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The fifth wave of the epidemic | The government must take action to convince citizens that "it's not lying flat"


The SAR government recently announced that it would suspend the implementation of compulsory nationwide inspections. Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission's Leading Group for Epidemic Response and Disposal Work, attended the State Council's joint prevention and control press conference on Tuesday (22) and pointed out that

The SAR government recently announced that it would suspend the implementation of compulsory nationwide inspections. Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission's Leading Group for Epidemic Response and Disposal, attended the State Council's joint prevention and control press conference on Tuesday (22nd) and pointed out that national nucleic acid testing involves timing and conditions. It is believed that the fact that Hong Kong does not adopt forced inspection work at present does not mean that Hong Kong is "squatting" in epidemic prevention and control, and the key work at present should be to concentrate resources on reducing severe illness, death and infection.

The Chief Executive, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, also emphasized again at the press conference on the epidemic on Wednesday (23rd) that the SAR government will not "lay flat" in its anti-epidemic work.

Even though the government is currently suspending the implementation of compulsory testing measures, she described the compulsory testing as just a means, and now the time for application has passed. Instead, the current work should respond to the threat of the epidemic with "more accurate and scientific" measures, and described the current government as " We have absorbed the opinions of experts and deployed epidemic prevention work more actively.”

On March 21, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration Li Jiachao, and Financial Secretary Chen Maobo attended the anti-epidemic press conference.

"Don't lie flat" can't just rely on the words on the mouth

Taking into account the opinions of experts in the Mainland and Hong Kong, the government has decided to suspend the implementation of compulsory nationwide inspections. The decision is not without reason.

After all, Hong Kong has missed the opportunity to implement mandatory testing, and most of the death cases are concentrated among the elderly with low vaccination rates. The direction of "three reductions" is the current social consensus in response to the epidemic. The community agrees that the government should strengthen the Promote vaccinations, make patient triage arrangements, and even grasp the power of current oral drugs and central support.

It may be unfair to describe the government's attitude as "flattening" simply by not conducting forced inspections.

Having said that, even though the government keeps explaining that the current implementation of compulsory inspections has failed to achieve the expected goals, and it will continue to deploy various anti-epidemic work, including daily "enclosed and compulsory inspections", etc., even the government admits that it does not grasp the When it comes to the actual number of confirmed cases at present, this "hands-on" coping method alone is enough to make the community suspect that the government's current attitude is just hoping that the cases will fall back naturally, rather than having enough time to try its best to reduce infections.

In fact, compulsory testing is not implemented. At present, the government's work to reduce infection can still reduce the spread of the virus in society through a multi-pronged approach.

In fact, compulsory testing is not implemented. At present, the government's work to reduce infection can still reduce the spread of the virus in society through a multi-pronged approach.

One of the directions is to use the test sticks that the government has purchased earlier, whether the government can quickly distribute the citizens, so that every citizen should be tested at home every day, and even add a law to require all Hong Kong citizens to go out to work every day before going to work. They all need to self-test and stay home if they are positive. These are all ways to minimize the spread of the virus.

However, at present, the government is only saying that it "will not lie down", and even the actual number of positive cases is not known, and there is no way to do it other than to encircle and enforce the inspection.

Some legislators and even voices in the community criticize the government's attitude of "laying down" in the face of daily overwhelming cases. Even people in the government may think this is unfair, but the reasons behind the criticism are very real. It is worthwhile for the government to reflect on it deeply, and then use practical actions to change the perception of society.

Understand the reasons behind lying flat criticism and

take measures to reassure citizens

In the end, whether the government has ever "laid down", I believe many citizens are aware of it.

At the beginning of the outbreak, the government repeatedly pushed back the implementation of compulsory testing due to various reasons such as insufficient virus testing capabilities, and because the society could not stop, making it difficult to implement the "foot-stop order", and then continued to postpone the time for compulsory testing.

Even when the number of confirmed cases is rising, countless citizens are staying at home for isolation, and various departments seem to be helpless in terms of home support and isolation measures. These are the reasons why citizens feel that the government has been caught.

With more than 10,000 confirmed cases, the public healthcare system is on the verge of bursting.

(file picture)

If the government wants to get rid of the voices of social criticism of "laying down", instead of refuting parliamentarians and citizens in public every day, it is better to think from a different position and try to feel the unease of the society in the face of this wave of epidemics, and then launch as soon as possible. measures to reassure society.

As of Wednesday, at least one million people have been infected with the virus in this wave of epidemics, resulting in 6,356 deaths, and the number has not shown a downward trend so far, many of which are elderly people living in long-term institutions.

The images of patients lying on the ground outside the public hospital waiting for treatment on a chilly night are still vivid in many people's minds. The government has done nothing about it. Isn't this why the society criticizes the government for "lying flat"? ?

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-03-23

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