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Presidential live: Mélenchon launches his consultation before the second round


11 days before the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are stepping up the campaign. The two qualified candidates atta

The essential

  • We are 11 days away from the second round of the presidential election, which will pit Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen.

  • "There is no agreement" with Nicolas Sarkozy, says Emmanuel Macron, to whom the former president gave his support yesterday.

    The candidate wants to bring together all the political forces.

  • On TF1, Marine Le Pen castigated last night on TF1 her “extremely harsh policy towards the most modest”, ensuring that she had “the most protective project” of the social protection system.

    She will talk today about “France which works” and will continue with a press conference on the theme of diplomacy and foreign policy.

  • Emmanuel Macron regains his role as president with a Council of Ministers, then he will participate in the 20 Hours of TF1 this evening.

    The outgoing president estimated yesterday that this second round was also “a referendum on Europe”.

  • The candidate of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, launched his consultation with his activists to discuss the second.

    The 300,000 activists have the choice between voting for Macron, voting blank or abstaining.


Macron opposes online anonymity

"You can't walk around in the street wearing a hood.

On the Internet, people allow themselves, because they are hooded behind a nickname, to say the worst abjections, ”laments in an interview with Point the president candidate Emmanuel Macron.

“In a democratic society, there should be no anonymity,” he explains, without saying whether he wishes to ban it. 


Génération.s calls to vote Macron

Founded by Benoit Hamon, the Génération.s movement calls for voting for Emmanuel Macron "to beat the far right".

"We will take our part in the political fight that is coming and will respond favorably to initiatives allowing the gathering of environmentalists and the left," he also wrote in a press release. 


Mélenchon launches his consultation before the second round

Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched Wednesday the consultation of his 310,000 supporters for the second round, three days after the third man (21.95%) called not to "give a single voice to Le Pen".

The Marine Le Pen voting option is not among the proposals given for consultation on Jean-Luc Mélenchon's militant platform, "Popular Action".

The more than 310,000 people who sponsored his candidacy online have access to it.

The consultation, the results of which will be public, ends on Saturday at 8 p.m.

It is preceded by a word from the ex-candidate to his supporters: the second round “will be resolved in defiance of our most fundamental repulsions.

A presidency without moral authority will come out of it”.


Cultural leaders call to vote Macron

Officials from the world of culture, including Jack Lang, Olivier Py or Stanislas Nordey, are calling for Emmanuel Macron to vote in the second 

round of the presidential election, emphasizing that abstention can benefit his far-right opponent, Marine Le Pen.

“It is certainly not the first time that a candidate from the far right has reached the second round in this way.

However, unlike 2002 and 2017, the probability is now real that this one will win, ”they write in a column posted online by the daily Liberation.


François Hollande on TF1 Thursday

After Marine Le Pen yesterday, Emmanuel Macron this evening, François Hollande will be the guest of the news at 8 p.m. on TF1.

The former head of state will vote on the second round of the presidential election "exclusively", announces the channel.


LFI wants a "regrouping" around the Mélenchon program

La France insoumise is in favor of discussions with the other left-wing parties for the legislative elections, but on condition that the "grouping is done around the program carried by Jean-Luc Mélenchon" and the proportional results of the first round of the presidential election, indicates Manuel Bompard on France info.

“We are in favor of ensuring that there may possibly be a grouping around the program that was carried by Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the presidential election and around the results as they were chosen by the voters in the first turn,” he explains.


"Beware of Democracy"

“I cannot imagine that the CNCCEP (Electoral Campaign Control Commission) could not approve my profession of faith because these are the figures from the Ministry of the Interior”, reacts Marine Le Pen, about a possible prohibition of his profession of faith because of figures which raise questions concerning security and immigration.

"The figure we give comes directly from the Ministry of the Interior," she says.

“To prohibit my profession of faith would be to send only the profession of Emmanuel Macron.

“Beware of democracy,” she warns. 


Emmanuel Macron shows "a certain feverishness", analyzes Marine Le Pen

The attacks of the outgoing president against him demonstrate "a certain feverishness of Emmanuel Macron", explains Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the National Rally.

"The French deserve a confrontation of ideas and projects, not invented things", continues the candidate. 


"Macron's France is a France that stops"

“Life does not end with the presidential election.

But Macron's France is a France that stops, while companies close, "denounces the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen.

“Many companies will not be able to repay state-guaranteed loans,” she warns.


Marine Le Pen worried about companies facing rising energy prices

“We are not talking about the serious consequences that the increase in energy prices has on VSEs and SMEs,” laments the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, at the end of her visit to a company in Gennevilliers.

"Some businesses are at risk of closing because many are losing money," she said. 


The CGT invites itself around the pension reform

The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, refers back to back Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, on their respective proposals for reforming the pension system.

On Macron, "he did not let go of the ballast at all", he said on France 2. As for the candidate of the National Rally, he accused her of wanting to "break Social Security", proposing according to him to abolish the social security contributions financing the pension scheme.

"It's a proposal from Medef and Marine Le Pen agrees with Medef" on this subject, he said.


These polling stations which closed after 8 p.m. on Sunday

Thirty polling stations in Paris closed after the legal time of 8 p.m. on Sunday, indicates the town hall of Paris, which explains this “exceptional” but legal situation by a “strong crowd at the end of the day” and a deficit of assessors .

The town hall, which says it has assigned three or even four agents per office, explains the queues by the "numerous proxies", the voter cards not distributed and a "strong crowd at the end of the day" which could "generate congestion effects.


Edouard Philippe candidate for the legislative elections?

“I said very simply that I intended to remain mayor of Le Havre because I like it, because I am committed.

The only hypothesis in which I would think of standing for the legislative elections is the hypothesis in which Madame Le Pen would win the presidential election ”, explains on France Inter Edouard Philippe, former Prime Minister and support of Emmanuel Macron.


Marine Le Pen in the Hauts-de-Seine

Marine Le Pen arrived in Gennevilliers, in the Hauts-de-Seine, to meet "France who works".  


“There are fractures” which raise the RN, notes Gabriel Attal

“Obviously, there are fractures” which raise the National Rally, explains Gabriel Attal on BFM TV.

"We have made a lot of progress since 2017" to bridge these gaps, especially in rural areas, continues the government spokesperson.


A necessary “consensus” for proportional representation

“If we reach a consensus”, then “we can move towards modernizing our institutions”, estimates on BFM TV the spokesman of the government, Gabriel Attal, support of Emmanuel Macron.

Thanks to the gathering of political forces, the government will be able to introduce proportional representation in the elections, he believes.

Emmanuel Macron had already made a promise in this direction in 2017, but for lack of consensus it could not be implemented. 


“Marine Le Pen will have a mandate to negotiate with Europe” if elected

“If the French people decide to put her at the head of France, Marine Le Pen will have a mandate to negotiate with Europe the budget for future years”, affirms on LCI Louis Aliot, the mayor of the National Rally of Perpignan.

The RN candidate plans to lower the French contribution to the European Union. 


"The republican front still exists", says Edouard Philippe

“I think Marine Le Pen can win the presidential election.

Anyone who says they can't would be wrong," said France Inter Edouard Philippe, former Prime Minister and supporter of Emmanuel Macron.

“The Republican front still exists, but perhaps not with the same vigor as in 2017”, he maintains.


Controversy around Marine Le Pen's profession of faith

These are two figures that make the Electoral Campaign Control Commission (CNCCEP) tickle, which could become a drag on the printing and distribution of Marine Le Pen's profession of faith, reveals France inter.

The CNCCEP has actually asked the National Rally for information on the "31% more intentional attacks since 2017" and the "1.5 million additional immigrants who have entered France legally since 2017", which Marine Le Pen mentions in his profession of faith.

"These are elements that we are unable to corroborate", explains the CNCCEP to the radio.

If the CNCCEP did not approve Marine Le Pen's profession of faith, then thousands of professions of faith already in print would have to be thrown away in order to print others.

Something to worry about at the National Rally.


"The true face of the far right returns"

"Despite all efforts, the true face of the far right is coming back: it is a face that does not respect freedoms, the constitutional framework, the independence of the press and fundamental freedoms", attacks Emmanuel Macron on France 2 , directly targeting Marine Le Pen.


On retirement, Macron still wants to “concerte”

“The milestone of 65 years did not arrive before 2031. People understood that it was from September: it is not.

We will reach around 64 around 2027-2028, ”explains Emmanuel Macron, the candidate of La République en Marche.

At that time, then, the outgoing president suggests seeing at that time, with "consultations", whether we go up to 65, a course that he had initially set in his program before saying he was ready. to "move" after the first round.


Emmanuel Macron wants to bring everyone together

"The fractures in the country mean that I will be led to bring together political forces of different convictions to work on reforms", explains on France 2 Emmanuel Macron, wanting to set up a new transpartisan system, "which does not exist today. today”.


“Disagree” with Nicolas Sarkozy

With Nicolas Sarkozy, who gave him his support yesterday, "there is no agreement", says Emmanuel Macron.

“In the moment in which we live, these supports oblige me.

(…) In any case, to be able to move forward and unite, we will have to take into account all these sensitivities.



The septennat is only a “reflection”

"Five years, no more than two terms": these are the rules that the Constitution currently to which Emmanuel Macron "holds", he recalls on France 2. The seven-year term, to which Emmanuel Macron reflected, will not therefore apply for him: "I say that the seven-year term seemed to me a good option but it will not be valid in any case for the mandate which comes from evidence."

However, the seven-year term remains only a “reflection”.

“My proposal: it is to set up a cross-party commission which can submit a reform of the Constitution.


As for a new voting system for parliamentarians, Emmanuel Macron does not say no.

Proportional Integral?

"I'm not against it, we can go that far.



Macron on TF1, Le Pen canceled from Face à Baba

Like Marine Le Pen yesterday, Emmanuel Macron must participate in the TF1 JT this evening.

It is also expected on France 2, this Wednesday morning, where even Marine Le Pen must be tomorrow.

Marine Le Pen was supposed to participate this evening in the program Face à Baba on C8, but the program had to be canceled, Emmanuel Macron having refused to go (and the channel had to respect the rule of speaking times) , according to the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella.

“Until the end, he refused the debate, fled the confrontation with his record,” he laments on Twitter.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2022-04-13

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