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Traps: a sexagenarian stabbed by a stranger


The victim was transported in absolute urgency to the European hospital Georges-Pompidou, this Sunday. The attacker was arrested. The cis

Mysterious attack this Sunday noon, in Trappes.

A 66-year-old man was seriously injured with several stab wounds for an as yet unknown reason.

He was taken care of by the emergency services and transported in absolute urgency to the European hospital Georges-Pompidou (Paris XV).

His condition was "stabilized" when he was transferred, according to a source close to the case.

He was, however, hospitalized in critical condition.

The facts occurred shortly before 1 p.m., when the victim was on rue de Montfort, in the old center of this town of 32,000 inhabitants.

In circumstances that have yet to be determined, a man then approached him and stabbed him several times in the throat.

The man collapsed to the ground and his attacker fled.

He was able to be caught up a little later thanks to witnesses who witnessed the violent scene.

The victim was immediately taken care of by the firefighters, then by a team from the Smur de Versailles, which managed to contain the multiple hemorrhages from which she suffered.

According to the very first findings, the victim and the aggressor did not know each other.

The trail of a gratuitous act is studied by the police.

A psychiatric expertise should be requested in the next few hours.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2022-07-10

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