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Consumption Vouchers|A total of 84,000 people reported lost Octopus in the second half of last year and the unused amount was transferred to the new card


[$10,000 Electronic Coupon / Coupon 2022 / Qualification for Coupon Application / Update of Information / Supplementary Information / Lost Octopus / Eligible Person]] The first installment of 5,000 consumer coupons will be distributed on Thursday (7th).

[$10,000 Electronic Consumer Coupon / Consumer Coupon 2022 / Eligibility for Consumer Coupon Application / Update of Information / Supplementary Information / Lost Octopus / Eligible Person]] The first installment of consumer coupons of $5,000 will be distributed on Thursday (7th), the Finance and Treasury Bureau responded According to "Hong Kong 01", 103,000 people have successfully updated their accounts, and most of them are related to the loss of Octopus.

Registration began in July last year and began to be collected in August. During the distribution of consumer coupons in December, data from the Treasury Bureau showed that there were an average of 14,000 reported lost Octopus cases per month during the period, that is, a total of 84,000 reported lost Octopus in six months.

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103,000 people successfully updated their consumer voucher accounts, most of which involved returned or lost Octopus

About 103,000 people have successfully updated their accounts, and about 8,000 of them applied after March 25.

The vast majority of renewal applications involve returned and lost Octopus cards.

The bureau also pointed out that between July and December last year, the average number of applications for lost and invalid Octopus cards was about 14,000 per month.

After the application is successful, the "Eligible Spending" record in the old Octopus card has been transferred to the newly registered Octopus card so that the registrant can collect the remaining consumption coupons.

▼The first two issues of electronic consumer coupons in 2021▼


1 out of 53 people lost their vouchers and registered Octopus

As for how to refund the balance of consumption coupons, the bureau stated that Octopus Company will transfer the unused amount of the old card, including the received consumption coupons, to the newly registered Octopus card after verifying the records according to the current method of handling loss.

However, the authorities did not respond to how to refund the balance, saying only that the arrangement was handled directly by the Octopus card company.

In last year's consumer voucher scheme, about 70% of citizens registered for Octopus, and if the 6.3 million people who successfully applied for it were counted, about 4.41 million people used Octopus to get vouchers.

However, according to the above data, from July to December, there were an average of 14,000 lost cases per month, that is, a total of 84,000 lost cases in 6 months.

In other words, for every 53 people who registered for Octopus to collect coupons, one lost the Octopus.

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Lost personal Octopus can be replaced with a new card


If you lose your anonymous Octopus card, you can first report the loss to the Octopus Company, and through the government's designated website, change the registration record of the Consumer Coupon Scheme, and then use another Octopus card to collect a new round of consumer coupons.


If you lose your personal Octopus card, you should also report the loss to the Octopus Company and ask for a new one.

Octopus will arrange to amend the voucher registration record so that the registrant can collect the vouchers with a new card.


If you lose the bank co-operated Octopus card, report the loss to the card issuer or the bank, and through the government's designated website, change the registration record of consumption coupons, and then use another Octopus card to collect a new round of consumption coupons.

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Consumption Vouchers | Distribute 5,000 yuan of Octopus to 6.3 million citizens on April 7. The vouchers must be collected in two installments Unable to manually add value to consumption coupons 2022|Nearly 100 seniors line up to update Octopus lost card Old man: Shocked that money was used

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2022-04-05

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