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Ukraine negotiations: G7 countries plan new sanctions against Russia - EU countries approve coal embargo


Ukraine negotiations: G7 countries plan new sanctions against Russia - EU countries approve coal embargo Created: 2022-04-08 04:51 By: Marcus Giebel, Christoph Gschoßmann, Fabian Müller New Russia sanctions are being planned. Lukashenko makes a demand. The ticker about the negotiations in the Ukraine war. Negotiations in the Ukraine conflict *: The G7 states are announcing new sanctions agains

Ukraine negotiations: G7 countries plan new sanctions against Russia - EU countries approve coal embargo

Created: 2022-04-08 04:51

By: Marcus Giebel, Christoph Gschoßmann, Fabian Müller

New Russia sanctions are being planned.

Lukashenko makes a demand.

The ticker about the negotiations in the Ukraine war.

  • Negotiations in the Ukraine conflict

    *: The G7 states are announcing new sanctions against Russia - this time against the country's key sectors

    (update from April 7, 7:40 p.m.).

  • The EU states approve new Russia sanctions including the coal embargo

    (update from April 7, 8:50 p.m.).

  • Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko wants to go to the negotiating table

    (update from April 7, 5:05 p.m.


  • This

    news ticker on negotiations

    related to the Ukraine war

    is continuously updated.

    More background information on the Ukraine crisis* here.

Update from April 7, 8:50 p.m .:

The 27 EU countries have launched the fifth major package of sanctions against Russia.

On Thursday evening, the permanent representatives of the member states approved the EU Commission's proposals for an import ban on coal, wood and vodka as well as numerous other punitive measures.

This was confirmed by several diplomats from the German Press Agency in Brussels.

Update from April 7, 7.40 p.m .:

The seven most important industrialized countries (G7) have announced new sanctions against Russia because of the Ukraine war.

"We prohibit new investments in key sectors of the Russian economy, including the energy sector," said a statement by the group of states published in Berlin on Thursday.

In addition, "the export ban on more sophisticated products and certain services" should be further expanded.

US President Joe Biden (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (montage, archive images) © Mandel Ngan/Mikhail Metzel/AFP

Update from April 7, 6:20 p.m

.: The United Nations General Assembly has suspended Russia’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council because of the Ukraine war.

In a vote in New York on Thursday, 93 UN member states voted to suspend Russia's membership of the UN body.

24 states voted against.

58 states abstained.

Ukraine negotiations: Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko wants to be at the table

Update from April 7, 5:05 p.m

.: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has called for participation in the talks to end the fighting in neighboring Ukraine.

"We see this as a war happening right on our doorstep and affecting the situation in our country very seriously," Lukashenko said on Thursday.

"Therefore, there should be no separate agreements behind Belarus' back."

The Russian authorities describe the conflict in the neighboring country as a "special military operation" and insist that the media use this label.

The use of words like "war" or "invasion" can be considered "misinformation" about the Russian armed forces and punishable with severe penalties.

At a public meeting with representatives of the security forces on Thursday, Lukashenko repeatedly used the word "war".

Belarus has allowed Russian troops to use the border area with Ukraine as a retreat.

The first three rounds of peace talks were also held on Belarusian territory near the border with Ukraine.

For the last two rounds of talks, however, the Ukrainian and Russian negotiators traveled to Turkey.

This was the result of "Western pressure on Ukraine," Lukashenko said.

He wanted to be involved in future talks but did not insist that they be held in Belarus.

“The main thing is that there is a result.

Because, I emphasize again, the war is causing great damage to Belarus.”

Allies: Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Russia's ruler Vladimir Putin.

© Sergei Guneyev/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP/dpa

Ukraine negotiations: EU advises on stopping energy supplies from Russia

Update from April 7, 3:30 p.m

.: Because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU is continuing to advise intensively on stopping energy supplies from Russia.

The Italian government has declared itself ready for a gas embargo - as long as it is decided by the EU.

On Thursday, the European Parliament spoke out in favor of an immediate ban on imports of oil, coal and gas from Russia;

the Dutch government, on the other hand, expressed understanding for Germany's refusal to stop gas.

"If we are offered a gas embargo, we will follow the EU on this path because we want the most effective instrument to achieve peace," Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi said on Wednesday.

"This possibility is not currently being discussed, but the situation is constantly evolving," he added.

Like Germany, Italy is highly dependent on Russian gas.

A fifth package of sanctions is currently being discussed at EU level.

An import ban on Russian coal is emerging.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) said in the ARD “Tagesthemen” that Germany would not stand in the way of a coal embargo.

Ukraine talks "sabotaged"?

Russia's Lavrov rumbles about alleged Kyiv step backwards

April 7 update, 3:02 p.m.: Is

Ukraine “delaying” and “sabotaging” the peace negotiations?

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is now accusing her of this.

As one reason for Kiev's alleged delaying tactics, Lavrov told the Russian agency Interfax that the government there is controlled "by Washington and its allies," who have no interest in a peace deal.

After the last face-to-face meeting, both delegations spoke of progress in the negotiations.

Ukraine has committed itself to a non-aligned, neutral status and has assured that international military exercises on its territory will only be carried out with the consent of all future guarantor powers, including Russia, Lavrov stressed.

In the new version of the agreement, on the other hand, Kyiv only speaks of the "majority of guarantor powers" and Russia is no longer mentioned, the Russian chief diplomat complained.

Ukraine negotiations: Kremlin calls US sanctions against Putin daughters "incomprehensible"

Update from April 7, 1:04 p.m

.: The United States impose sanctions on Putin’s daughters

(update from April 6, 7:58 p.m.)

– and the Kremlin reacts piqued.

"It's something that's difficult to understand and explain," Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday.

This is reported by the Russian agency Interfax.

The West is thus continuing its "aggressive line" of introducing more and more new restrictions against Russia, said Peksow and announced a corresponding reaction from Moscow.

Ukraine-News: Zelenskyy warns of new Kremlin tactics - "Knowledge of thousands of missing people"

Update from April 7, 12:32 p.m

.: Volodymyr Zelenskyj threatens: Moscow will not escape responsibility for the actions of its soldiers.

This would not be possible due to the high number of civilians killed, said the Ukrainian President in his most recent telegram video message.

"We already know of thousands of missing people."

There are only two options for their whereabouts - they were either deported to Russia or killed, Zelenskyj said.

After the international outcry over the pictures from Bucha, Moscow changed its tactics and is now trying to remove the people killed from the streets and basements in the areas occupied by Putin's troops.

With the help of investigations, witnesses and satellite images, the reasons for the disappearance of the citizens will be clarified.

Estonia: Two arrested for circumventing sanctions against Russia

Update from April 7, 10:10 a.m .:

In Estonia, the security police arrested two people for their alleged role in circumventing sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukraine war.

The man and woman are suspected of providing economic resources of more than 350,000 euros to a sanctioned person.

To do this, they are said to have used the Kremlin-controlled online platform Sputnik Meedia, the authority of the EU and NATO country said on Wednesday evening in Tallinn.

Evidence of this has been collected since 2021. 

“The European Union imposed sanctions in response to international crimes committed against the Ukrainian state and people.

Violating these sanctions is a crime against peace,” Attorney General Taavi Pern was quoted as saying in the statement.  

Anti-Putin poster for a demonstration against the Ukraine war © Vladimir Zivojinovic/AFP

Ukraine negotiations: According to Ukraine, sanctions are not enough

Update from April 7, 9:42 a.m

.: The Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba sees the planned new EU sanctions package against Russia as a “step forward”.

A week ago, the proposals for this were much weaker, said Kuleba this Thursday on the sidelines of NATO foreign ministers' consultations in Brussels.

"We were very unhappy about that."

At the same time, he reiterated that the planned package was still insufficient from the Ukrainian point of view.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a similar statement on Telegram during the night: Although the sanctions look "impressive", they can hardly be described as appropriate given what the world saw in Bucha. 

Selenskyj again called for an oil embargo and the complete exclusion of the Russian banking system from international finance.

If there is no "really painful sanctions package" against Russia and no deliveries of the weapons demanded by Kyiv to Ukraine, Russia will see this as "permission to advance".

Volodymyr Zelenskyj © Ronaldo Schmedit/afp

After Bucha's atrocities: USA impose new sanctions - Now it's hitting Putin's daughters

Update from April 6, 7:58 p.m .:

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken * spoke out at the start of two-day NATO consultations to further increase the pressure on Russia.

The goal has been set to support Ukraine, to put extraordinary pressure on Russia and to strengthen its own defense capabilities, he said in Brussels on Wednesday evening.

Having done all of this, we will now talk about not only maintaining the effort, but expanding it further.

At the beginning of the meeting of foreign ministers, the planned new strategic concept for the defense alliance was discussed over a working lunch in the evening.

The current version was adopted in 2010.

At that time, for example, the Allies had still hoped that the time of great tensions with Russia was over and paid no attention to China either.

Blinken emphasized on Wednesday that NATO is in a phase that is of enormous importance for the future of the alliance, and not only with regard to the war in Ukraine.

Above all, the USA is working in NATO to focus more on China, which is also militarily aspiring.

Update from April 6, 6:55 p.m .:

Turkey expects direct negotiations on a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia to continue.

Further meetings are expected in Turkey, possibly first between the negotiating teams and then between the foreign ministers, said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Wednesday at the sidelines of a NATO meeting in Brussels.

Both sides also agreed that the Presidents could meet.

At the same time, Cavusoglu acknowledged that the images of war crimes allegedly committed by Russians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, where hundreds of civilians were murdered, and from other regions damaged what had previously been a "relatively positive atmosphere".

But one is still hopeful and cautiously optimistic, he said.

After Bucha atrocities: US and UK impose new sanctions

Update from April 6, 6:22 p.m .:

Great Britain has also tightened its sanctions imposed against Russia because of the Ukraine war.

The country announced that it would stop importing Russian coal and oil from next year.

The new measures would also ban all British investments in Russia and also "completely freeze" the assets of Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, and the Russian Credit Bank, the Foreign Ministry said in London on Wednesday.

Eight other entrepreneurs were also sanctioned.

With the latest "wave of measures" against Russia, the "war machine" of Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin is "decimated", said Foreign Minister Liz Truss.

The sanctions meant an "end to British imports of Russian energy and sanctions for more individuals and companies".

Gas imports should also be stopped as soon as possible.

One of the oligarchs newly added to the sanctions list is the boss of the Nowatek gas company, Leonid Michelson.

Update from April 6, 4:41 p.m .:

The United States is imposing new sanctions against Russia in view of the war in Ukraine and the atrocities in the Kiev suburb of Bucha.

The punitive measures are aimed, among other things, at two large Russian banks and the adult children of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as the White House in Washington announced on Wednesday.

Ukraine negotiations: EU wants to put Putin's daughters on the sanctions list

Update from April 6, 4:22 p.m .:

Because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU is apparently targeting the daughters of Russian President Vladimir Putin: They should be included on the European Union’s sanctions list, as diplomats confirmed in Brussels on Wednesday.

This threatens them with entry bans in the EU and the freezing of their assets in Europe.

Ukraine talks: Orban offers Putin peace talks with Zelenskyy in Budapest

Update from April 6, 3:12 p.m .:

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and talks in the so-called Normandy format in Budapest.

"His response was positive, but with conditions," Orban said on Wednesday, without elaborating.

In his conversation with the Russian head of state, he invited him to talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj in Budapest.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban hold a press conference in Budapest, February 2, 2017.

© Zsolt Szigetvary/dpa

Ukraine negotiations: Kremlin wants "more dynamism" from Ukraine in peace negotiations

Update from April 6, 1:44 p.m .:

Despite the atrocities of the Butscha war, negotiations between Moscow and Kiev about an end to hostilities continue, according to Russian information.

The talks were "much more viscous," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday, according to Russian agencies.

“I can only say that the work process continues.

But there is still quite a long way to go,” said Peskow.

"We would like to see more momentum from the Ukrainian side."

Ukraine negotiations: Zelenskyj accuses Russia of using hunger as a weapon of war

Update from April 6, 1:01 p.m .:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has accused the Russian leadership of using hunger as a weapon of war.

Russia's army is destroying people's livelihoods and blocking the country's ports, Zelensky said in a video chatted address to Ireland's parliament in Dublin on Wednesday.

He added: "Why are they doing this?

Because they use hunger as a weapon against us, against ordinary people as an instrument of oppression.” Zelenskyj also warned of a global hunger crisis as a result of the Russian invasion of his country.

Ukraine was a major grain exporter.

Ukraine negotiations: Zelenskyj criticizes leading European politicians

Update from April 6, 12:13 p.m .:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has criticized the Europeans’ hesitation in imposing energy sanctions on Russia.

"I cannot tolerate indecisiveness after what we have been through and what Russia has done to us," Zelenskyi said in a video-streamed speech at the Irish Parliament in Dublin on Wednesday.

The "Russian military machine" should no longer be supplied with money from energy exports.

Zelenskyy acknowledged that a new "rhetoric" on imposing sanctions was emerging.

However, he denounced "the principled attitude of some leading politicians and business leaders" who seemed to see war and war crimes as less serious than financial losses.

In addition to energy sanctions, Zelenskyy called for the complete exclusion of Russian banks from Western finance.

Ukraine negotiations: EU officials want to limit Russia's fossil fuel profits: "This has to end."

Update from April 6, 11:46 a.m .:

The EU Council President Charles Michel, in his own words, expects that imports of oil and gas from Russia to the European Union could also be restricted.

"I think that action on oil or even gas will be needed sooner or later," said the Belgian on Wednesday in the Strasbourg European Parliament.

The EU must become independent of Russian energy as quickly as possible.

Already on Tuesday, the EU Commission had proposed a ban on imports of coal from Russia, which the member states now have to decide on.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also called for further cuts.

"We've banned coal now, but now we have to look at oil and also at the revenue that Russia is making from fossil fuels," she said.

Russia's revenues from fossil fuels must be curtailed.

"That must have an end."

We have summarized the potential consequences of a gas embargo against Russia for Germany here.

Ukraine talks: NATO member states' foreign ministers negotiate delivery of 'heavy weapons'

Update from April 6, 9:46 a.m .:

Against the background of the escalating Ukraine war, the foreign ministers of the NATO member states will discuss at a meeting in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, according to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, how the Ukrainian armed forces could be given additional support .

“The Allies are determined to continue supporting Ukraine.

This includes anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft systems and other equipment.”

However, the question remains whether the "other equipment" also includes heavy weapons such as tanks or artillery.

After the federal government initially shipped only 5,000 helmets to Ukraine, arms were then shipped two days after the start of the Russian invasion.

However, heavy weapons have not yet been sent by Germany.

As the


reports, heavy weapons are also being discussed at today's meeting, with which attacks could be launched.

Among other things, Ukraine is calling for more arms deliveries, as NATO expects an intensified Russian offensive in eastern and southern Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Russia will try to take over the entire Donbass and create a land bridge to the already occupied Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, Stoltenberg said at a press conference on Tuesday.

The withdrawal of some Russian troops is only for the benefit of the new group.

Talks about further arms deliveries also follow the Butscha massacre: "What we are seeing now is a level of brutality that we have not seen in Europe since the end of the Second World War," said Stoltenberg.

Ukraine negotiations: Europe expels more than 200 Russian diplomats

Update from April 5, 8:10 p.m .:

In connection with the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, more than 200 Russian diplomats were expelled from Europe within 48 hours.

On Tuesday, Italy, Spain and Slovenia, among others, asked dozens of diplomats from Russia to leave the country.

The Kremlin condemned the expulsions and announced countermeasures.

"Restricting the possibilities for diplomatic communication in such an unprecedentedly difficult crisis environment is a short-sighted step," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in Moscow.

This further complicates the dialogue between Moscow and the EU that is needed to resolve the conflict.

The expulsion of the Russian diplomats "will inevitably lead to retaliation," Peskov added.

France and Germany had already expelled dozens of Russian diplomats in response to the atrocities in the Ukrainian town of Bucha on Monday.

The federal government declared 40 diplomats “undesirable persons”.

According to representatives of the Foreign Ministry, France called on 35 Russian diplomats to leave the country.

Ukraine negotiations: EU before import ban on Russian coal, wood and vodka

Update from April 5, 5:12 p.m .:

Because of the war atrocities in Ukraine, the European Union wants to impose sanctions in the energy sector against Russia for the first time: The EU Commission proposed on Tuesday an “import ban on coal from Russia worth four billion euros a year”. , as Commission President Ursula von der Leyen explained in Brussels.

The import of wood, cement and alcoholic beverages such as vodka should also be prohibited.

Von der Leyen justified the EU's fifth package of sanctions with the "horrible pictures from Bucha and other areas" from which the Russian troops had withdrawn.

This will also ban the export of certain semiconductors, computers and other equipment worth ten billion euros from the EU to Russia.

In addition, Russian ships and ships operated by Russia should no longer be allowed to call at ports in the European Union.

The sanctions already imposed on Russian banks are to be tightened.

According to von der Leyen, a “complete ban on transactions against four important Russian banks, including the second largest Russian bank VTB” is planned.

They have almost a quarter of the Russian banking sector market share and should now be completely cut off from the markets.

Ukraine talks: Zelenskyj calls for Bucha war crimes tribunal

Update from April 5, 4:34 p.m .:

In his speech to the UN Security Council for the war crimes of Bucha, Volodymyr Zelenskyj called for a tribunal in the style of the Nuremberg trials.

Among other things, he said: "You must not get away with it."

Update from April 5, 3:55 p.m .:

Because of the action against the Russian Gazprom group, Vladimir Putin threatens the Europeans with retaliation.

"The situation in the energy sector is deteriorating," emphasized the Kremlin boss, referring to "brute measures including administrative pressure on our company Gazprom in some European countries" that do not conform to the market.

Among other things, he is alluding to the fact that Robert Habeck and the federal government had ordered the Federal Network Agency to temporarily take control of Gazprom Germania.

The Russian leader went on to say at a televised meeting that a threat to nationalize Russian assets is a "double-edged sword".

Putin also announced that in view of the global food shortage, Russian deliveries, especially to "enemy" countries, would have to be closely monitored.

Update from April 5, 2:55 p.m .:

According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the EU proposes an import ban on coal * from Russia.

Update vom 5. April, 11.15 Uhr: EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen reist in dieser Woche zu einem Treffen mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj nach Kiew. Nach Angaben ihres Sprechers wird sie vom EU-Außenbeauftragten Josep Borrell begleitet. Der genaue Tag wurde nicht bekanntgegeben. die Reise findet aber vor der für Samstag in Warschau geplanten Geberkonferenz statt, bei der Geld für die Millionen Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen des Ukraine-Kriegs gesammelt werden soll.

Ukraine-Krieg: EU-Finanzminister beraten über Öl- und Kohle-Embargo

Erstmeldung: München - Die Fronten im eskalierenden Ukraine-Konflikt* sind weiter verhärtet. Sowohl zwischen den Armeen auf den Schlachtfeldern als auch zwischen den politischen Entscheidern, die zumindest vorgeben, eine weitere Eskalation unbedingt vermeiden zu wollen.

Die Europäische Union (EU)* plant offenbar weitere Sanktionen* gegen Russland*. Diese sollen nach französischen Angaben am Mittwoch beschlossen werden. Als Anlass für diesen Schritt gab EU-Staatssekretär Clement Beaune im Radiosender RFI die Berichte über getötete Zivilisten an, wie ntv berichtet. Details nannte der 40-Jährige nicht.

Der französische Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire erklärte derweil am Rande des Treffens mit seinen EU-Kollegen, es würde über ein mögliches Öl- und Kohle-Embargo gegen Russland beraten werden. Als amtierender Ratsvorsitzender werbe er für die Zustimmung aller 27 Mitgliedsländer. Für EU-Vizekommissionspräsident Valdis Dombrovskis ist ein Einfuhrstopp für Öl und Kohle „definitiv eine Option“. Angesichts der Kriegsgräuel in der Ukraine brauche die EU ein „starkes und glaubwürdiges Sanktionspaket“.

Bei den Rückeroberungen der Verteidiger rund um Kiew* waren zahllosen Leichen in den Straßen von Butscha entdeckt* worden. Sie trugen Zivilkleidung und waren offenbar unbewaffnet, teilweise waren ihre Hände gefesselt. Dies alles sind Hinweise darauf, dass in den zwischenzeitlich von russischen Truppen besetzten Gebieten wahllos Menschen getötet wurden.

Ukraine-Krieg: Medwedew findet Ausweisungen von Diplomaten „sinnlos“

Derweil reagiert Russland offenbar auf die Ausweisungen der eigenen Diplomaten aus westlichen Staaten wie Deutschland*. Dmitri Medwedew, der einst Wladimir Putin* für eine Amtsperiode als Präsident ablösen durfte, kündigte eine harte Antwort an. In seinem Telegram-Kanal schrieb der stellvertretende Vorsitzende des russischen Sicherheitsrates: „Es wird symmetrisch und destruktiv für die bilateralen Beziehungen sein.“

Medvedev called the expulsions of the diplomats "pointless" and that they would "lead nowhere".

However, according to him, Russia will react in the same way and slam the doors to the Western embassies: “It will be cheaper for everyone.

And then in the end we'll just be facing each other with guns at the ready.”

(mg) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-04-08

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