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The names of police accompanied by death threats tagged on a wall in Aulnay-sous-Bois


“Whose turn is it to commit suicide?” was it written on the wall of the city of 3000, among other threats, offensive messages or injunctions to “release Abdeslam”.

A good dozen police officers from the territorial security of Seine-Saint-Denis (93) had the unpleasant surprise of discovering their names inscribed on a long section of wall of the city of 3000 d'Aulnay-sous-Bois.

The inscriptions were discovered on Sunday morning, and the department's judicial police opened an investigation for "

threats and insults to persons holding public authority

", according to

Le Parisien

, which quotes the Bobigny prosecutor's office.

Read alsoSeine-Saint-Denis: two municipal police officers lynched near a deal point

Quickly erased, the graffiti listed an endless series of insults and threats against the police: “

It's war

”, “

we're going to hang you!!

», «

we all know about you

» (sic), «

we are going to rape you slut

»... alongside other more political messages, notably demanding the release of the terrorist Salah Abdeslam, or of Palestine.

A call to burn down the town hall was also inscribed on the wall of the building.

But above all, the anonymous authors of these graffiti have listed on the wall a dozen names of police officers from the territorial security or from the Aulnay-sous-Bois police station.

The name of the director of territorial security was also tagged.

Some threats are also personalized, since police officers have seen their names attached to death threats that were reserved for them.

Police were investigating riots

The town hall of Aulnay-sous-Bois is waging a merciless war against criminals in its territory, by interposed video surveillance cameras: these are often the object of acts of vandalism, and their replacement by new equipment arouses the animosity of trafficking networks.

In the spring, the death of a resident of Sevran, killed by a police officer during a check, had been the pretext for a series of urban violence, during which rioters notably set fire to a bus.

It is precisely the territorial security of 93 which is in charge of the investigation, and which has arrested around forty suspects since then,

details Le Parisien


Three defendants were sentenced in April, and four others last week.

The registrations recorded on Sunday sparked outrage in the ranks of the police unions.

The Unit-SGP-FO national delegate Linda Kebbab thus relayed the images of the inscriptions on Twitter, commenting: “

Incitements to suicide, apology for terrorism, death threats and rape… the names of the police officers lonely in the fight against crime displayed at Aulnay sous Bois.

Support for colleagues.

Shame on those who refuse patronymic anonymity on procedures accessible to suspects.


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-07-12

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