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Dozens killed in Russian attack on train station packed with civilians fleeing eastern Ukraine


Two missiles hit the Kramatorsk railway station, one of the key locations in the Russian offensive to gain total control of Donbas

At least 30 people have died and more than a hundred have been injured this Friday in a Russian missile attack on a train station in eastern Ukraine when civilians tried to move to safer areas of the country, the company has reported. ukrainian state railway.

This company has indicated that two projectiles had reached the station of the city of Kramatorsk, in the eastern fringe of the country.

This town of around 165,000 inhabitants, in the north of Donetsk, has remained under the control of kyiv despite attempts to conquer it by pro-Russian rebels since the 2014 uprising.

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"According to operational data, more than 30 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in the rocket attack on the Kramatorsk railway station," the state railway company said.

Russia has not yet commented on the attack on this city, located just twenty kilometers from Sloviansk, a key point in the military corridor that Moscow wants to establish from Kharkov to Donbas.

The Kremlin has denied targeting civilians since it began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Three trains carrying evacuees were blocked in the same region on Thursday after an airstrike.

Both Ukraine and Western intelligence services argue that Russian forces have been regrouping to launch a new offensive in the east and that Moscow plans to seize as much territory as it can in the Donbas region, which it already partially controls.

Local authorities have urged civilians to leave while it is possible and safe.

Borodianka, worse than Bucha

The withdrawal of Russian troops from the outskirts of kyiv over the past week has exposed the horror of Bucha, a population of 35,000, where dozens of Ukrainian civilians have been found dead in mass graves.

But the devastation in towns near the Ukrainian capital could be even greater.

In his message late this Thursday, the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelensky, has assured that the situation in Borodianka, a city of 13,000 inhabitants located northwest of kyiv, is "much more horrible" than that of Bucha.

The Ukrainian prosecutor general, Irina Venediktova, had reported hours before the discovery of 26 bodies under the ruins of two buildings in this city of 13,000 inhabitants.

In a video message, Zelenski has indicated that "there are more victims" in Borodianka than in nearby Bucha, where after the withdrawal of Russian troops a massacre was uncovered that has provoked the reaction of the international community.

The United States has accused Russia of "war crimes" in Bucha, and Russia has been expelled from the UN Human Rights Council after the US-promoted draft resolution on that suspension was approved.

“Debris removal works on Borodianka have started.

[The situation] is significantly more dire there.

There are still more victims of the Russian occupiers," the president said.

“And what will happen when the world knows the whole truth about what the Russian military have done in Mariupol?

There, on almost every street, the same thing is happening that the world has already seen in Bucha and in other cities of the kyiv region after the withdrawal of Russian troops.

The same cruelty.

The same terrible crimes,” he added.

In his opinion, “there are many other places similar [to Bucha] that the world has yet to discover the full truth about,” referring to places like Kharkov, Chernihiv and Okhtira.

Zelensky has also referred to the expulsion of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council: “If everyone in the world had at least 10% of the courage that we Ukrainians have, there would be no danger to international law.

There would be no danger to the freedom of the peoples”.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian attorney general, Irina Venediktova, has denounced on her Facebook profile that at least 26 bodies have been recovered during the day on Thursday from the rubble of two houses in Borodianka.

“26 bodies were recovered from under the rubble of two bombed-out apartment buildings alone.

The enemy insidiously inflicted airstrikes on housing infrastructure at night, when more people were at home,” she said after visiting the city.

In this sense, he has assured that "the objective was exclusively the civilian population."

“There is not a single military installation here,” said the prosecutor, who maintains that there is evidence of “Russian war crimes” throughout the city, with remains of cluster bombs and missiles.

Venediktova put the number of bodies found so far in the kyiv region at 650, including the towns of Borodianka, Bucha and Irpin.

Of them, 40 are minors.

In addition, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General has specified that in Motizhin, a small town about 50 kilometers west of kyiv, Russian forces killed a woman "just because she was dressed in black."

"The father of the victim was kept blindfolded in the barn for seven days," she said.

Venediktova has specified that both prosecutors and police officers, agents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and experts from five provinces "are collecting evidence of Russia's war crimes for national and international courts."

According to British intelligence, Russian forces have fully withdrawn from northern Ukraine, moving towards Russia and Belarus.

Many of these forces are now expected to move to the east of the country to fight in Donbas, the pro-Russian region in the east.

"Many of these forces will need significant resupply before they are ready to deploy further east, and any massive redeployment from the north is likely to take at least a week," the report said Friday.

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2022-04-08

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