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The United Kingdom celebrates the historic reign of Elizabeth II


STORY – Elizabeth II, whose longevity exceeded that of Queen Victoria, is celebrating the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne. In addition to the official ceremonies, thousands of street parties are scheduled.

Correspondent in London

The party can only be exceptional, since the moment is historic.

Never has a British sovereign occupied the throne for so long.

Elizabeth II exceeded the reign of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, in September 2015. But today we celebrate her 70 years of reign.

A record that is probably not ready to be beaten since the Crown Prince Charles is already 73 years old and his son William - second in the order of succession - will soon be 40 years old.

A few months ago, when the Queen's health faltered, the British people became very worried.

They reassured themselves by telling themselves that Elizabeth II would hold on, that all her forces were stretched towards the celebrations of this platinum jubilee.

She is at the rendezvous, less alert legs, but just as much spirit.

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-06-01

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