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War in Ukraine: Le Pen has "no particular admiration" for Zelensky


The RN candidate, who refuses to call Vladimir Putin a "war criminal", also indicates that she will not be able to attend the address of the Ukrainian president to French deputies on Wednesday.

While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will address French deputies on Wednesday by videoconference, Marine Le Pen indicated that she would not be physically present at the National Assembly to hear his message.

I have obligations taken on for a long time

”, justified the RN deputy from Pas-de-Calais and presidential candidate on France Info.

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showed my solidarity with the Ukrainian people

first, on several occasions and including with the refugees whom I said they had to be welcomed in good conditions

", she then explained, indicating not to feel "

particular admiration

" for Zelensky.

He is the president of Ukraine, he defends the interests of Ukraine, he does it with a lot of energy and shows patriotism.

(...) I believe he behaves just like a head of state and that should not arouse admiration.

It should be normal.


Asked about the statements of US President Joe Biden, who called Vladimir Putin a "

war criminal

", Marine Le Pen said she did not want to use these terms.


The President of the (French) Republic is negotiating peace and you don't negotiate peace by insulting one of the two parties

," she said.

Some have fun by multiplying the most offensive and aggressive remarks.

But that makes the war last.


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-03-21

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