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More than 40 animals: more than 40 animals rescued from Ukraine to Israel Israel today


The refugees who fled the war zones in Kiev, Odessa and Mariupol decided to take their animals on a journey across the border to Israel • One of the immigrants: "My children have nothing left but their dog" • Minister Tamano-Sheta: "The connection between immigrants and animals warms the heart

The Netivot House in the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption in Terminal 1 has to date received about 7,500 immigrants since February 24 following the war in Ukraine.

Employees of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption at Ben Gurion Airport welcomed them and provided them with all the necessary assistance.

Among the following were also exceeding four.

Their owners who fled the battlefield in Kiev, Odessa, Mariupol and more, decided to take their animals on the journey to the Polish or Moldova border.

From there, do all the way, including all the difficulties involved, until the ascent to the grade.

The animals arrived in Israel with their owners, Photo: Ministry of Immigration and Absorption

To date, according to data from the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, about 40 animals have immigrated, including dogs of various types, cats and hamsters.

For the four-year-olds and their families, fine dog and cat food was waiting at the airport, all to make their reception in the country easier.

They were registered according to the law of the Ministry of Agriculture of Israel, artisans did not receive an immigrant certificate, but the cats and dogs are already Israeli citizens.

'My children have lost everything - their friends, their school, their classes.


All they have left is me, the dog and the hamsters, "says Daria Polishuk, a mother of two who immigrated to Israel yesterday with her two children, aged 12 and 8, the family dog ​​and her two hamsters.

Her husband was forced to leave behind, after being drafted into the Ukrainian army.

'We lived in Kiev until the war.

When she broke out, we packed up quickly and set out for a 15-hour drive with only three stops of ten minutes each.

"It was difficult, especially with the dog who could not sit in the same place all the time, and he is like my third child," she says.

Exodus from Ukraine with her pet, Photo: Ministry of Immigration and Absorption

"Within the borders of Kyiv, government officials said there was no problem with the pets - neither with the dog nor with the hamsters."

At the end of the long journey, they arrived in Chisinau, Moldova, where Jewish Agency representatives told them to board the plane within a day or two, but in practice they had to wait a week or two, "The Moldovan people are very good.

They hosted us exemplary.

This week we stayed at a small hotel in a small village near Chisinau, where the locals provided us with everything.

After a week we met with a consultant who helped us fill out the immigration documents, and already that day we were told we were going to fly. '

However, the journey with the dog and the hamsters is not over.

'At the airport, the girl who handed out the plane tickets saw the hamsters and said they could not get on the plane.

Why a dog yes and hamsters no?

She told us to give them to someone.

Who is given?

In the end we managed to convince her to let us go up with them because they are my kids' hamsters, and if they lose them too it will be sad and hard for them.

These are my kids 'little friends.'

The Polishuk family has almost completed its journey.

After initiating the initial absorption process at Ben Gurion Airport by employees of the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption, they will travel to Haifa to live and acclimatize to the house of her husband's mother.

Daria and her family considered an aliyah, she said, but this was not planned for the coming years.

This fact, in addition to the fact that her husband remains in Ukraine, does not make it easier for her, but she is comforted that most of the family, including the hamsters and the dog, remained intact.

Moshav Goren in the Western Galilee is a moshav that receives a different kind of aliyah.

They deserve a lot of aspiration that they lead not only in the absorption of immigrants from Ukraine, but also in the absorption of animals - with them most of the animals have been absorbed.

Over 30 dogs and cats were picked up and cared for by members of the moshav and the host center there.

Welcome beautiful animals from Ukraine,

Immigration and Absorption Minister Pnina Temano Sheta: "The story of the Polishuk family is the story of many families who immigrated destitute, but did not give up the pet in their difficult escape and it warms the heart.

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption is waiting for the animals at the airport with food and other necessities, and we are seeing a benefit in the spirit of immigrants spending the days of absorption and acclimatization with their pet.

Welcome to the new immigrants on all fours. '

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-25

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