continue to ricochet, major cities like Kyiv and Kharkiv suffer heavy shelling from the air, but remain in Ukrainian hands.

According to Sir Padakin, another reason for the failure of the raid so far is the planning of the Russian military.

“We can observe fundamental errors, especially in terms of maintenance and functionality of the equipment.

Russia has not operated on this scale since World War II - it is immensely complex and difficult to implement.”

War in Ukraine: Next level of escalation feared

Despite all the confidence in the Ukrainian resistance, the British admiral fears that the worst days of the war are yet to come.

Due to the slow advance and the general delay, he expects an escalation of the war, especially from the Russian side.

"It's going to be bloody," Sir Padakin says thoughtfully.

"It will probably come down to Russia ramping up violence."

Destroyed vehicles and high casualties: Russia's attack in Ukraine is halting.

© picture alliance/dpa/AP |

Efrem Lukatsky

“We will see more ruthless bombing.

We will see more senseless and insane attacks, such as those carried out on the Ukrainian people or nuclear power plants," warns the admiral firmly, calling for action in the same breath: "The world must remain firm in its determination to continue to press against Russia.

It is Putin who can put an end to all this.”


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-03-08

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