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Atrocity in a park in Kiryat Motzkin: "The animals are roasting in the sun, the situation in the place is deplorable" | Israel today


Visitors to the place claim: "The place is a furnace, a lion died from the heat and they said he was just old" • The chairman of the organization of veterinary doctors: "The wild animals in captivity have no one to take care of them" • Animal Park's response: "The elephants choose themselves where to settle"

What's going on in Hai Park in Kiryat Motzkin?

Residents in the area claim that the treatment of living on the site is unusually disgraceful.

In a testimony that reached Israel Hayom, it was said: "In the compound there are animals exposed to heat in the petting area, which has actually been turned into a furnace. There was a lion lying there in the heat, completely exhausted, and after he died they claimed it was because he was old and passed away. There are elephants that have no shade or hiding place." .

In light of this, the residents of the area decided to go on demonstrations against Hay Park, and on Thursday a large demonstration will be held there, to which he announced that the organization of veterinary doctors in Israel will also join.

Giraffes in a park are pushed and crouched in the shade, photo: from Facebook

"Their rights are violated"

Dr. Hilik Marom, chairman of the Veterinary Doctors Association: "We received testimonies from doctors who worked there and resigned, from doctors who visited there and from citizens. According to the law, captive wild animals have basic rights - and there these rights are violated.

"We approached the Ministry of Agriculture several times about the matter, which is responsible for zoos in Israel. The Minister of Agriculture and his assistants visited Hai Park with the mayor, and issued a statement that everything is fine. The wording of the statement was that it is a 'living paradise' - but this is absolutely not the case. 

"The Ministry of Agriculture is only interested in farm animals. Wild animals in the wild are the responsibility of RTG, while wild animals in captivity - they have no one to look after them, the regulator falls asleep while watching.

There will be a large demonstration this Thursday at the venue, and as a trade union we will fully support it.

We need to change what is happening there."

Are the elephants in good condition?

Elephants in the park are looking for shade, photo: the headquarters for the struggle to close the zoo

"The condition of the elephants is good"

Hai Park Kiryat Motzkin, which is aware of the claims about the elephants, among other things, published on its Facebook page a denial of the claims: "Hai Park wishes to clarify regarding the living conditions of the elephants: the elephants at Hai Park have a sufficient level of shade, thanks to the trees, the wall and the shade net. They choose themselves where settle in. The pump in the pool has been fixed, and they can go in and cool off in the water. The elephants drink freely and regularly as they please. The local problem with the pump has been taken care of, and no harm has been done to the elephants.

"The Animal Park spares no efforts and budgets in order to provide the animals with the appropriate conditions required.

"Any party that discredits the Animal Park as an unprofessional zoo sins against the main purpose of the zoo - an educational entertainment site, the purpose of which is to participate in programs to prevent the extinction of animal species, under strict adherence to the conditions of keeping the animals."

The post published by Hay Park,

"defects were found"

The Ministry of Agriculture's response: "The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development works at all times for the well-being of animals, and takes very seriously any suspected violation of the Animal Cruelty Law.

"The Nature and Parks Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture's inspectors conducted inspections at the Park animal facility in Kiryat Motzkin, in order to verify the condition of the animals there. In this framework, several enforcement procedures were conducted, and several deficiencies were found. Some of the deficiencies have been corrected, and some require further correction.

"The inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture carry out dozens of proactive audits in farms and livestock corners throughout the country, and will continue to act as much as necessary to ensure the welfare of the animals there."

Another post published by Hai Park, photo: from Facebook

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-07-25

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