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Russia steps up strikes against civilians: the story of our special correspondent in Kyiv


REPORT - Russian bombardments and missile attacks against non-military targets have been increasing in the Ukrainian capital for a week.

Friday, March 18, in the early morning, while the inhabitants of the Podil district were preparing to enjoy a sunny day after a thirty-five hour curfew, a missile wanted to fall on them.

The ensuing explosion saved their lives: the city's anti-aircraft system intercepted the craft in the sky.

But the debris fell on a residential complex in this northwestern suburb of kyiv, starting a huge fire.

To discover

  • LIVE - War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the conflict minute by minute

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

As firefighters finish putting out the flames, the colorless facades make the buildings look like flayed monsters.

Blinded in addition to being burned: the gaping windows have disintegrated in a rain of broken glass on which the survivors are walking, staggering.

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A bald giant wanders among the rubble.

The bandages on his face are already half unstuck from the blood that continues to flow.

He walks towards a tiny lady wrapped up in a midnight blue coat, also injured.

In the middle of the courtyard, between…

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Source: lefigaro

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