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Presidential: "shitty campaign", "purr", "revolution" ... what to remember from the Elysée 2022 evening


Six candidates were present this Thursday evening at the invitation of France 2. Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-A

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It will be the only political program organized by France 2 and broadcast in prime time during this period of equal speaking time.

A single program during which half of the official candidates for the presidential election were represented.

Marine Le Pen, given as a finalist in all the polls, Jean-Luc Mélenchon the outsider, but also Fabien Roussel, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Nathalie Arthaud and Jean Lassalle participated in the show.

Marine Le Pen with a serene cheek

" I am ready ".

The candidate of the National Rally has probably never been so strong in this electoral campaign.

Given as a finalist in all the polls now facing Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen would thus achieve a performance never before achieved in the history of her party, that of qualifying twice in a row in the second round of the ultimate vote.

Marine Le Pen denounces the treachery of those who chose to join Éric Zemmour's campaign, sparing all the same his niece Marion Maréchal.

She congratulates herself, too, by praising the merits of her field campaign, which would have been passed over in silence by the media coverage of Éric Zemmour.

A campaign that allows him today to afford the luxury of threatening the Macron camp.

"The glass ceiling does not exist," she swears.

If the French vote,

they will have another president than Emmanuel Macron and I hope it will be me.

Le Pen's name is mine, I'm proud of it.

It is also a symbol of courage.


📹 I find the feverishness of the president-candidate, who makes words without tail or head, quite surprising.

When he enters the campaign, he does so with a feverishness, an astonishing tone.


– Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) March 31, 2022

During her question and answer sequence, the candidate defended her program, assuming her refusal to increase the minimum wage and saying she was opposed to the creation of a ministry of remigration, as Éric Zemmour wishes.

She also felt that if the war were to end in Ukraine, then Vladimir Putin could perfectly become an ally of France again.

Dupont-Aignan and this time he misses so much

It was the candidate of Debout La France who launched the hostilities of the evening.

After having praised Philippe Séguin, a man who, according to him, did not have the audacity to go after his ambitions and who gave him the desire, he says, to embark on the political arena. .

And when asked what is his biggest regret in this campaign, he believes that he feared for too long that he would not be able to glean the 500 sponsorships necessary to compete.

So he would like the days to be longer, he said, to campaign as he would have liked to.

The candidate believes that “democracy is dying”.

He denounces a “manipulation of the countryside” by Emmanuel Macron, who would seek, he says, to span the countryside.

"I propose that Emmanuel Macron put his signature on the non-use of consulting firms", he says, immediately putting on the table this file which disrupts the outgoing president's campaign.

Fabien Roussel, the walk of "happy days"

The communist candidate, whom the French have discovered in recent weeks, defends his line of "happy days", in this period of war, of galloping inflation.

“We must tell the French that the best of France is them,” he pleads.

He expresses a regret in this campaign: not having spoken enough about cancer, that the debates were not pushed on this subject.

The MP returned to his favorite themes.

The right to eat well.

To “eat French, eat local”.

A line that surprised a viewer, who asked him if it was really enough given the stakes.

He defends his decision not to join Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“I showed that I had succeeded in wearing original subjects, different from those of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

When we were present in the first round it never prevented the left from winning.


Mélenchon does not like his photo and designates three opponents

The candidate, who never hesitates to rant, strongly attacked his performance by criticizing the choice of the photo chosen for him by France 2. His campaign regret: that the subject of water, a theme that 'he decided to marry, did not find his place in the countryside.

"What do you want, you press a button and you have Ukraine from morning to night," he says.

He would also have liked to impose the theme of poverty.

“If he were there, François Mitterrand would tell me

Don't forget your camp: tomorrow is the end of the winter break, thousands of people will find themselves on the street.

Stay true, walk your way.

I'm walking, sir!


If I am elected, I will freeze the price of gasoline at €1.40.

The oil companies will pay.

I don't want those who pay to be the liberal nurses and all those who need their car to go to work.

#Elysee2022 #MelenchonVaGagner

— Jean-Luc Melenchon (@JLMelenchon) March 31, 2022

Mélenchon claims to be in a position to qualify for the second round of the election.

He designates three adversaries: Emmanuel Macron, "someone who applies market logic to the end", who embodies "a world that is finished".

Who would have abused "absurd" contracts with consulting firms.

The other two opponents, unsurprisingly, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour.

"For the moment, it's not me who excites the French people against the Muslims," ​​he replies when asked about his temperament.

I don't judge you on appearances!


Jean Lassalle and “the shitty campaign”

Never ask Jean Lassalle if he accepts his past remarks.

The answer will be yes.

So the candidate answered yes when asked if he regretted having spoken of “a shitty campaign”.

He turns into a "whistleblower", deploring that the journalists did not treat all the candidates in the same way.

Journalists would be cowards, he attacks, he criticizes a system that has replaced democracy.

“The French were going to vote 90% before.

What's left of it today?

“The atmosphere seemed to be tense at times on set.

“I participate in a competition where the rules of the game do not exist.

They can be changed at any time and by anyone”, still balances Jean Lassalle, visibly very upset against the press.

With this trust:

Jean Lassalle: "France Télévisions is the system, you have to talk about #Macron."

Laurent Guimier: "We are not obliged to anything, we work in total independence."

Lassalle: "It's certain, I'm convinced of it, and the French who are watching us too."


— Nicolas Berrod (@nicolasberrod) March 31, 2022

Nathalie Arthaud and the “electoral purr”

The Lutte Ouvrière candidate, who is applying for the Elysée Palace for the third time in her political career, has maintained her position as a fierce opponent of capitalism.

When asked if she will beat the five candidacies of Arlette Laguiller, she brushes aside, deplores this "electoral purr" which would be very far from the expectations of the French.

The candidate recalls the protest of the Yellow Vests, "which could have entered the companies and been massive".

She calls for an explosion of anger in companies, to confront big business.

To a revolution, to turn against those in power, “in Russia, in Ukraine.

Here too ".

If the candidate considers that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the invasion of Ukraine, Nathalie Arthaud also describes NATO, the United States and its imperialism as responsible.

She denounces a rough manipulation, when Vladimir Putin would have been presented as "a psychopathic bloodthirsty monster".

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2022-03-31

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