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Returning to Congress: simply Jews, without looking for camouflage colors Israel today


125 years have passed since the Congress in Basel, the Jewish state became a reality, but the debate about the path of Zionism has not ended • An anti-Zionist ideology has developed out of the Jewish people • The Jews, especially in Israel, tend to forget Zionism, and even if they remember, they don't always understand

The idea expressed by Abu Mazen in his statement, according to which Israel committed 50 holocausts against the Palestinians, is not new, although the statistics change from time to time.

Historian Arnold Toynbee saw the defeat of the Israeli Arabs as a holocaust, exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews.

The moral difference is only statistical, he argued in the great debate between him and the Israeli ambassador Yaakov Herzog, the president's uncle, in 1961. What is hidden behind the arguments of everyone who comes near - but always against the Jews - is a simple matter.

Anti-Zionism since the end of the 19th century, in the perspective of 125 years since the first Zionist Congress in Basel, is much more consistent and has more staying power than Zionism itself.

"There is and is a connection between the two events you are talking about (the War of Independence and the Holocaust)," Jacob Herzog slammed Prof. Toynbee.

"In both events, the Jewish people were attacked: in one event, a third of our people perished; in the second event, we stood on our own - and by the mercy of Providence, we succeeded. And another point of contact between the two is that, after what we went through in the Holocaust in Europe, our desire to do as much as we could to prevent a similar tragedy from us in the future became stronger."

Herzl, the father of political Zionism - and I'm not sure people understand what that is - predicted an event like the Holocaust somewhere in the future, a future that didn't seem so distant to him.

This was the main motive for his action.

He saw the Middle Ages returning to Europe, and before his eyes the sight of the "catastrophe" - that was the word that was common among the believers in Herzl's theory.

Even before the outbreak of World War II, the Herzliians realized that beyond the dark horizon awaited the nation of salvation.

The leader of Zionism, Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl, photo: Pikiwiki

There is a debate as to what was the correct path of Zionism.

Is this the path of dunam after dunam and goat and goat, or the quick ambition for political sovereignty, as Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl saw it.

It was a strange phenomenon that the more Herzl became a legendary figure revered by all currents of the Jewish people and society, the greater was the distancing from his teachings in significant parts.

In fact, if the historical Zionist ambition was a territorial concentration of the Jews in the Land of Israel, then Herzl, who of course promoted the idea, was no different from his Zionist predecessors - Pinsker, Moshe Hess, and also the Messianists of various kinds who preceded Zionism by hundreds of years.

This is one of those cases where the how is more important than the what.

This is Herzl's uniqueness - he pointed out the way to realize Zionism, since it is not enough to know where Zion is located.

You cannot fly to Zion by air.

You need to know the theory of political navigation, so he opposed the slow, gradual penetration of Jews and the creation of settlements until we become a majority.

What is important for him is the "right to settle", which is achieved by the rights of an autonomous national sovereignty, or a Jewish state, in simple language, and this is the uniqueness of Basel.

A state and a settlement can only exist by an army, a Jewish military force that will preserve and protect the rights.

Today this is life itself.

A demonstration by BDS supporters,

The political Zionist idea was connected to the ideas and traditions that existed in countries like France, Great Britain and the USA. But from the very beginning the anti-Zionist doctrines began to develop. In Great Britain you can see the turning of the wheel towards the anti-Zionist and perhaps anti-Semitic in Toynbee's theses, published in a book from 1954. During the debate Historically with Herzog, 13 years after the establishment of the state, he still spoke as someone who sees the immigration of Jews to the Land of Israel as a matter taken from the Balfour Declaration. He still did not really understand then that there was a sovereign Jewish state.

He mentions there a bloody episode from 1956, Operation Suez (Kadesh).

The British bombarded Port Said and there were more than a thousand dead Egyptians.

While the world has been busy ever since to this day with every Palestinian who was killed during the War of Independence in '48, either in Kibiya or in Kfar Qasim, a massacre on such a scale as the British did in Egypt has sunk into the abyss of historical femininity and is probably unknown even to most Egyptians.

Every crime committed by a Jew or Jews is eternal, there is no statute of limitations on it, while for other nations history flows and massacres are forgotten.

Here, even the Holocaust itself in relation to the Germans.

Soviet Union leader Stalin,

Out of the Jewish people an anti-Zionist ideology was developed by ultra-Orthodox currents and progressive Jews in Germany and the USA. The national feeling and inner desire of the Jews that Herzl sought to arouse ("if you wish..."), greatly hindered the assimilators who wanted to fight for Germany or France. In 1913, before the First World War and before the Bolshevik Revolution, Yosif Djogushvili, aka Stalin, wrote that the Jews were not a people.

Does anyone know of entire essays and books dedicated to proving that a certain group of people is not a people?

Stalin's theory, based on Marx and Co., continues to fuel the malignant anti-Zionism of the international left.

The social democrats, who were historically pro-Zionists, also gradually became anti-Zionists and anti-Israeli.

As Prof. Robert Wistrich wrote in one of his books: they went "from ambivalence to betrayal".

While the Jews, especially in Israel, tend to forget Zionism, and even if they remember - they don't always understand, all around us there are political forces that do not forget the anti-Zionist Torah.

Out of the secular Zionist currents in Israel, native Canaanism grew, but the great vitality that the new Israelis, most of them Mizrahi, discover, crumbles the artificial teachings.

The reason is that they are simply Jews and not looking for camouflage colors.

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Source: israelhayom

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